To list running containers
- docker ps
To list all the containers with their history
- docker ps -a
To list only the container id of running containers
- docker ps -q
To pull an image from docker hub
- docker pull image_name
To run an image in detached mode(background)
- docker run -d image_name
To run an image with an interactive terminal and login to /bin/bash
- docker run -it image_name /bin/bash
To do port binding/mapping (base:container)
- docker run -p 80:80 nginx
Enable inbounds in security group for base port
login to docker
- docker login
To create an new image
- Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu
Run apt-get update
Run apt-get install python
Run pip install flask
Run pip install flask-mysql
COPY . /opt/source-code
ENTRYPOINT FLASK_APP=/opt/source-code/ flask run
To build the Dockerfile created
- docker build Dockerfile -t username/my-custom-app
To list out all the docker images present in host
- docker images
To stop a running containers
- docker stop container_name
To remove a container(can use -f for force remove)
- docker rm container_name
To remove an image from the host
- docker rmi image_name
To push our own docker image to dockerhub repository
- docker push image_name
To check history of a docker image
- docker history image_name
To show details of an image in json format
- docker inspect image_name
To take a backup of container data
- docker run -v /usr/local/tomcat -d -p 8080:8080 --name process_1 tomcat
To list all attached volumes
- docker volume ls
To run a command on the container without using run command
- docker exec -ti container_id pwd
To sync the volume(volume mapping)
- docker run -d -v /root/tomcat/_data:/usr/local/tomcat -p 9090:8080 --name process_2 tomcat
To create own bridge network for DNS service
- docker network create -d bridge --subnet ajay-bridge
To run a new container on the newly created bridge network
- docker run -d --name c3 --network ajay-bridge tomcat