😉 A small library that enable writing emojis with their names.
👨🔧 Installation
Place <script> in the head
<title>My page</title>
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<script src="emo.js"></script>
🧪 Example
Just call emojs object with the emoji you want
var mytext = emojs.catface;
Result : 🐱
✋ Disclaimer
All emojis names are without spaces, dash, accents, or any special characters.
- grinningface: 😀
- grinningfacewithbigeyes: 😃
- grinningfacewithsmilingeyes: 😄
- beamingfacewithsmilingeyes: 😁
- grinningsquintingface: 😆
- grinningfacewithsweat: 😅
- rollingonthefloorlaughing: 🤣
- facewithtearsofjoy: 😂
- slightlysmilingface: 🙂
- upsidedownface: 🙃
- winkingface: 😉
- smilingfacewithsmilingeyes: 😊
- smilingfacewithhalo: 😇
- smilingfacewithhearts: 🥰
- smilingfacewithhearteyes: 😍
- starstruck: 🤩
- faceblowingakiss: 😘
- kissingface: 😗
- smilingface:
☺️ - kissingfacewithclosedeyes: 😚
- kissingfacewithsmilingeyes: 😙
- smilingfacewithtear: 🥲
- facesavoringfood: 😋
- facewithtongue: 😛
- winkingfacewithtongue: 😜
- zanyface: 🤪
- squintingfacewithtongue: 😝
- moneymouthface: 🤑
- huggingface: 🤗
- facewithhandovermouth: 🤭
- shushingface: 🤫
- thinkingface: 🤔
- zippermouthface: 🤐
- facewithraisedeyebrow: 🤨
- neutralface: 😐
- expressionlessface: 😑
- facewithoutmouth: 😶
- faceinclouds: 😶🌫️
- smirkingface: 😏
- unamusedface: 😒
- facewithrollingeyes: 🙄
- grimacingface: 😬
- faceexhaling: 😮💨
- lyingface: 🤥
- relievedface: 😌
- pensiveface: 😔
- sleepyface: 😪
- droolingface: 🤤
- sleepingface: 😴
- facewithmedicalmask: 😷
- facewiththermometer: 🤒
- facewithheadbandage: 🤕
- nauseatedface: 🤢
- facevomiting: 🤮
- sneezingface: 🤧
- hotface: 🥵
- coldface: 🥶
- woozyface: 🥴
- knockedoutface: 😵
- facewithspiraleyes: 😵💫
- explodinghead: 🤯
- cowboyhatface: 🤠
- partyingface: 🥳
- disguisedface: 🥸
- smilingfacewithsunglasses: 😎
- nerdface: 🤓
- facewithmonocle: 🧐
- confusedface: 😕
- worriedface: 😟
- slightlyfrowningface: 🙁
- frowningface:
☹️ - facewithopenmouth: 😮
- hushedface: 😯
- astonishedface: 😲
- flushedface: 😳
- pleadingface: 🥺
- frowningfacewithopenmouth: 😦
- anguishedface: 😧
- fearfulface: 😨
- anxiousfacewithsweat: 😰
- sadbutrelievedface: 😥
- cryingface: 😢
- loudlycryingface: 😭
- facescreaminginfear: 😱
- confoundedface: 😖
- perseveringface: 😣
- disappointedface: 😞
- downcastfacewithsweat: 😓
- wearyface: 😩
- tiredface: 😫
- yawningface: 🥱
- facewithsteamfromnose: 😤
- poutingface: 😡
- angryface: 😠
- facewithsymbolsonmouth: 🤬
- smilingfacewithhorns: 😈
- angryfacewithhorns: 👿
- skull: 💀
- skullandcrossbones: ☠️
- pileofpoo: 💩
- clownface: 🤡
- ogre: 👹
- goblin: 👺
- ghost: 👻
- alien: 👽
- alienmonster: 👾
- robot: 🤖
- grinningcat: 😺
- grinningcatwithsmilingeyes: 😸
- catwithtearsofjoy: 😹
- smilingcatwithhearteyes: 😻
- catwithwrysmile: 😼
- kissingcat: 😽
