title: High Level Sequence Diagram 1.0.0
actor Client
participant frontend
participant backend
participant datastore
participant database
participant AzureStorageAPI
Client->>+frontend: Start Application
frontend->>+backend: HTTP POST : /get-user-id
backend->>+datastore: get_user_id()
datastore->>+database: get_user_id()
database-->>-datastore: user_uuid
datastore-->>-backend: user_uuid
backend-->>-frontend: user_uuid
frontend-->>Client: user is logged in
frontend->>+backend: HTTP POST : /get-directories
backend->>+datastore: get_picture_sets_info()
datastore->>+database: get_picture_sets()
database-->>-datastore: picture_sets
datastore-->>-backend: picture_sets and pictures names
backend-->>-frontend: directories list with pictures names
frontend-->>-Client: display directories
Client->>frontend: Capture seeds
Client->>+frontend: Classify capture
frontend->>backend: HTTP POST /inf
backend->>+datastore: upload_picture(image)
datastore->>database: new_picture()
datastore->>AzureStorageAPI: upload_image(image)
datastore-->>-backend: picture_id
backend->>backend: process inf. result
backend->>+datastore: save_inference_result(inf)
datastore->>database: new_inference()
datastore-->>-backend: inference res.
backend-->>frontend: inference res.
frontend-->>-Client: display inference res.
- The backend was built with the Quart framework
- Quart is an asyncio reimplementation of Flask
- All HTTP requests are handled in
in the root folder - Calls to Azure Blob Storage and the database are handled in the
file that call the datastore repo that handles the data - Inference results from model endpoint are directly handled in
When developping you first need to install the packages required.
This command must be run the first time you want to run the backend on your computer, but also every time you update the requirements.txt file and every time the datastore repo is updated
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then, you can run the backend while in the devcontainer by using this command:
hypercorn -b :8080 app:app
If you want to run the program as a Docker container (e.g., for production), use:
docker build -t nachet-backend .
docker run -p 8080:8080 -e PORT=8080 -v $(pwd):/app nachet-backend
If you want to run the frontend and backend together in Docker, use:
docker-compose up --build
You can then visit the web client at http://localhost:80
. The backend will be
build from the Dockerfile enabling preview of local changes and the frontend
will be pulled from our Github registry.
To test the program, use this command:
python -m unittest discover -s tests
Start by making a copy of .env.template
and renaming it .env
. For the
backend to function, you will need to add the missing values:
- NACHET_AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING: Connection string to access external storage (Azure Blob Storage).
- NACHET_DATA: Url to access nachet-data repository
- NACHET_BLOB_PIPELINE_NAME: The name of the blob containing the pipeline.
- NACHET_BLOB_PIPELINE_VERSION: The version of the file containing the pipeline used.
- NACHET_BLOB_PIPELINE_DECRYPTION_KEY: The key to decrypt sensible data from the models.
- NACHET_VALID_EXTENSION: Contains the valid image extensions that are accepted by the backend
- NACHET_VALID_DIMENSION: Contains the valid dimensions for an image to be accepted in the backend.
- NACHET_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH: Set the maximum size of the file that can be
uploaded to the backend. Needs to be the same size as the
value set from the deployment in Howard.
- NACHET_MODEL_ENDPOINT_REST_URL: Endpoint to communicate with deployed model for inferencing.
- NACHET_MODEL_ENDPOINT_ACCESS_KEY: Key used when consuming online endpoint.
- NACHET_SUBSCRIPTION_ID: Was used to retrieve models metadata
- NACHET_WORKSPACE: Was used to retrieve models metadata
- NACHET_RESOURCE_GROUP: Was used to retrieve models metadata
- NACHET_MODEL: Was used to retrieve models metadata
If you need help deploying Nachet for your own needs, please contact us at