Gridded Severe Hail Nowcasting Using 3D U-Nets, Lightning Observations, and the Warn-on-Forecast System
This is one of two repositories for the code and U-Nets associated with this study. The other repository is located at The U-Net is only located in the hail repository.
All primary code is located in each “src” directory. The code for the U-Net training is located in in the hail repository.
The trained U-Net is located in the “model_data” directory in the hail repository. It has two copies, one is a TensorfFlow checkpoint, and the other is a h5 file.
Configs and OU supercomputing scheduling scripts are located in the “configs” and “slurm” directories respectively.
“REU_CONTENT” contains content from the undergrad project that proceeded this one and was created by a different author. It has been kept for legacy reasons but it does not contain much overlap with the work done for this study at this stage.