- wearycat: 🙀
- cryingcat: 😿
- poutingcat: 😾
- seenoevilmonkey: 🙈
- hearnoevilmonkey: 🙉
- speaknoevilmonkey: 🙊
- kissmark: 💋
- loveletter: 💌
- heartwitharrow: 💘
- heartwithribbon: 💝
- sparklingheart: 💖
- growingheart: 💗
- beatingheart: 💓
- revolvinghearts: 💞
- twohearts: 💕
- heartdecoration: 💟
- heartexclamation: ❣️
- brokenheart: 💔
- heartonfire: ❤️🔥
- mendingheart: ❤️🩹
- redheart: ❤️
- orangeheart: 🧡
- yellowheart: 💛
- greenheart: 💚
- blueheart: 💙
- purpleheart: 💜
- brownheart: 🤎
- blackheart: 🖤
- whiteheart: 🤍
- hundredpoints: 💯
- angersymbol: 💢
- collision: 💥
- dizzy: 💫
- sweatdroplets: 💦
- dashingaway: 💨
- hole: 🕳️
- bomb: 💣
- speechballoon: 💬
- eyeinspeechbubble: 👁️🗨️
- leftspeechbubble: 🗨️
- rightangerbubble: 🗯️
- thoughtballoon: 💭
- zzz: 💤
- wavinghand: 👋
- raisedbackofhand: 🤚
- handwithfingerssplayed: 🖐️
- raisedhand: ✋
- vulcansalute: 🖖
- okhand: 👌
- pinchedfingers: 🤌
- pinchinghand: 🤏
- victoryhand: ✌️
- crossedfingers: 🤞
- loveyougesture: 🤟
- signofthehorns: 🤘
- callmehand: 🤙
- backhandindexpointingleft: 👈
- backhandindexpointingright: 👉
- backhandindexpointingup: 👆
- middlefinger: 🖕
- backhandindexpointingdown: 👇
- indexpointingup: ☝️
- thumbsup: 👍
- thumbsdown: 👎
- raisedfist: ✊
- oncomingfist: 👊
- leftfacingfist: 🤛
- rightfacingfist: 🤜
- clappinghands: 👏
- raisinghands: 🙌
- openhands: 👐
- palmsuptogether: 🤲
- handshake: 🤝
- foldedhands: 🙏
- writinghand: ✍️
- nailpolish: 💅
- selfie: 🤳
- flexedbiceps: 💪
- mechanicalarm: 🦾
- mechanicalleg: 🦿
- leg: 🦵
- foot: 🦶
- ear: 👂
- earwithhearingaid: 🦻
- nose: 👃
- brain: 🧠
- anatomicalheart: 🫀
- lungs: 🫁
- tooth: 🦷
- bone: 🦴
- eyes: 👀
- eye: 👁️
- tongue: 👅
- mouth: 👄
- baby: 👶
- child: 🧒
- boy: 👦
- girl: 👧
- person: 🧑
- personblondhair: 👱
- man: 👨
- personbeard: 🧔
- manbeard: 🧔♂️
- womanbeard: 🧔♀️
- manredhair: 👨🦰
- mancurlyhair: 👨🦱
- manwhitehair: 👨🦳
- manbald: 👨🦲
- woman: 👩
- womanredhair: 👩🦰
- personredhair: 🧑🦰
- womancurlyhair: 👩🦱
- personcurlyhair: 🧑🦱
- womanwhitehair: 👩🦳
- personwhitehair: 🧑🦳
- womanbald: 👩🦲
- personbald: 🧑🦲
- womanblondhair: 👱♀️
- manblondhair: 👱♂️
- olderperson: 🧓
- oldman: 👴
- oldwoman: 👵
- personfrowning: 🙍
- manfrowning: 🙍♂️
- womanfrowning: 🙍♀️
- personpouting: 🙎
- manpouting: 🙎♂️
- womanpouting: 🙎♀️
- persongesturingno: 🙅
- mangesturingno: 🙅♂️
- womangesturingno: 🙅♀️
- persongesturingok: 🙆
- mangesturingok: 🙆♂️
- womangesturingok: 🙆♀️
- persontippinghand: 💁
- mantippinghand: 💁♂️
- womantippinghand: 💁♀️
- personraisinghand: 🙋
- manraisinghand: 🙋♂️
- womanraisinghand: 🙋♀️
- deafperson: 🧏
- deafman: 🧏♂️
- deafwoman: 🧏♀️
- personbowing: 🙇
- manbowing: 🙇♂️
- womanbowing: 🙇♀️
- personfacepalming: 🤦
- manfacepalming: 🤦♂️
- womanfacepalming: 🤦♀️
- personshrugging: 🤷
- manshrugging: 🤷♂️
- womanshrugging: 🤷♀️
- healthworker: 🧑⚕️
- manhealthworker: 👨⚕️
