- About the project
- Installation
- Create and train models
- Test the model
- Generate new data using Image Data Augmentation
- Using web page
This project pretends to be a useful tool to create different deep learning architectures based on Image Captioning for detecting jewellery accessories. Specifically, the accessories need to be placed on the human body. The scripts has been created using libraries like Tensorflow and Keras.
There are three datasets provided to create three different models, each one with a different level of caption. These levels are:
- Simple caption. With this level the model will be able to classify between four types of accessories: rings, earrings, pendants and bracelets.
- Medium caption. This level will provide the model with six types of accessories: gold rings, silver earrings, gold earrings, gold pendants, silver pendants and gold bracelets.
- Complete caption. With this level the model will provide the complete name of the accesory. For this reason, this level will only work with the same accessories used for training.
In this repository you will find useful scripts for training models, testing them, creating new data, and using a simple web page for a more visual way to test the results.
You can download the entire repository by using this command:
$ git clone https://github.com/AlexFJ498/detection-of-jewellery-accessories-with-Image-Captioning.git
You can also download the ZIP project manually from GitHub.
It is recommended to create a Python environment for the project. You can use venv
by putting this command:
$ python3 -m env env
To activate the environment:
$ source env/bin/activate
You can install all the needed libraries by using this command:
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
You'll need to create in the main directory the following folders:
- data. In this folder the script will save the encripted images of an specific dataset using a specific CNN.
- input. In this folder the datasets will be placed.
- models. In this folder the created models will be saved. It is recomended to create inside it a folder for each dataset with their same names.
You can download the three datasets with the following command:
$ python3 src/download.py
You'll obtain three zip files, which you can unzip inside the input folder. The Accesorios_Genericos_bd dataset will be used for the simple captions. The Doñasol_bd dataset will be used for the medium captions. The Baquerizo_Joyeros_bd dataset will be used for the complete captions.
You should also download the pre-trained spanish word vectors to be able to use them during experiments using this link.
You can train a model using train.py. For example, for training a model using Baquerizo Joyeros dataset:
$ python3 src/train.py --train_path input/Baquerizo_Joyeros_bd --model_path models/Baquerizo_Joyeros_bd --cnn inception --rnn gru --neurons 256 --epochs 50 --batch_size 8 --use_embedding True
You can read the full description of every parameter inside the script.
Once the script is finished, you'll be able to see some graphics about the accuracy and loss values obtained during the training process.
For testing the models with the test set you can use test.py. Following the previous example:
$ python3 src/test.py test_path input/Baquerizo_Joyeros_bd --model models/Baquerizo_Joyeros_bd/model_inception_gru_True_50_256_8.hdf5
The script will print the obtained results for each sample, and will end showing a confusion matrix if it's possible (only with the first two levels).
Keras provides useful tools to create new images using Image Data Augmentation. You can execute dataAugmentation.py for create a specific number of images for each sample:
$ python3 src/dataAugmentation.py --images_path input/Baquerizo_Joyeros_bd/train --save_path temp_folder --num 5
This example will generate 5 new pics for each image existing in the train folder. You can add the generated images with addAugmentation.py:
$ python3 src/addAugmentation.py --dataset input/Baquerizo_Joyeros_bd --data_path temp_folder --type train
This example will move the generated images to the train folder, and will update the captions files correctly.
The web page has been created using the framework called Flask. First of all you'll need to open app.py script and change the NAME_1, NAME_2 and NAME_3 variables, You'll provide the best models obtained during experiments. The first name refers to the simple caption. The second one refers to the medium caption. The last one is the complete caption. You need to provide the name without the "model_" part and the final extension (For example: NAME_1 = 'inception_gru_True_50_256_8'
Now you can activate the web page using app.py script:
$ python3 src/app.py
Now enter to localhost:5000 using any web explorer and you'll be able to use the interface.
You'll be able to upload any local image and choose any caption level. Push the button and the result will appear. You can repeat the process every time you want.