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111 lines (105 loc) · 3.64 KB

File metadata and controls

111 lines (105 loc) · 3.64 KB

Step 1: Load data and model

Load data from from the environment variable $INPUT_PATH (folder) and model from $WEIGHT_PATH (file).

Step 2: Export Results

Export the validation results to {$OUTPUT_PATH}/result.json. The file must contain two items, metadata and results, where metadata is the basic information of the edge, and results shows results and how users expect to present.

  • Reminder
    • When running on the AI Labs framework, all the necessary path environment variables mentioned above will be provided, so users do not need to set them in the docker file. Moreover, it is highly recommended that users access these paths through environment variables rather than hard-coding the paths.
    • Disable all warnings. In Flavor, the environment variable PYTHONWARNINGS is already set to ignore, and LOGLEVEL (set to ERROR) is provided to the user. Or you can just add SetEvent("ProcessFinished") (refer to flavor.cook.utils) at the end of the code.


  • metadata
    • datasetSize: integer
  • results
    • tables
      • title: string
      • labels: string array
      • values: number array
    • bars
      • title: string
      • labels: string array
      • values: number array
      • y-axis: string
    • heatmaps
      • title: string
      • x-labels: string array
      • y-labels: string array
      • values: number 2d array
      • x-axis: string
      • y-axis: string
    • plots (line plot)
      • title: string
      • labels: string array
      • x-values: number 2d array
      • y-values: number 2d array
      • x-axis: string
      • y-axis: string
    • images (self-defined image file)
      • title: string
      • filename: string


              "title":"Overall Performance",
              "title":"Class 1 Bar Chart",
              "labels":["Precision", "Recall"],
              "values":[0.7619, 0.8889],
              "title":"Confusion Matrix",
              "x-labels":["Class0", "Class1"],
              "y-labels":["Class0", "Class1"],
              "y-axis":"Ground truth"
              "title":"ROC curve",
              "labels":["class 1"],
              "x-values":[[0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8]],
              "x-axis":"False Positive rate",
              "y-axis":"True Positive rate"
              "title":"Example image",

(Optional) Step 3: Check implementation

Users may run check-fv to preliminarily check whether the implementation is correct on their computer before bundling the code into the Docker.

check-fv -m MAIN_PROCESS_CMD -p PREPROCESS_CMD(optional) -y(optional; automatic Enter to prompts)

Step 4: Set Dockerfile CMD

Run federated validation through the following command:

flavor-fv -m MAIN_PROCESS_CMD -p PREPROCESS_CMD(optional)

Bundle the code into the Docker image and set flavor-fv as CMD.

ENV PROCESS="python"
CMD flavor-fv -m "${PROCESS}"


For more information about the AILabs FV Framework, including how to use the UI interface, please refer here.