DECT - Differentiable Euler Characteristic Transform\n\n
\n\nThis is the official implementation for the Differential Euler Characteristic\nTransform. Our implementation is fully optimized for hardware acceleration,\nyielding a blazingly fast implementation for machine learning research with\npytorch.
\n\n\n\nIf you find our work useful, please use the following citation for our work:
@inproceedings{Roell24a,\n title = {Differentiable Euler Characteristic Transforms for Shape Classification},\n author = {Ernst R{\\"o}ell and Bastian Rieck},\n year = 2024,\n booktitle = {International Conference on Learning Representations},\n eprint = {2310.07630},\n archiveprefix = {arXiv},\n primaryclass = {cs.LG},\n repository = {},\n url = {},\n}\n
\n\nFor the installation we require an up to date installation of pytorch either\nwith or without CUDA support. The DECT implementation also relies on the\ntorch-scatter
package, highly optimized for grouped operations such summing \nof a vector given an index vector.
\n\nFor example usage, we provide the notebooks/example.ipynb
file and the code therein reproduces the \nECT of the gif of this readme. \nThe code is provided on an as is basis. You are cordially invited to both contribute and \nprovide feedback. Do not hesitate to contact us.
import torch\nfrom import Data, Batch\nfrom dect.ect import EctConfig, EctLayer\nfrom dect.directions import generate_uniform_2d_directions\n\n\nv = generate_uniform_2d_directions(num_thetas=64, device="cpu")\n\nlayer = EctLayer(EctConfig(), V=v)\n\npoints_coordinates = torch.tensor(\n [[0.5, 0.0], [-0.5, 0.0], [0.5, 0.5]], requires_grad=True\n)\n\ndata = Data(x=points_coordinates)\nbatch = Batch.from_data_list([data])\n\nect = layer(batch)\n
\n\nOur code is released under a BSD-3-Clause license. This license essentially\npermits you to freely use our code as desired, integrate it into your projects,\nand much more --- provided you acknowledge the original authors. Please refer to\ for more information.
\n\nWe welcome contributions and suggestions for our DECT package! Here are some\nbasic guidelines for contributing:
\n\nHow to Submit an Issue
\n\n\nCheck Existing Issues: Before submitting a new issue, please check if it\nhas already been reported.
\nOpen a New Issue: If your issue is new, open a new issue in the\nrepository. Provide a clear and detailed description of the problem,\nincluding steps to reproduce the issue if applicable.
\nInclude Relevant Information: Include any relevant information, such as\nsystem details, version numbers, and screenshots, to help us understand and\nresolve the issue more efficiently.
\n\nHow to Contribute
\n\nIf you're unfamiliar with contributing to open source repositories, here is a\nbasic roadmap:
\n\n\nFork the Repository: Start by forking the repository to your own GitHub\naccount.
\nClone the Repository: Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
git clone\n
\nCreate a Branch: Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name\n
\nMake Changes: Implement your changes in the new branch.
\nCommit Changes: Commit your changes with a descriptive commit message.
git commit -m "Description of your changes"\n
\nPush Changes: Push the changes to your forked repository.
git push origin feature/your-feature-name\n
\nSubmit a Pull Request: Open a pull request to the main repository with a\nclear description of your changes and the purpose of the contribution.
\n\nNeed Help?
\n\nIf you need any help or have questions, feel free to reach out to the authors or\nsubmit a pull request. We appreciate your contributions and are happy to assist!
\n"}, "dect.directions": {"fullname": "dect.directions", "modulename": "dect.directions", "kind": "module", "doc": "Helper function to generate a structured set of directions in 2 and 3\ndimensions.
\n"}, "dect.directions.generate_uniform_directions": {"fullname": "dect.directions.generate_uniform_directions", "modulename": "dect.directions", "qualname": "generate_uniform_directions", "kind": "function", "doc": "Generate randomly sampled directions from a sphere in d dimensions.
