Python module for interfacing Texas Instruments SPI bus based analog- to-digital converters with the Raspberry Pi.
Currently only implemented class in this module is ADS1256 for the ADS1255 and ADS1256 chips which are register- and command compatible. The version implemented uses software/GPIO setting of the chip select signal instead of using the SPI hardware. This accounts for the hardware specifics of the "Waveshare High-Precision-AD-DA-Board".
The ADS1255 and ADS1256 library is an implementation based purely on Python and the WiringPi API. On a Raspberry Pi 3, multi-channel ADC reads require a time overhead of aprox. 300...500 µs which makes the library suitable for low-speed, high resolution data acquisition.
Depends on WiringPi library, see:
Uses code from:
License: GNU LGPLv2.1, see:
Ulrich Lukas, 2019-02-02
sudo apt install python-pip
sudo pip install wiringpi
sudo sed -E -i s/"(#)(dtparam=spi).*"/"\2=on"/ /boot/config.txt
sudo reboot
sudo python
- Importing configuration files for configuration of more than one ADC
- Register access via instance properties
- Reading ADC samples directly into a NumPy Array.
class ADS1256(__builtin__.object)
| Python class for interfacing the ADS1256 and ADS1255 analog to
| digital converters with the Raspberry Pi.
| This is part of module PiPyADC
| Download:
| Default pin and settings configuration is for the Open Hardware
| "Waveshare High-Precision AD/DA Board"
| See file for
| configuration settings and description.
| Register read/write access is implemented via Python class/instance
| properties. Commands are implemented as functions.
| See help(ADS1256) for usage of the properties and functions herein.
| See for chip registers, flags and commands.
| Documentation source: Texas Instruments ADS1255/ADS1256
| datasheet SBAS288:
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, conf=<module 'PiPyADC.ADS1256_default_config' from 'PiPyADC/ADS1256_default_config.pyc'>)
| # Constructor for the ADC object: Hardware pin configuration must be
| # set up at initialization phase and can not be changed later.
| # Register/Configuration Flag settings are initialized, but these
| # can be changed during runtime via class properties.
| # Default config is read from external file (module) import
| cal_self(self)
| Perform an input zero and full-scale two-point-calibration
| using chip-internal circuitry connected to VREFP and VREFN.
| Sets the ADS1255/ADS1256 OFC and FSC registers.
| cal_self_gain(self)
| Perform an input full-scale calibration
| using chip-internal circuitry connected to VREFP and VREFN.
| Sets the ADS1255/ADS1256 FSC register.
| cal_self_offset(self)
| Perform an input zero calibration using chip-internal
| reference switches.
| Sets the ADS1255/ADS1256 OFC register.
| cal_system_gain(self)
| Set the ADS1255/ADS1256 FSC register such that the current
| input voltage corresponds to a full-scale output value.
| The input multiplexer must be set to the appropriate pins first.
| cal_system_offset(self)
| Set the ADS1255/ADS1256 OFC register such that the
| current input voltage corresponds to a zero output value.
| The input multiplexer must be set to the appropriate pins first.
| read_and_next_is(self, diff_channel)
| Reads ADC data of presently running or already finished
| conversion, sets and synchronises new input channel config
| for next sequential read.
| Arguments: 8-bit code value for differential input channel
| (See definitions for the REG_MUX register)
| Returns: Signed integer conversion result for present read
| This enables rapid dycling through different channels and
| implements the timing sequence outlined in the ADS1256
| datasheet (Sept.2013) on page 21, figure 19: "Cycling the
| ADS1256 Input Multiplexer".
| Note: In most cases, a fixed sequence of input channels is known
| beforehand. For that case, this module implements the function:
| read_sequence(ch_sequence)
| which automates the process for cyclic data acquisition.
| read_async(self)
| Read ADC result as soon as possible
| Arguments: None
| Returns: Signed integer ADC conversion result
| Issue this command to read a single conversion result for a
| previously set /and stable/ input channel configuration.
| For the default, free-running mode of the ADC, this means
| invalid data is returned when not synchronising acquisition
| and input channel configuration changes.
| To avoid this, after changing input channel configuration or
| with an external hardware multiplexer, use the hardware SYNC
| input pin or use the sync() method to restart the
| conversion cycle before calling read_async().
| Because this function does not implicitly restart a running
| acquisition, it is faster that the read_oneshot() method.
| read_oneshot(self, diff_channel)
| Restart/re-sync ADC and read the specified input pin pair.
| Arguments: 8-bit code value for differential input channel
| (See definitions for the REG_MUX register)
| Returns: Signed integer conversion result
| Use this function after waking up from STANDBY mode.
| When switching inputs during a running conversion cycle,
| invalid data is acquired.
| To prevent this, this function automatically restarts the
| conversion cycle after configuring the input channels.
| The resulting delay can be avoided. See functions:
| read_and_next_is(diff_channel)
| for cyclic single-channel reads and:
| read_sequence()
| for cyclic reads of multiple channels at once.
| read_reg(self, register)
| Returns data byte from the specified register
| Argument: register address
| read_sequence(self, ch_sequence, ch_buffer=None)
| Reads a sequence of ADC input channel pin pairs
| Argument1: Tuple (list) of 8-bit code values for differential
| input channel pins to read sequentially in a cycle.
