Tech Stack to be used - Angular 10+. Create a responsive web app for reviewing Flickr images. The application would consist of two pages. In the first page, pull the latest 30 food images from Flickr using Flickr API and display in a grid format. By clicking on any of the images, the user should be redirected to a new page. In the new page, display the information of clicked image (like image, name, description) and provide a form to add a review. The review form will have the below fields
- Rating (1 to 10 stars, you can use radio buttons to take this input)
- Rating provided by
- Reason for the rating
Once the user provides the review, the user should be redirected to the main page and the rating should be displayed along with the image.
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. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
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- Install : using npm i angular-cli-ghpages --save-dev
- Run Build : ng build --prod --base-href "" (ng build --prod --base-href "")
- Deploy to gh-pages: npx angular-cli-ghpages --dir=dist/flickr-images