Its a Controller like others ReplicationController or ReplicaSet but also helps to update and rollback with zero down time
- Multiple Replicas(default=1)
- Upgrade
- Rollback
- Scale up and down
- Pause and Resume
here the manifest file will be same as ReplicaSet, only difference will be: kind: Deployment
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx-deploy
app: nginx-app
replicas: 3
app: nginx-app
name: nginx-pod
app: nginx-app
- name: nginx
image: nginx
imagePullPolicy: ifNotPresent
- kubectl create -f nginx-deploy.yml
To display the deployments
- kubectl get deploy
To filter the deployments using lables
- kubectl get deploy -l app=nginx-app
NOTE: when we create a deployment it will automatically create ReplicaSet
To print complete details of the Deployment
- kubectl describe deploy nginx-deploy
To update the deployment from nginx 1.7.9 to 1.9.1
two possible ways using kubectl set or kubectl edit
- kubectl set image deploy nginx-deploy ngnix=nginx:1.9.1 or
- kubectl edit deploy nginx-deploy
here the deployment file will open in vi editor so we can change the version and replica count
To check the status of deployment
- kubectl rollout status deployment/nginx-deployment
Suppose we have made some error while deploying instead of 1.9.1 we gave it as 1.91 in such case we have to rollback to previous stable deployment Version
- kubectl set image deploy ngix-deploy ngix-container=nginx:1.91 --record To show the history related to this deployment
- kubectl rollout history deployment/nginx-deploy Now we have to undo this rollout
- kubectl rollout undo deployment/nginx-deploy now check the rollout status -kubectl rollout status deployment/nginx-deploy
To scale up the replica count
- kubectl scale deployment nginx-deploy --replicas=5
To scale down the replica count
- kubectl scale deployment nginx-deploy --replicas=1
to delete the deployment -kubectl delete -f nginx-deploy.yml
this will delete all the deployment,ReplicaSet, pods created as part of the manifest file.