| (See definitions for the REG_MUX register)
| This argument is optional. Defaults are read from
| configuration file and can be set via property
| "ch_sequence".
| Argument2: List (array, vector, buffer) of signed integer conversion
| results for the sequence of input channels.
| Returns: List (array, vector, buffer) of signed integer conversion
| results for the sequence of input channels.
| This implements the timing sequence outlined in the ADS1256
| datasheet (Sept.2013) on page 21, figure 19: "Cycling the
| ADS1256 Input Multiplexer" for cyclic data acquisition.
| reset(self)
| Reset all registers except CLK0 and CLK1 bits
| to reset values and Polls for DRDY change / timeout afterwards.
| standby(self)
| Put chip in low-power standby mode
| sync(self)
| Restart the ADC conversion cycle with a SYNC + WAKEUP
| command sequence as described in the ADS1256 datasheet.
| This is useful to restart the acquisition cycle after rapid
| changes of the input signals, for example when using an
| external input multiplexer or after changing ADC configuration
| flags.
| wait_DRDY(self)
| Delays until the configured DRDY input pin is pulled to
| active logic low level by the ADS1256 hardware or until the
| DRDY_TIMEOUT in seconds has passed.
| Arguments: None
| Returns: None
| The minimum necessary DRDY_TIMEOUT when not using the hardware
| pin, can be up to approx. one and a half second, see datasheet..
| Manually invoking this function is necessary when using the
| automatic calibration feature (ACAL flag). Then, use wait_DRDY()
| after every access that changes the PGA gain bits in
| ADCON register, the DRATE register or the BUFFEN flag.
| wakeup(self)
| Wake up the chip from standby mode.
| See datasheet for settling time specifications after wake-up.
| Data is ready when the DRDY pin becomes active low.
| You can then use the read_oneshot() function to read a new
| sample of input data.
| Call standby() to enter standby mode again.
| write_reg(self, register, data)
| Writes data byte to the specified register
| Arguments: register address, data byte (uint_8)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors defined here:
| __dict__
| dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)
| adcon
| Get/Set value of the ADC configuration register, REG_ADCON.
| Note: When the AUTOCAL flag is enabled, this causes a
| wait_DRDY() timeout.
| chip_ID
| Get the numeric ID from the ADS chip.
| Useful to check if hardware is connected.
| Value for the ADS1256 on the Waveshare board seems to be a 3.
| drate
| Get/Set value of the ADC output sample data rate by setting
| the DRATE register (REG_DRATE).
| This configures the hardware integrated moving average filter.
| When changing the register during a running acquisition,
| invalid data is sampled. In this case, call the sync() method
| to restart the acquisition cycle.
| The available data rates are defined in
| fsc
| Get/Set the three full-scale adjustment registers, OFC0..2.
| This property is supposed to be a positive integer value.
| Gets/sets 24-bit unsigned int value in three 8-bit-registers.
| gpio
| Get the logic level of the four GPIO pins, returned as
| a four-bit bitmask or Set the status of the GPIO register,
| REG_IO, where the most significant four bits represent the
| pin direction, and the least significant four bits determine
| the output logic level.
| A timeout/debounce for the reading is not implemented.
| mux
| Get/Set value of ADC analog input multiplexer register,
| REG_MUX, used for selecting any arbitrary pair of input pins
| as a differential input channel. For single-ended measurements,
| choose NEG_AINCOM as the second input pin.
| The most significant four bits select the positive input pin.
| The least significant four bits select the negative input pin.
| Example: ads1256.mux = POS_AIN4 | NEG_AINCOM.
| When switching inputs during a running conversion cycle,
| invalid data is acquired.
| To prevent this, you must restart the conversion using the
| sync() function or the SYNC hardware pin before doing an
| async_read().
| The resulting delay can be avoided. See functions:
| read_and_next_is(diff_channel)
| for cyclic single-channel reads and:
| read_sequence()
| for cyclic reads of multiple channels at once.
| ofc
| Get/Set the three offset compensation registers, OFC0..2.
| This property is supposed to be a signed integer value.
| Gets/sets 24-bit two's complement value in three 8-bit-registers.
| pga_gain
| Get/Set ADC programmable gain amplifier setting.
| The available options for the ADS1256 are:
| 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64.
| This function sets the ADCON register with the code values
| defined in file
| Note: When changing the gain setting at runtime, with activated
| ACAL flag (AUTOCAL_ENABLE), this causes a Wait_DRDY() timeout
| for the calibration process to finish.
| status
| Get/Set value of ADC status register, REG_STATUS (8 bit).
| For available settings flag options, see datasheet and file
| Note: When enabling the AUTOCAL
| flag, any subsequent access to the BUFEN flag, DRATE register
| (drate property) or PGA gain setting (gain property) will cause
| an additional delay for completion of hardware auto-calibration.
| v_per_digit
| Get ADC LSB weight in volts per numeric output digit.
| Readonly: This is a convenience value calculated from
| gain and v_ref setting.
| v_ref
| Get/Set ADC analog reference input voltage differential.
| This is only for calculation of output value scale factor.