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Std constants & functions

Refers to constants and functions that are defined during initialization of the AiScript interpreter and can be used anywhere in script.



A prefix # indicates a std constant.
In this case, the name is Core:v.

@Core:type(v: value): str

A prefix @ indicates a std function.
The example shown is a function called Core:type, it takes one argument of type value (i.e., any type) named v and returns a value of type str (string type).



@print(message: str): void

Outputs a string. (In most cases the string will be displayed on screen, but behavior is up to the host implementation.)

@readline(message: str): str

Accepts input of character strings.

:: Core


Type: str.
AiScript version.

@Core:type(v: value): str

Gets the type name of the value.

@Core:to_str(v: value): str

Gets a string representation of a value.

@Core:sleep(time: value): void

Waits for the specified time (milliseconds).

:: Util

@Util:uuid(): str

Generates a new UUID.

:: Json

@Json:stringify(v: value): str

Generates JSON from a value.

@Json:parse(json: str): value

Parses JSON into value.
Returns an error type value (name='not_json') if given string is not parsable as JSON.

@Json:parsable(str: str): bool

Determines if a string can be parsed as JSON. Exists for historical reasons.

:: Date

@Date:now(): num

Gets the current time as a number for use in the functions below. Technically, the value is the same as when you use in Javascript.

@Date:year(date?: num): num

@Date:month(date?: num): num

@Date:day(date?: num): num

@Date:hour(date?: num): num

@Date:minute(date?: num): num

@Date:second(date?: num): num

Gets the current value of the corresponding unit of time.
If a value obtained with Date:now() is passed as an argument, it returns the value corresponding to that time.

@Date:parse(date: str): num

If the string can be interpreted as a time, converts into the same format as Date:now().
For conversion, it uses the JavaScript Date constructor internally.

:: Math


Type: num.
It's pi.

@Math:sin(x: num): num

Calculate the sine.

@Math:cos(x: num): num

Calculate the cosine.

@Math:abs(x: num): num

Calculate the absolute value.

@Math:sqrt(x: num): num

Calculate the square root.

@Math:round(x: num): num

@Math:ceil(x: num): num

@Math:floor(x: num): num

@Math:min(a: num, b: num): num

Get the smaller value.

@Math:max(a: num, b: num): num

Get the larger value.

@Math:rnd(min?: num, max?: num): num

Generate a random number.

@Math:gen_rng(seed: num | str): fn

:: Num

@Num:to_hex(x: num): str

Generates a hexadecimal string from a number.

@Num:from_hex(hex: str): num

Generates a numeric value from a hexadecimal string.

:: Str


Type: str.
Newline code (LF).

@Str:lt(a: str, b: str): num

Returns -1 if a < b,
0 if a == b,
or 1 if a > b.
Using this as a comparison function for arr.sort, the array is sorted in ascending lexicographic order.

@Str:gt(a: str, b: str): num

Returns -1 if a > b,
0 if a == b,
or 1 if a < b.
Using this as the comparison function for arr.sort, the array is sorted in descending lexicographic order.

@Str:from_codepoint(codepoint: num): str

Generates character from unicode code point.
codepoint must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 10FFFFFF16. Multiple arguments are not supported yet.

@Str:to_num(v: num | str): num | null

@Str:len(v: str): num

Get the length of a string.

@Str:pick(v: str, i: num): str | null

@Str:incl(v: str, keyword: str): bool

@Str:slice(v: str, begin: num, end: num): str

Get the specified portion of a string.

@Str:split(v: str, splitter?: str): arr

@Str:replace(v: str, old: str, new: str): str

@Str:index_of(v: str, search: str): num

@Str:trim(v: str): str

@Str:upper(v: str): str

@Str:lower(v: str): str

:: Arr

@Arr:len(v: arr): num

Get the number of array elements.

@Arr:push(v: arr, i: value): null

Adds an element to the end of an array.

@Arr:unshift(v: arr, i: value): null

@Arr:pop(v: arr): value

Extracts the last element of an array.

@Arr:shift(v: arr): value

@Arr:concat(a: arr, b: arr): arr

Concatenate the arrays.

@Arr:join(v: arr, joiner?: str): str

Concatenates an array of strings and returns them as a single string.

@Arr:slice(v: arr, begin: num, end: num): arr

@Arr:incl(v: arr, i: str | num | bool | null): bool

Returns whether the array contains the specified value or not.

@Arr:map(v: arr, f: fn): arr

@Arr:filter(v: arr, f: fn): arr

@Arr:reduce(v: arr, f: @(acm: value, item: value, index: num) { value }, initial: value): value

@Arr:find(v: arr, f: @(item: value, index: num) { bool }): value

Searches for an element in an array.

@Arr:reverse(v: arr): null

Invert the array.

@Arr:copy(v: arr): arr

Generate a copy of the array.

:: Obj

@Obj:keys(v: obj): arr

@Obj:vals(v: obj): arr

@Obj:kvs(v: obj): arr

Returns an array of object keys, values, and key/value pairs, respectively.

@Obj:get(v: obj, key: str): value

Gets the value corresponding to the given key of the object.
Equivalent to obj[key].

@Obj:set(v: obj, key: str, val: value): null

Sets the value corresponding to the given key of the object.
Equivalent to obj[key] = val.

@Obj:has(v: obj, key: str): bool

Checks if obj[key] exists.

@Obj:copy(v: obj): obj

Generate a copy of the object.

:: Async

@Async:interval(interval: num, callback: fn, immediate?: bool): fn

Calls the callback function at the specified period.
Returns the stop function as a return value.

@Async:timeout(delay: num, callback: fn):

Calls the callback function after the specified time has elapsed.
Returns the stop function as a return value.