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    Function: AddStudent()
    Parameters: FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Email, ContactNumber, 
                UserName, Address, SchoolID, YearLevel, StudentUnitIDPointer, 
                StudentDegreeIDPointer, StudentCoursesIDPointer
    Purpose: Save the student object into the database

    Function: afterSave(Student)
    Parameters: XP, AscensionPoints, 
                BadgesIDEarned(Check RewardBadge() function: Array of RewardIDs where Reward consists of BadgeID, RewardType:Badge, DateRewarded), 
                TrophiesIDUnlocked(Check RewardTrophy() function: Array of RewardIDs where Reward consists of TrophyID, RewardType:Trophy, DateRewarded), 
                ChosenTrophies, AvatarsIDUnlocked, FrameIDUnlocked, 
                BannerID, CoverPhotoIDUnlocked, AscensionTitle,
                StudentHouseIDPointer, EquippedCosmetics, , StatusTitleID, StudentDailyQuestsID, StudentWeeklyQuestsID, StudentLastLogin ={"Daily" : "", "Weekly" : ""}
    Purpose: Add the other attributes only 'after' the student object is saved

    Function: EditStudent()
    Parameters: StudentID, Name of the attribute/s to be edited, 
                New value/s of the attribute/s
    Purpose: Edit the attribute/s of the student

    Function: DeleteStudent()
    Parameters: StudentID
    Purpose: Delete the student from the database

    Function: GetStudentData()
    Parameters: StudentID, Type
    Purpose: Retrieve the data stored in student object, or returns query's result if Type is equal to 1

    Function: AssignHouse()
    Parameters: StudentID, HouseID
    Purpose: Set the student as a member of a house (random)

    Function: ChangeStudentHouse()
    Parameters: StudentID
    Purpose: Delete the student as a member of the previous house. Set the student as a member of another house 

    Function: ChangeTopTrophies()
    Parameters: StudentID, TrophyID_1, TrophyID_2, TrophyID_3 (ID must be a RewardID based on the container of TrophiesIDUnlocked)
    Purpose: Set which trophies will be shown in the student profile

    Function: AddStudentCosmetic()
    Parameters: StudentID, CosmeticID, CosmeticType
    Purpose: Add cosmetic (avatar, frame, background) to the student object

    Function: DeleteStudentCosmetic()
    Parameters: StudentID, CosmeticID, CosmeticType
    Purpose: Delete cosmetic (avatar, frame, background) from the student object

    Function: ChangeEquippedStudentCosmetic()
    Parameters: StudentID, CosmeticType, CosmeticID
    Purpose: Change the equipped cosmetic of the student object

    Function: DisplayStudentXPTitle()
    Parameters: StudentID, DisplayTitle: boolean
    Purpose: Allows the student to show/hide his xp title

    Function: GetStudents()
    Purpose: Get all the students saved in the database. Useful when in need of removing non-existing objects the students have relationship with, editing the attributes of students, or just checking the list of students

    Function: GetStudentsLeaderboard()
    Parameters: LeaderboardLimit
    Purpose: Gets the Overall student leaderboard list which can be limited by LeaderboardLimit

    Function: GetStudentLeaderboardRanking()
    Parameters: StudentID
    Purpose: Gets the ranking of the student

    Function: ModifyStudentXP()
    Parameters: StudentID, XP
    Purpose: Modifies the XP of the student and Automatically sets the AscensionTitle of the student

    Function: GetStudentQuests()
    Parameters: StudentID
    Purpose: Gets Random Quests from student, this already checks if the day or week already resets and refreshes quests from student.

    Function: CompleteStudentQuest()
    Parameters: StudentID, QuestID, QuestType(Daily, Weekly)
    Purpose: Removes the Completed Quest from the Student and Adds Ascension points according to the quest completed.