\n\nFirst a standard gaussian centered at 0 with standard deviation 1 is sampled\nand then projected onto the unit sphere. This yields a uniformly sampled set\nof points on the unit spere. Please note that the generated shapes with have\nshape [d, num_thetas].
\n\n\n- num_thetas (int):\nThe number of directions to generate.
\n- d (int):\nThe dimension of the unit sphere. Default is 3 (hence R^3)
\n- device (str):\nThe device to put the tensor on.
\n", "signature": "(num_thetas: int = 64, d: int = 3, device: str = 'cpu'):", "funcdef": "def"}, "dect.directions.generate_uniform_2d_directions": {"fullname": "dect.directions.generate_uniform_2d_directions", "modulename": "dect.directions", "qualname": "generate_uniform_2d_directions", "kind": "function", "doc": "Generate uniformly sampled directions on the unit circle in two dimensions.
\n\nProvides a structured set of directions in two dimensions. First the\ninterval [0,2*pi] is devided into a regular grid and the corresponding\nangles on the unit circle calculated.
\n\n\n- num_thetas (int):\nThe number of directions to generate.
\n- d (int):\nThe dimension of the unit sphere. Default is 3 (hence R^3)
\n- device (str):\nThe device to put the tensor on.
\n", "signature": "(num_thetas: int = 64, device: str = 'cpu'):", "funcdef": "def"}, "dect.directions.generate_multiview_directions": {"fullname": "dect.directions.generate_multiview_directions", "modulename": "dect.directions", "qualname": "generate_multiview_directions", "kind": "function", "doc": "Generates multiple sets of structured directions in n dimensions.
\n\nWe generate sets of directions by embedding the 2d unit circle in d\ndimensions and sample this unit circle in a structured fashion. This\ngenerates d choose 2 structured directions that are organized in channels,\ncompatible with the ECT calculations.
\n\nAfter computing the ECT, we obtain an d choose 2 channel image where each\nchannel consists of a structured ect along a hyperplane. For the 3-d case we\nwould obtain a 3 channel ect with direction sampled along the xy, xz and yz\nplanes in three dimensions.
\n", "signature": "(num_thetas: int, bump_steps: int, d: int):", "funcdef": "def"}, "dect.ect": {"fullname": "dect.ect", "modulename": "dect.ect", "kind": "module", "doc": "Implementation of the ECT.
\n"}, "dect.ect.ECTConfig": {"fullname": "dect.ect.ECTConfig", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "ECTConfig", "kind": "class", "doc": "Configuration of the ECT Layer.
\n"}, "dect.ect.ECTConfig.__init__": {"fullname": "dect.ect.ECTConfig.__init__", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "ECTConfig.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "\n", "signature": "(\tnum_thetas: int = 32,\tbump_steps: int = 32,\tradius: float = 1.1,\tect_type: str = 'points',\tdevice: str = 'cpu',\tnum_features: int = 3,\tnormalized: bool = False)"}, "dect.ect.ECTConfig.num_thetas": {"fullname": "dect.ect.ECTConfig.num_thetas", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "ECTConfig.num_thetas", "kind": "variable", "doc": "\n", "annotation": ": int", "default_value": "32"}, "dect.ect.ECTConfig.bump_steps": {"fullname": "dect.ect.ECTConfig.bump_steps", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "ECTConfig.bump_steps", "kind": "variable", "doc": "\n", "annotation": ": int", "default_value": "32"}, "dect.ect.ECTConfig.radius": {"fullname": "dect.ect.ECTConfig.radius", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "ECTConfig.radius", "kind": "variable", "doc": "\n", "annotation": ": float", "default_value": "1.1"}, "dect.ect.ECTConfig.ect_type": {"fullname": "dect.ect.ECTConfig.ect_type", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "ECTConfig.ect_type", "kind": "variable", "doc": "\n", "annotation": ": str", "default_value": "'points'"}, "dect.ect.ECTConfig.device": {"fullname": "dect.ect.ECTConfig.device", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "ECTConfig.device", "kind": "variable", "doc": "\n", "annotation": ": str", "default_value": "'cpu'"}, "dect.ect.ECTConfig.num_features": {"fullname": "dect.ect.ECTConfig.num_features", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "ECTConfig.num_features", "kind": "variable", "doc": "\n", "annotation": ": int", "default_value": "3"}, "dect.ect.ECTConfig.normalized": {"fullname": "dect.ect.ECTConfig.normalized", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "ECTConfig.normalized", "kind": "variable", "doc": "\n", "annotation": ": bool", "default_value": "False"}, "dect.ect.Batch": {"fullname": "dect.ect.Batch", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "Batch", "kind": "class", "doc": "Template of the required attributes for a data batch.
