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Asynchronous PAM authentication for NodeJS. Implements two PAM methods pam_authenticate(3) и pam_acct_mgmt(3).


Callback example

const { pamAuthenticate, pamErrors } = require('node-linux-pam');

const options = {
  username: 'username',
  password: 'password',

pamAuthenticate(options, (err, code) => {
  if (!err) {

  if (code === pamErrors.PAM_NEW_AUTHTOK_REQD) {
    console.log('Authentication token is expired');

  console.log(err, code);

Promises example

const { pamAuthenticatePromise, pamErrors, PamError } = require('node-linux-pam');

const options = {
  username: 'username',
  password: 'password',

  .then(() => {
  .catch((err) => {
    if (err instanceof PamError) {
      const { message, code } = err;

      if (code === pamErrors.PAM_NEW_AUTHTOK_REQD) {
        console.log('Authentication token is expired');

      console.log(message, code);

CLI parameters

$ sudo nlp --username user --password pass --stderr-template "{ status: {name} }"
Error: Authentication failure
{ status: PAM_AUTH_ERR }
Option name Description Default Required
username The name of the target user Yes
password User password Yes
service-name The name of the service to apply login No
remote-host Sets the PAM_RHOST option via the pam_set_item(3) call No
stdout-template The template of the message that is printed to stdout on error. Available values to substitute: name, code, message {message} No
stderr-template The template of the message that is printed to stderr on error. Available values to substitute: name, code, message {name} [{code}] No


This module require atleast NodeJS 8

Note that you will have a warning about N-API in version < 10, you can disable it by adding the --no-warnings flag to node

First you need to install the development version of PAM libraries for your distro.

  • Centos and RHEL: yum install pam-devel
  • Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install libpam0g-dev

The user running the NodeJS process must have read permissions on the /etc/shadow file.


npm install node-linux-pam -S


Name Description Default Required
username The name of the target user '' Yes
password User password '' Yes
serviceName The name of the service to apply 'login' No
remoteHost Sets the PAM_RHOST option via the pam_set_item(3) call '' No

Responce PAM code

Code Description
PAM_SUCCESS 0 Successful function return
PAM_OPEN_ERR 1 dlopen() failure when dynamically loading a service module
PAM_SYMBOL_ERR 2 Symbol not found
PAM_SERVICE_ERR 3 Error in service module
PAM_SYSTEM_ERR 4 System error
PAM_BUF_ERR 5 Memory buffer error
PAM_PERM_DENIED 6 Permission denied
PAM_AUTH_ERR 7 Authentication failure
PAM_CRED_INSUFFICIENT 8 Can not access authentication data due to insufficient credentials
PAM_AUTHINFO_UNAVAIL 9 Underlying authentication service can not retrieve authentication information
PAM_USER_UNKNOWN 10 User not known to the underlying authenticaiton module
PAM_MAXTRIES 11 An authentication service has maintained a retry count which has been reached. No further retries should be attempted
PAM_NEW_AUTHTOK_REQD 12 New authentication token required. This is normally returned if the machine security policies require that the password should be changed beccause the password is NULL or it has aged
PAM_ACCT_EXPIRED 13 User account has expired
PAM_SESSION_ERR 14 Can not make/remove an entry for the specified session
PAM_CRED_UNAVAIL 15 Underlying authentication service can not retrieve user credentials unavailable
PAM_CRED_EXPIRED 16 User credentials expired
PAM_CRED_ERR 17 Failure setting user credentials
PAM_NO_MODULE_DATA 18 No module specific data is present
PAM_CONV_ERR 19 Conversation error
PAM_AUTHTOK_ERR 20 Authentication token manipulation error
PAM_AUTHTOK_RECOVERY_ERR 21 Authentication information cannot be recovered
PAM_AUTHTOK_LOCK_BUSY 22 Authentication token lock busy
PAM_AUTHTOK_DISABLE_AGING 23 Authentication token aging disabled
PAM_TRY_AGAIN 24 Preliminary check by password service
PAM_IGNORE 25 Ignore underlying account module regardless of whether the control flag is required, optional, or sufficient
PAM_ABORT 26 Critical error (?module fail now request)
PAM_AUTHTOK_EXPIRED 27 user's authentication token has expired
PAM_MODULE_UNKNOWN 28 module is not known
PAM_BAD_ITEM 29 Bad item passed to pam_*_item()
PAM_CONV_AGAIN 30 conversation function is event driven and data is not available yet
PAM_INCOMPLETE 31 please call this function again to complete authentication stack. Before calling again, verify that conversation is completed