TEACHER ENTITY  (Almost same with NT_DISTRIBUTOR entity)
    Function: AddTeacher()
    Parameters: FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Email, ContactNumber, 
                RegisterDate, JobTitle, TeacherUnitIDPointer,
    Purpose: Save the teacher object into the database

    Function: afterSave(Teacher)
    Parameters: PendingApprovalRewarding: array
    Purpose: Add the remaining attribute only 'after' the teacher object is saved

    Function: EditTeacher()
    Parameters: TeacherID, Name of the attribute/s to be edited, 
                New value/s of the attribute/s
    Purpose: Edit the attribute/s of the Teacher

    Function: DeleteTeacher()
    Parameters: TeacherID
    Purpose: Delete the Teacher from the database

    Function: GetTeacherData()
    Parameters: TeacherID, Type
    Purpose: Retrieve the data stored in Teacher object, or returns query's result if Type is equal to 1

    Function: GetTeachers()
    Purpose: Get all the teachers saved in the database. Useful when in need of removing non-existing objects the teachers have relationship with, editing the attributes of teachers, or just checking the list of students

    Function: AddBadge()
    Parameters: BadgeName, BadgeDescription, BadgePoints, BadgeType : ("Student", "House"), BadgeImage : base64, BadgeImageName, BadgeDesignInspiration
    Purpose: Save the badge object into the database

    Function: EditBadge()
    Parameters: BadgeID, Name of the attribute/s to be edited, 
                New value/s of the attribute/s
    Purpose: Edit the attribute/s of the badge

    Function: DeleteBadge()
    Parameters: BadgeID
    Purpose: Delete the badge from the database

    Function: GetBadgeData()
    Parameters: BadgeID, Type
    Purpose: Retrieve the data stored in badge object, or returns query's result if Type is equal to 1

    Function: GetBadges()
    Parameters: BadgeType
    Purpose: Get all the badges saved in the database, If BadgeType is specified, select badges that equals to that BadgeType

    Function: RewardBadge()
    Parameters: BadgeID, StudentID
    Purpose: Gives student a badge. Push the RewardID(contains BadgeID, RewardType:Badge, DateRewarded:Date) into BadgesIDEarned which is a student attribute and adds the XP / Points to the student

    Function: RewardHouseBadge()
    Parameters: HouseID, StudentID
    Purpose: Gives House a badge. Push the RewardID(contains BadgeID, RewardType:Badge, DateRewarded:Date) into HouseBadgesIDEarned which is a house attribute and adds the XP / Points to the house

    Function: RemoveBadge()
    Parameters: RewardID, StudentID
    Purpose: Removes a badge from a student. Splices the RewardID from BadgesIDEarned and Destroys the Reward Object and subtracts the XP / Points from the student

    Function: RemoveHouseBadge()
    Parameters: RewardID, HouseID
    Purpose: Removes a badge from a student. Splices the RewardID from HouseBadgesIDEarned and Destroys the Reward Object and subtracts the XP / Points from the house

    Function: GetUnacquiredBadges()
    Paramaters: StudentID
    Purpose: Returns student missing badges with the BadgeType of Student

    Function: GetUnacquiredHouseBadges()
    Paramaters: HouseID
    Purpose: Returns house missing badges with the BadgeType of House

    Function: AddTrophy()
    Parameters: TrophyName, TrophyDescription, TrophyPoints, TrophyImage, TrophyType : ("Student", "House", "Ultimate"), BadgesIDNeeded : [Array of BadgesID], TrophyImageName : base64, TrophyDesignInspiration
    Purpose: Save the Trophy object into the database

    Function: afterSave(Trophy)
    Purpose: Calls VerifyTrophyEligibility or VerifyTrophyRemoval upon editing BadgesIDNeeded

    Function: EditTrophy()
    Parameters: TrophyID, Name of the attribute/s to be edited, 
                New value/s of the attribute/s
    Purpose: Edit the attribute/s of the Trophy

    Function: DeleteTrophy()
    Parameters: TrophyID
    Purpose: Delete the Trophy from the database