\n\n\n- x (torch.FloatTensor):\nThe coordinates of the nodes in the simplical complex provided in the\nformat [num_nodes,feature_size].
\n- batch (torch.LongTensor):\nAn index that indicates to which pointcloud a point belongs to, in\nprinciple automatically created by torch_geometric when initializing the\nbatch.
\n- edge_index (torch.LongTensor):\nThe indices of the points that span an edge in the graph. Conforms to\npytorch_geometric standards. Shape has to be of the form [2,num_edges].
\n- face:: The indices of the points that span a face in the simplicial complex.\nConforms to pytorch_geometric standards. Shape has to be of the form\n[3,num_faces].
\n"}, "dect.ect.Batch.__init__": {"fullname": "dect.ect.Batch.__init__", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "Batch.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "\n", "signature": "(\tx: torch.FloatTensor,\tbatch: torch.LongTensor,\tedge_index: torch.LongTensor | None = None,\tface: torch.LongTensor | None = None)"}, "dect.ect.Batch.x": {"fullname": "dect.ect.Batch.x", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "Batch.x", "kind": "variable", "doc": "\n", "annotation": ": torch.FloatTensor"}, "dect.ect.Batch.batch": {"fullname": "dect.ect.Batch.batch", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "Batch.batch", "kind": "variable", "doc": "\n", "annotation": ": torch.LongTensor"}, "dect.ect.Batch.edge_index": {"fullname": "dect.ect.Batch.edge_index", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "Batch.edge_index", "kind": "variable", "doc": "\n", "annotation": ": torch.LongTensor | None", "default_value": "None"}, "dect.ect.Batch.face": {"fullname": "dect.ect.Batch.face", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "Batch.face", "kind": "variable", "doc": "\n", "annotation": ": torch.LongTensor | None", "default_value": "None"}, "dect.ect.compute_ecc": {"fullname": "dect.ect.compute_ecc", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "compute_ecc", "kind": "function", "doc": "Computes the Euler Characteristic curve.
\n\n\n- nh (torch.FloatTensor):\nThe node heights, computed as the inner product of the node coordinates\nx and the direction vector v.
\n- index (torch.LongTensor):\nThe index that indicates to which pointcloud a node height belongs. For\nthe node heights it is the same as the batch index, for the higher order\nsimplices it will have to be recomputed.
\n- lin (torch.FloatTensor):\nThe discretization of the interval [-1,1] each node height falls in this\nrange due to rescaling in normalizing the data.
\n- out (torch.FloatTensor):\nThe shape of the resulting tensor after summation. It has to be of the\nshape [num_discretization_steps, batch_size, num_thetas]
\n- scale (torch.FloatTensor):\nA single number that scales the sigmoid function by multiplying the\nsigmoid with the scale. With high (100>) values, the ect will resemble a\ndiscrete ECT and with lower values it will smooth the ECT.