- womanhealthworker: 👩⚕️
- student: 🧑🎓
- manstudent: 👨🎓
- womanstudent: 👩🎓
- teacher: 🧑🏫
- manteacher: 👨🏫
- womanteacher: 👩🏫
- judge: 🧑⚖️
- manjudge: 👨⚖️
- womanjudge: 👩⚖️
- farmer: 🧑🌾
- manfarmer: 👨🌾
- womanfarmer: 👩🌾
- cook: 🧑🍳
- mancook: 👨🍳
- womancook: 👩🍳
- mechanic: 🧑🔧
- manmechanic: 👨🔧
- womanmechanic: 👩🔧
- factoryworker: 🧑🏭
- manfactoryworker: 👨🏭
- womanfactoryworker: 👩🏭
- officeworker: 🧑💼
- manofficeworker: 👨💼
- womanofficeworker: 👩💼
- scientist: 🧑🔬
- manscientist: 👨🔬
- womanscientist: 👩🔬
- technologist: 🧑💻
- mantechnologist: 👨💻
- womantechnologist: 👩💻
- singer: 🧑🎤
- mansinger: 👨🎤
- womansinger: 👩🎤
- artist: 🧑🎨
- manartist: 👨🎨
- womanartist: 👩🎨
- pilot: 🧑
✈️ - manpilot: 👨
✈️ - womanpilot: 👩
✈️ - astronaut: 🧑🚀
- manastronaut: 👨🚀
- womanastronaut: 👩🚀
- firefighter: 🧑🚒
- manfirefighter: 👨🚒
- womanfirefighter: 👩🚒
- policeofficer: 👮
- manpoliceofficer: 👮♂️
- womanpoliceofficer: 👮♀️
- detective: 🕵️
- mandetective: 🕵️♂️
- womandetective: 🕵️♀️
- guard: 💂
- manguard: 💂♂️
- womanguard: 💂♀️
- ninja: 🥷
- constructionworker: 👷
- manconstructionworker: 👷♂️
- womanconstructionworker: 👷♀️
- prince: 🤴
- princess: 👸
- personwearingturban: 👳
- manwearingturban: 👳♂️
- womanwearingturban: 👳♀️
- personwithskullcap: 👲
- womanwithheadscarf: 🧕
- personintuxedo: 🤵
- manintuxedo: 🤵♂️
- womanintuxedo: 🤵♀️
- personwithveil: 👰
- manwithveil: 👰♂️
- womanwithveil: 👰♀️
- pregnantwoman: 🤰
- breastfeeding: 🤱
- womanfeedingbaby: 👩🍼
- manfeedingbaby: 👨🍼
- personfeedingbaby: 🧑🍼
- babyangel: 👼
- santaclaus: 🎅
- mrsclaus: 🤶
- mxclaus: 🧑🎄
- superhero: 🦸
- mansuperhero: 🦸♂️
- womansuperhero: 🦸♀️
- supervillain: 🦹
- mansupervillain: 🦹♂️
- womansupervillain: 🦹♀️
- mage: 🧙
- manmage: 🧙♂️
- womanmage: 🧙♀️
- fairy: 🧚
- manfairy: 🧚♂️
- womanfairy: 🧚♀️
- vampire: 🧛
- manvampire: 🧛♂️
- womanvampire: 🧛♀️
- merperson: 🧜
- merman: 🧜♂️
- mermaid: 🧜♀️
- elf: 🧝
- manelf: 🧝♂️
- womanelf: 🧝♀️
- genie: 🧞
- mangenie: 🧞♂️
- womangenie: 🧞♀️
- zombie: 🧟
- manzombie: 🧟♂️
- womanzombie: 🧟♀️
- persongettingmassage: 💆
- mangettingmassage: 💆♂️
- womangettingmassage: 💆♀️
- persongettinghaircut: 💇
- mangettinghaircut: 💇♂️
- womangettinghaircut: 💇♀️
- personwalking: 🚶
- manwalking: 🚶♂️
- womanwalking: 🚶♀️
- personstanding: 🧍
- manstanding: 🧍♂️
- womanstanding: 🧍♀️
- personkneeling: 🧎
- mankneeling: 🧎♂️
- womankneeling: 🧎♀️
- personwithwhitecane: 🧑🦯
- manwithwhitecane: 👨🦯
- womanwithwhitecane: 👩🦯
- personinmotorizedwheelchair: 🧑🦼
- maninmotorizedwheelchair: 👨🦼
- womaninmotorizedwheelchair: 👩🦼
- personinmanualwheelchair: 🧑🦽
- maninmanualwheelchair: 👨🦽
- womaninmanualwheelchair: 👩🦽
- personrunning: 🏃
- manrunning: 🏃♂️
- womanrunning: 🏃♀️
- womandancing: 💃
- mandancing: 🕺
- personinsuitlevitating: 🕴️
- peoplewithbunnyears: 👯
- menwithbunnyears: 👯♂️
- womenwithbunnyears: 👯♀️
- personinsteamyroom: 🧖