    Function: GetTrophyData()
    Parameters: TrophyID, Type
    Purpose: Retrieve the data stored in Trophy object, or returns query's result if Type is equal to 1

    Function: GetTrophies()
    Parameters: TrophyType
    Purpose: Get all the trophies saved in the database, If TrophyType is specified, select trophies that equals to that TrophyType 

    Function: VerifyTrophyEligibility()
    Parameters: StudentID
    Purpose: Check if the student is eligible to be awarded a trophy. Check the student array of BadgesIDEarned to know if all badges under one trophy are already earned

    Function: VerifyTrophyRemoval()
    Parameters: StudentID
    Purpose: Check if trophy should be removed upon removing badge

    Function: VerifyHouseTrophyEligibility()
    Parameters: HouseID
    Purpose: Check if the house is eligible to be awarded a trophy. Check the house array of HouseBadgesIDEarned to know if all HouseBadges under one HouseTrophy are already earned

    Function: VerifyHouseTrophyRemoval()
    Parameters: HouseID
    Purpose: Check if HouseTrophy should be removed upon removing HouseBadge

    Function: RewardTrophy()
    Paramaters: TrophyID, StudentID
    Purpose: Gives student a trophy. Push the RewardID(contains TrophyID, RewardType:Trophy, DateRewarded:Date) into TrophiesIDUnlocked which is a student attribute and adds the XP / Points to the student

    Function: RewardHouseTrophy()
    Paramaters: TrophyID, HouseID
    Purpose: Gives house a trophy. Push the RewardID(contains TrophyID, RewardType:Trophy, DateRewarded:Date) into HouseTrophiesIDUnlocked which is a house attribute and adds the XP / Points to the house

    Function: RemoveTrophy()
    Parameters: RewardID, StudentID
    Purpose: Removes a badge from a student. Splices the RewardID from BadgesIDEarned and Destroys the Reward Object and subtracts the XP / points to the student

    Function: RemoveHouseTrophy()
    Parameters: RewardID, HouseID
    Purpose: Removes a badge from a student. Splices the RewardID from BadgesIDEarned and Destroys the Reward Object and subtracts the XP / points to the student

    Function: VerifyUltimateTrophy()
    Parameters: StudentID
    Purpose: Rewards student an ultimate trophy if all trophies are earned. (If there is no ultimate trophy, it creates a new one with type of "Ultimate" and has no image and points, this is named as "Ultimate Trophy"). The admin can create an Ultimate Trophy by setting the trophies' type by "Ultimate". Or the admin can edit the automatically created Ultimate Trophy. There should be only one Trophy with type of Ultimate.

    Function: VerifyUltimateTrophyExists()
    Parameters: None
    Purpose: Checks if an ultimate trophy is already in the database. Returns true or false

    Function: GetUnacquiredTrophies()
    Parameters: StudentID
    Purpose: Gives student missing trophies

    Function: GetUnacquiredHouseTrophies()
    Parameters: HouseID
    Purpose: Gives house missing trophies with TrophyType of House

    Function: AddUnit()
    Parameters: UnitName, UnitContactNumber, UnitType (whether unit is Teaching/Nonteaching)
    Purpose: Save the unit object into the database

    Function: EditUnit()
    Parameters: UnitID, Name of the attribute/s to be edited, 
                New value/s of the attribute/s
    Purpose: Edit the attribute/s of the Unit

    Function: DeleteUnit()
    Parameters: UnitID
    Purpose: Delete the Trophy from the database. Check first if there are teachers/nt_distributors that belong to the unit object, if yes, throw an error.

