A collection of templates to discuss and showcase different architectural tools and patterns for apps in different languages.
- It is a project that develops the source code gradually through the application of coding conventions and clean architecture after writing apps in various types of languages.
React Native Mobile App
Project (Javascript): https://github.com/aidenkoog/epic-projects/tree/master/react_native/ble_comm_app/src
Major BLE module
- Project (Javascript): https://github.com/aidenkoog/epic-projects/tree/master/react_native/ble_comm_app/src/data
- Project (Typescript): https://github.com/aidenkoog/beautiful-ble-manager-module
React Web Front-end
- Project (Javascript): https://github.com/aidenkoog/epic-projects/tree/master/react_js/admin_web/src
- Project (Typescript): https://github.com/aidenkoog/epic-projects/tree/master/react_js/shopping_mall/src
- Project (Typescript): https://github.com/aidenkoog/epic-projects/tree/master/react_js/webrtc-server-client
- Project (Javascript): https://github.com/aidenkoog/epic-projects/tree/master/react_js/dating-app-ui
- Websocket module
- Project (Javascript): https://github.com/aidenkoog/websocket-module/tree/master
- Project (Vanila JS): https://github.com/aidenkoog/epic-projects/tree/master/vanila_js/my_portfolio
- Project (React + Javascript): https://github.com/aidenkoog/epic-projects/tree/master/react_js/my_portfolio
- Project (Web, Dart): https://github.com/aidenkoog/epic-projects/tree/master/flutter/admin_web
- Project (Web, Dart): https://github.com/aidenkoog/epic-projects/tree/master/flutter/admin_web_desktop
- Project (App, Dart): https://github.com/aidenkoog/epic-projects/tree/master/flutter/userlist
To explain this project in more detail, it is a project that creates a simple app from HTTP, database, and login to the main screen, then considers the reusability of each module, creates a structure, and continuously develops the source code structure. . The ultimate goal of this project is to continuously study various design patterns and create template source code that can quickly and easily create maintainable apps through separation between UI and business logic.
- 👉 feat 새로운 기능 추가
- 👉 fix 버그 수정
- 👉 docs 문서 관련 작업 (README.md 수정 등)
- 👉 style 코드 포맷팅, 세미콜론 누락 등 코드 변경 없음
- 👉 refactor 코드 리팩토링 (기능 변화 없음)
- 👉 test 테스트 코드 추가 또는 수정
- 👉 chore 빌드 과정 또는 보조 도구 수정 (패키지 설정 등)
- 👉 perf 성능 개선 관련 변경
- 👉 ci CI/CD 설정 변경
If you are interested in information about me or other activities, please access the link below.
Plugin | LINK |
Github page | [https://aidenkoog.github.io/] |