Original data, code and results of: Evaluation and validation of forest models: insight from Mediterranean and Scots pine models in Spain
That repository contains the information related with the paper titled:
Evaluation and validation of forest models: insight from Mediterranean and Scots pine models in Spain
Repository contents:
💾 data:
☀️ climate data:
- data extracted from AEMET for different meteorological stations
🌳 IFN (Spanish Forest National Inventory) data:
0_raw: just a test dataset is available in this folder, the original data can be downloaded from their original website. Consider to download a piece of the original dataset if you are interested into test the code.
1_processed: data at different levels of preparation (check R code)
🌱 SIMANFOR data:
inputs: plots and trees data from NFI2 and NFI3 to use in models IBEROPT and IBEROPS
outputs: SIMANFOR outputs for each simulation and plot. Names shortcuts:
IBEROPT/PS is referred to the IBERO model used
IFN2/3 is referred to the Spanish National Forest Inventory edition
calibrated indicates that the following variables were already modified including the improvements mentioned in the paper
ingrowth indicates that are results for ingrowth experiments
mortality indicates that are results of mortality experiments
📈 graphs:
- graphs included on the paper
💻 scripts:
code in R for:
0_procesado_datos_IFN: adapt initial IFN data
1_generador_inventarios: generate SIMANFOR inventories
2_recalcular_IFN3: recalculate IFN3 variables to 10 years gap between measurements
3_extraer_info_simulaciones: extract simulation information to develop statistics analysis
statistics (divided by models):
inputs: data used to perform analysis (SIMANFOR outputs)
outputs: outputs obtained for each analysis using SAS
scripts: code used to perform the analysis of each study case
Names shortcuts:
IBEROPT/PS is referred to the IBERO model used
IFN2/3 is referred to the Spanish National Forest Inventory edition
calibrated indicates that the following variables were already modified including the improvements mentioned in the paper
ingrowth indicates that are results for ingrowth experiments
mortality indicates that are results of mortality experiments
IBERO evaluation and validation
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