\n", "signature": "(\tnh: torch.FloatTensor,\tindex: torch.LongTensor,\tlin: torch.FloatTensor,\tscale: float = 100) -> torch.FloatTensor:", "funcdef": "def"}, "dect.ect.compute_ect_points": {"fullname": "dect.ect.compute_ect_points", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "compute_ect_points", "kind": "function", "doc": "Computes the Euler Characteristic Transform of a batch of point clouds.
\n\n\n- batch (Batch):\nA batch of data containing the node coordinates and batch index.
\n- v (torch.FloatTensor):\nThe direction vector that contains the directions.
\n- lin (torch.FloatTensor):\nThe discretization of the interval [-1,1] each node height falls in this\nrange due to rescaling in normalizing the data.
\n- out (torch.FloatTensor):\nThe shape of the resulting tensor after summation. It has to be of the\nshape [num_discretization_steps, batch_size, num_thetas]
\n", "signature": "(batch: dect.ect.Batch, v: torch.FloatTensor, lin: torch.FloatTensor):", "funcdef": "def"}, "dect.ect.compute_ect_edges": {"fullname": "dect.ect.compute_ect_edges", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "compute_ect_edges", "kind": "function", "doc": "Computes the Euler Characteristic Transform of a batch of graphs.
\n\n\n- batch (Batch):\nA batch of data containing the node coordinates, the edges and batch\nindex.
\n- v (torch.FloatTensor):\nThe direction vector that contains the directions.
\n- lin (torch.FloatTensor):\nThe discretization of the interval [-1,1] each node height falls in this\nrange due to rescaling in normalizing the data.
\n- out (torch.FloatTensor):\nThe shape of the resulting tensor after summation. It has to be of the\nshape [num_discretization_steps, batch_size, num_thetas]
\n", "signature": "(data: dect.ect.Batch, v: torch.FloatTensor, lin: torch.FloatTensor):", "funcdef": "def"}, "dect.ect.compute_ect_faces": {"fullname": "dect.ect.compute_ect_faces", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "compute_ect_faces", "kind": "function", "doc": "Computes the Euler Characteristic Transform of a batch of meshes.
\n\n\n- batch (Batch):\nA batch of data containing the node coordinates, edges, faces and batch\nindex.
\n- v (torch.FloatTensor):\nThe direction vector that contains the directions.
\n- lin (torch.FloatTensor):\nThe discretization of the interval [-1,1] each node height falls in this\nrange due to rescaling in normalizing the data.
\n- out (torch.FloatTensor):\nThe shape of the resulting tensor after summation. It has to be of the\nshape [num_discretization_steps, batch_size, num_thetas]
\n", "signature": "(data: dect.ect.Batch, v: torch.FloatTensor, lin: torch.FloatTensor):", "funcdef": "def"}, "dect.ect.normalize": {"fullname": "dect.ect.normalize", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "normalize", "kind": "function", "doc": "Returns the normalized ect, scaled to lie in the interval 0,1
\n", "signature": "(ect):", "funcdef": "def"}, "dect.ect.ECTLayer": {"fullname": "dect.ect.ECTLayer", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "ECTLayer", "kind": "class", "doc": "Machine learning layer for computing the ECT.
\n", "bases": "torch.nn.modules.module.Module"}, "dect.ect.ECTLayer.__init__": {"fullname": "dect.ect.ECTLayer.__init__", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "ECTLayer.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
\n", "signature": "(config: dect.ect.ECTConfig, V=None)"}, "dect.ect.ECTLayer.config": {"fullname": "dect.ect.ECTLayer.config", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "ECTLayer.config", "kind": "variable", "doc": "\n"}, "dect.ect.ECTLayer.lin": {"fullname": "dect.ect.ECTLayer.lin", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "ECTLayer.lin", "kind": "variable", "doc": "\n"}, "dect.ect.ECTLayer.v": {"fullname": "dect.ect.ECTLayer.v", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "ECTLayer.v", "kind": "variable", "doc": "\n"}, "dect.ect.ECTLayer.forward": {"fullname": "dect.ect.ECTLayer.forward", "modulename": "dect.ect", "qualname": "ECTLayer.forward", "kind": "function", "doc": "Forward method for the ECT Layer.
