This is Assegai F3600, an first-revision 29mm minimum-diameter rocket.
- Total length 901mm.
- Phenolic body, 31.8mm outer diameter.
- Haack series LV nosecone, fully replaceable.
- 29mm motor mount, capable of taking up to 6GXL length cases.
- Small avionics stack, operating off of a TINY2040, using a DPS310 based board for altimeter, and a MPU-9250 9DoF IMU for recording motion. This isn't going in the initial launches.
- 4 delta fins, plywood, laser-cut at 3mm thickness, rounded and filleted.
- Anchor points lathed from delrin and aluminium.
- Large selection of F and H motors simulated.
- Supersonic potential. (I really wouldn't recommend it).
- Too much epoxy.