    Function: GetUnitData()
    Parameters: UnitD, Type
    Purpose: Retrieve the data stored in unit object, or returns query's result if Type is equal to 1

    Function: GetUnits()
    Purpose: Get all the units saved in the database

    Function: AddDegree()
    Parameters:DegreeName, DegreeUnitIDPointer
    Purpose: Save the degree object into the database

    Function: EditDegree()
    Parameters: DegreeID, Name of the attribute/s to be edited, 
                New value/s of the attribute/s
    Purpose: Edit the attribute/s of the Degree

    Function: DeleteDegree()
    Parameters: DegreeID
    Purpose: Delete the Degree from the database. Check first if there are students  that have this degree, if yes, throw an error.

    Function: GetDegreeData()
    Parameters: DegreeID, Type
    Purpose: Retrieve the data stored in Degree object, or returns query's result if Type is equal to 1

    Function: GetDegrees()
    Purpose: Get all the degrees saved in the database

    Function: AddCourse()
    Parameters: CourseName, CourseCode, CourseDegreesIDPointers
    Purpose: Save the Course object into the database

    Function: EditCourse()
    Parameters: CourseID, Name of the attribute/s to be edited, 
                New value/s of the attribute/s
    Purpose: Edit the attribute/s of the Course

    Function: DeleteCourse()
    Parameters: CourseID
    Purpose: Delete the Course from the database. Check first if there are students  that have this course, if yes, throw an error.

    Function: GetCourseData()
    Parameters: CourseID, Type
    Purpose: Retrieve the data stored in Course object, or returns query's result if Type is equal to 1

    Function: GetCourses()
    Purpose: Get all the courses saved in the database. If CourseDegreeID is specified, then it returns all courses that needs that degree(Exception to electives)

    Function: AddCosmetic()
    Parameters:  CosmeticType, CosmeticName, CosmeticImage : base64, CosmeticImageName
    Purpose: Save the cosmetic object into the database. Specify first the type of cosmetic (avatar, frame, background).

    Function: EditCosmetic()
    Parameters: CosmeticID, Name of the attribute/s to be edited, 
                New value/s of the attribute/s
    Purpose: Edit the attribute/s of the Cosmetic

    Function: DeleteCosmetic()
    Parameters: CosmeticID
    Purpose: Delete the Cosmetic from the database. Check first if this is a default cosmetic, if yes, throw an error. 

    Function: GetCosmeticData()
    Parameters: CosmeticID, Type
    Purpose: Retrieve the data stored in cosmetic object, or returns query's result if Type is equal to 1

    Function: GetCosmetics()
    Purpose: Get all the cosmetics saved in the database if CosmeticType is not specified. Else, return cosmetics of CosmeticType.

    Function: SetDefaultCosmetic()
    Parameters: CosmeticType, CosmeticID
    Purpose: Set a cosmetic of type CosmeticType as the default cosmetic
    Function: GetUnacquiredCosmetic()
    Parameters: CosmeticType, StudentID
    Purpose: Returns cosmetics with CosmeticType that are still not unlocked by student.

    Function: AddAscensionTitle()
    Parameters:  AscensionName, AscensionXpRangeCap, AscensionXpRangeStart 
    Purpose: Save the ascension title object into the database

    Function: EditAscensionTitle()
    Parameters: AscensionId, Name of the attribute/s to be edited, 
                New value/s of the attribute/s
    Purpose: Edit the attribute/s of the AscensionTitle

    Function: UpdateAscensionTitle()
    Parameters: AscensionID, Name of the attribute/s to be edited, 
                New value/s of the attribute/s
    Purpose: Edit the attribute/s of the AscensionTitle

    Function: DeleteAscensionTitle()
    Parameters: AscensionTitleID
    Purpose: Delete the AscensionTitle from the database

    Function: GetAscensionTitleData()
    Parameters: AscensionTitleID, Type
    Purpose: Retrieve the data stored in AscensionTitle object, or returns query's result if Type is equal to 1

    Function: GetAscensionTitles()
    Purpose: Get all the Ascension Titles saved in the database.

