Convert between common MS data formats.
is build on top of pyopenms.
Custom implementations of file I\O functions not available in pyopenms
, including
are included.
is also written to manage and process multiple files in parallel.
- mzXML
- mzML
- ms2
usage: [-h] -i {mzXML,mzML,ms2,ms1,mgf} -o {mzXML,mzML,ms2,ms1,mgf}
[--nThread NTHREAD] [--ofname OFNAME]
input_file [input_file ...]
Convert between various ms data formats.
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i {mzXML,mzML,ms2,ms1,mgf}, --inType {mzXML,mzML,ms2,ms1,mgf}
Input file type.
-o {mzXML,mzML,ms2,ms1,mgf}, --outType {mzXML,mzML,ms2,ms1,mgf}
Output file type
--nThread NTHREAD Specify number of threads to use. By default, each
file is processed in its own thread, up to the number
of supported threads on the system.
--ofname OFNAME Output file name. Default is input file base name with
outType extension.