\n", "signature": "(self, batch: dect.ect.Batch):", "funcdef": "def"}}, "docInfo": {"dect": {"qualname": 0, "fullname": 1, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 1408}, "dect.directions": {"qualname": 0, "fullname": 2, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 17}, "dect.directions.generate_uniform_directions": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 62, "bases": 0, "doc": 116}, "dect.directions.generate_uniform_2d_directions": {"qualname": 4, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 45, "bases": 0, "doc": 102}, "dect.directions.generate_multiview_directions": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 38, "bases": 0, "doc": 106}, "dect.ect": {"qualname": 0, "fullname": 2, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 7}, "dect.ect.ECTConfig": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 3, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 8}, "dect.ect.ECTConfig.__init__": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 143, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "dect.ect.ECTConfig.num_thetas": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 2, "default_value": 1, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "dect.ect.ECTConfig.bump_steps": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 2, "default_value": 1, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "dect.ect.ECTConfig.radius": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 4, "annotation": 2, "default_value": 2, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "dect.ect.ECTConfig.ect_type": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 2, "default_value": 5, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "dect.ect.ECTConfig.device": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 4, "annotation": 2, "default_value": 5, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "dect.ect.ECTConfig.num_features": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 2, "default_value": 1, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "dect.ect.ECTConfig.normalized": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 4, "annotation": 2, "default_value": 1, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "dect.ect.Batch": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 3, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 147}, "dect.ect.Batch.__init__": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 95, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "dect.ect.Batch.x": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 4, "annotation": 3, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "dect.ect.Batch.batch": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 4, "annotation": 3, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "dect.ect.Batch.edge_index": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 5, "default_value": 1, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "dect.ect.Batch.face": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 4, "annotation": 5, "default_value": 1, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "dect.ect.compute_ecc": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 4, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 80, "bases": 0, "doc": 190}, "dect.ect.compute_ect_points": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 56, "bases": 0, "doc": 117}, "dect.ect.compute_ect_edges": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 56, "bases": 0, "doc": 118}, "dect.ect.compute_ect_faces": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 56, "bases": 0, "doc": 118}, "dect.ect.normalize": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 3, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 11, "bases": 0, "doc": 14}, "dect.ect.ECTLayer": {"qualname": 1, "fullname": 3, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 5, "doc": 10}, "dect.ect.ECTLayer.__init__": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 14}, "dect.ect.ECTLayer.config": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 4, 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- // mirrored in build-search-index.js (part 1)
- // Also split on html tags. this is a cheap heuristic, but good enough.
- elasticlunr.tokenizer.setSeperator(/[\s\-.;&_'"=,()]+|<[^>]*>/);
- let searchIndex;
- if (docs._isPrebuiltIndex) {
-"using precompiled search index");
- searchIndex = elasticlunr.Index.load(docs);
- } else {
- console.time("building search index");
- // mirrored in build-search-index.js (part 2)
- searchIndex = elasticlunr(function () {
- this.pipeline.remove(elasticlunr.stemmer);
- this.pipeline.remove(elasticlunr.stopWordFilter);
- this.addField("qualname");
- this.addField("fullname");
- this.addField("annotation");
- this.addField("default_value");
- this.addField("signature");
- this.addField("bases");
- this.addField("doc");
- this.setRef("fullname");
- });
- for (let doc of docs) {
- searchIndex.addDoc(doc);
- }
- console.timeEnd("building search index");
- }
- return (term) =>, {
- fields: {
- qualname: {boost: 4},
- fullname: {boost: 2},
- annotation: {boost: 2},
- default_value: {boost: 2},
- signature: {boost: 2},
- bases: {boost: 2},
- doc: {boost: 1},
- },
- expand: true
- });
\ No newline at end of file