    Function: SearchAscensionTitleFromXp()
    Parameters: XpInput
    Purpose: Get the AscensionTitle based on the input xp

    Function: AddHouse()
    Parameters:  HouseName, HouseBannerIDPointer, HouseLogo, HouseLogoName
    Purpose: Save the house object into the database

    Function: afterSave(House)
    Parameters:  HousePopulation, HouseXP, HouseTrophiesIDUnlocked, HouseBadgesIDEarned
    Purpose: Add the remaining attributes only after the house object is saved

    Function: EditHouse()
    Parameters: HouseID, Attribute/s to be edited, New value 
    Purpose: Edit the attribute/s of the house

    Function: DeleteHouse()
    Parameters: HouseID
    Purpose: Delete the House from the database if house population is zero

    Function: GetHouseData()
    Parameters: HouseID, Type
    Purpose: Retrieve the data stored in House object, or returns query's result if Type is equal to 1

    Function: GetHouses()
    Purpose: Get all the Houses saved in the database.

    Function: ChangeHouseBanner()
    Parameters: HouseID, BannerID
    Purpose: Change the banner of the house

    Function: ModifyHouseXP()
    Parameters: HouseID, XP
    Purpose: Compute the total xp of the members of the house

    Function: AddHouseMember()
    Parameters: HouseID, StudentID
    Purpose: Add the student as a member of the house. Change the banner of the student according to the house banner. Add 1 to the total population of the house

    Function: DeleteHouseMember()
    Parameters: HouseID, StudentID
    Purpose: Remove the student as a member of the house. Minus 1 to the total population of the house

    Function: GetHousesLeaderboard
    Purpose: Returns list of houses sorted by XP and HouseName

    Function: GetHouseStudentLeaderboard()
    Parameters: HouseID, Count (max number of students)
    Purpose: Returns list of students sorted by xp and firstname, with limit of "Count"

    Function: AddRequest()
    Parameters: ToRequestID, ToRequestType, Proof, StudentIDPointer 
    Purpose: Save the Request object into the database

    Function: afterSave(Request)
    Parameters:  RequestStatus = "Pending", RequestFeedback,
    Purpose: Add the remaining attributes only after the request object is saved

    Function: EditRequest()
    Parameters: RequestID, Attribute/s to be edited, New value 
    Purpose: Edit the attribute/s of the house

    Function: DeleteRequest()
    Parameters: RequestID
    Purpose: Delete the Request from the database

    Function: GetRequestData()
    Parameters: RequestID, Type, DataOfRequestor: boolean, DataOfGrantor: boolean
    Purpose: Retrieve the data stored in Request object, or returns query'sresult if Type is equal to 1. Gives DataOfRequestor/DataOfGrantor if given boolean value of True.

    Function: GetRequests()
    Purpose: Get all the Requests saved in the database.

    Function: SetRequest()
    Parameters: RequestID, BadgeID, RequestStatus(Approved, Declined) and RequestFeedback if declined.
    Purpose: Sets the request to approved/declined and rewards student a badge if approved.

    Function: GetStudentRequests()
    Parameters: StudentID
    Purpose: Get all the Requests related to the student.

    Function: AddAnnouncement()
    Parameters: AnnouncementText, UserIDPointer, HouseIDPointer
    Purpose: Saves an announcement object to the database

    Function: beforeSave(Announcement)
    Parameters:  UserIDPointer
    Purpose: Verifies if the UserID is not a student. (Only non-student users can make announcements)

    Function: EditAnnouncement()
    Parameters: AnnouncementID, AnnouncementText, UserIDPointer, HouseIDPointer
    Purpose: Edit the attribute/s of the announcement

    Function: DeleteAnnouncement()
    Parameters: AnnouncementID
    Purpose: Delete the Announcement from the database

    Function: GetAnnouncementData()
    Parameters: AnnouncementID, Type
    Purpose: Retrieve the data stored in Announcement object, or returns query's result if Type is equal to 1

    Function: GetAnnouncements()
    Purpose: Get all the Announcements saved in the database.

