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Starting the controller in a Gazebo simulation

Guillaume edited this page Jul 27, 2022 · 5 revisions

⚠️ tiago_ws must be replaced with the name of your catkin workspace ⚠️


In your catkin workspace:

catkin build 
# or "catkin build -p package_to_build" 
# if you want to build only one package


Launch the TIAGo simulation:

roslaunch tiago_gazebo tiago_gazebo.launch robot:=steel

💡 Other options of robot simulation

Robot Description
iron arm:='false'
steel arm:='true' ; end_effector:='pal-gripper'
titanium arm:='true' ; end_effector:='pal-hey5'

Stop the arm_controller since we will use our own:

rosservice call /controller_manager/switch_controller "start_controllers:
- ''
- 'arm_controller'
strictness: 0" 

Launch the tiago_arm_effort_controller:

roslaunch tiago_arm_effort_controller tiago_arm_effort_controller.launch robot:=pal end_effector:=pal-gripper simulation:=true

⚠️ The Gazebo simulation doesn't work very well with a force controller loaded. It should be used to check if your code is running well instead of realistically simulate the reality !