    Function: AddQuest()
    Parameters: QuestName, QuestType, QuestDescription, QuestPoints
    Purpose: Saves a quest object to the database

    Function: EditQuest()
    Parameters: QuestID, Attribute/s to be edited, New value/s
    Purpose: Edit the attribute/s of the quest

    Function: DeleteQuest()
    Parameters: QuestID
    Purpose: Delete the Quest from the database

    Function: GetQuestData()
    Parameters: QuestID
    Purpose: Retrieve the data stored in Quest object, or returns query's result if Type is equal to 1

    Function: GetQuests()
    Purpose: Get all the Quests saved in the database.

    Function: GetRandomQuests()
    Parameters: QuestType, NumOfQuests
    Purpose: Returns random set of quests based on Type and Number of quests

    Function: AddStatusTitle()
    Parameters: StatusTitleName, StatusTitleLevel, StatusTitleImage, StatusTitleImageName
    Purpose: Saves a status title object to the database

    Function: EditStatusTitle()
    Parameters: StatusTitleID,  StatusTitleName, StatusTitleLevel, StatusTitleImage, StatusTitleImageName
    Purpose: Edit the attribute/s of the announcement

    Function: DeleteStatusTitle()
    Parameters: StatusTitleID
    Purpose: Deletes the status title object from the database

    Function: GetStatusTitleData()
    Parameters: StatusTitleID, Type
    Purpose: Retrieve the data stored in StatusTitle object, or returns query's result if Type is equal to 1

    Function: GetStatusTitles()
    Purpose: Get all the status titles saved in the database.

    Function: AssignStatusTitle()
    Parameters: StudentID
    Purpose: Assigns a student object with a status title

    Function: AddQuestReward()
    Parameters: RewardCosmeticID, RewardCosmeticType, RequiredAscensionPoints, 
    Purpose: Saves a QuestReward object to the database

    Function: EditStatusTitle()
    Parameters: RewardCosmeticID, RewardCosmeticType, RequiredAscensionPoints,
    Purpose: Edit the attribute/s of the QuestReward

    Function: DeleteQuestReward()
    Parameters: QuestRewardID
    Purpose: Deletes the QuestReward object from the database

    Function: GetQuestRewardData()
    Parameters: QuestRewardID, Type
    Purpose: Retrieve the data stored in QuestReward object, or returns query's result if Type is equal to 1

    Function: GetQuestRewards()
    Parameters: SortType(Ascending, Descending)->If not defined, this will not be sorted 
    Purpose: Get all the status titles saved in the database.

    Function: GetRewardData()
    Parameters: RewardID
    Purpose: automatically gives details about the trophy/badge stored in "RewardData"

    Function: GetStaffEmails()
    Parameters: Directory leading to the JSON file (e.g "C:\\Dev_Projects\\teaching.json")
    Purpose: Gets the content of the JSON file and returns an object

    Function: IdentifyUserType()
    Parameters: teacherEmails, nt_DistributorEmails, email  (third parameter is the current user's email)
    Purpose: Checks if the current user is a teacher, NT_Distributor or a student. Returns "Teacher", "Student", or "NT_Distributor"

    Function: getRndInteger()
    Parameters: min, max
    Purpose: Returns a random number ranging between min and max (min is inclusive, max is exclusive)

    Function: getDateToday()
    Purpose: Returns the date to day which is a string of format (mm/dd/yyy)

    Function: addDaysOnDate()
    Parameters: date, days
    Purpose: Adds the given day with the days parameter. The month and year adjusts accordingly. Example: addDayOnDate("7/29/2022", 5) -> returns "8/3/2022"

    Function: compareDate()
    Parameters: date1, date2 (mm/dd/yyyy) format
    Purpose: Compares two dates. Example: compareDate("7/29/2022", "7/30/2022", ">") -> returns false;


Ascension Cloud Functions and Vue Testing






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