- maninsteamyroom: 🧖♂️
- womaninsteamyroom: 🧖♀️
- personclimbing: 🧗
- manclimbing: 🧗♂️
- womanclimbing: 🧗♀️
- personfencing: 🤺
- horseracing: 🏇
- skier: ⛷️
- snowboarder: 🏂
- persongolfing: 🏌️
- mangolfing: 🏌️♂️
- womangolfing: 🏌️♀️
- personsurfing: 🏄
- mansurfing: 🏄♂️
- womansurfing: 🏄♀️
- personrowingboat: 🚣
- manrowingboat: 🚣♂️
- womanrowingboat: 🚣♀️
- personswimming: 🏊
- manswimming: 🏊♂️
- womanswimming: 🏊♀️
- personbouncingball: ⛹️
- manbouncingball: ⛹️♂️
- womanbouncingball: ⛹️♀️
- personliftingweights: 🏋️
- manliftingweights: 🏋️♂️
- womanliftingweights: 🏋️♀️
- personbiking: 🚴
- manbiking: 🚴♂️
- womanbiking: 🚴♀️
- personmountainbiking: 🚵
- manmountainbiking: 🚵♂️
- womanmountainbiking: 🚵♀️
- personcartwheeling: 🤸
- mancartwheeling: 🤸♂️
- womancartwheeling: 🤸♀️
- peoplewrestling: 🤼
- menwrestling: 🤼♂️
- womenwrestling: 🤼♀️
- personplayingwaterpolo: 🤽
- manplayingwaterpolo: 🤽♂️
- womanplayingwaterpolo: 🤽♀️
- personplayinghandball: 🤾
- manplayinghandball: 🤾♂️
- womanplayinghandball: 🤾♀️
- personjuggling: 🤹
- manjuggling: 🤹♂️
- womanjuggling: 🤹♀️
- personinlotusposition: 🧘
- maninlotusposition: 🧘♂️
- womaninlotusposition: 🧘♀️
- persontakingbath: 🛀
- personinbed: 🛌
- peopleholdinghands: 🧑🤝🧑
- womenholdinghands: 👭
- womanandmanholdinghands: 👫
- menholdinghands: 👬
- kiss: 💏
- kisswomanman: 👩❤️💋👨
- kissmanman: 👨❤️💋👨
- kisswomanwoman: 👩❤️💋👩
- couplewithheart: 💑
- couplewithheartwomanman: 👩❤️👨
- couplewithheartmanman: 👨❤️👨
- couplewithheartwomanwoman: 👩❤️👩
- family: 👪
- familymanwomanboy: 👨👩👦
- familymanwomangirl: 👨👩👧
- familymanwomangirlboy: 👨👩👧👦
- familymanwomanboyboy: 👨👩👦👦
- familymanwomangirlgirl: 👨👩👧👧
- familymanmanboy: 👨👨👦
- familymanmangirl: 👨👨👧
- familymanmangirlboy: 👨👨👧👦
- familymanmanboyboy: 👨👨👦👦
- familymanmangirlgirl: 👨👨👧👧
- familywomanwomanboy: 👩👩👦
- familywomanwomangirl: 👩👩👧
- familywomanwomangirlboy: 👩👩👧👦
- familywomanwomanboyboy: 👩👩👦👦
- familywomanwomangirlgirl: 👩👩👧👧
- familymanboy: 👨👦
- familymanboyboy: 👨👦👦
- familymangirl: 👨👧
- familymangirlboy: 👨👧👦
- familymangirlgirl: 👨👧👧
- familywomanboy: 👩👦
- familywomanboyboy: 👩👦👦
- familywomangirl: 👩👧
- familywomangirlboy: 👩👧👦
- familywomangirlgirl: 👩👧👧
- speakinghead: 🗣️
- bustinsilhouette: 👤
- bustsinsilhouette: 👥
- peoplehugging: 🫂
- footprints: 👣
- monkeyface: 🐵
- monkey: 🐒
- gorilla: 🦍
- orangutan: 🦧
- dogface: 🐶
- dog: 🐕
- guidedog: 🦮
- servicedog: 🐕🦺
- poodle: 🐩
- wolf: 🐺
- fox: 🦊
- raccoon: 🦝
- catface: 🐱
- cat: 🐈
- blackcat: 🐈⬛
- lion: 🦁
- tigerface: 🐯
- tiger: 🐅
- leopard: 🐆
- horseface: 🐴
- horse: 🐎
- unicorn: 🦄
- zebra: 🦓
- deer: 🦌
- bison: 🦬
- cowface: 🐮
- ox: 🐂
- waterbuffalo: 🐃
- cow: 🐄
- pigface: 🐷
- pig: 🐖
- boar: 🐗
- pignose: 🐽
- ram: 🐏
- ewe: 🐑
- goat: 🐐
- camel: 🐪
- twohumpcamel: 🐫
- llama: 🦙
- giraffe: 🦒
- elephant: 🐘
- mammoth: 🦣
- rhinoceros: 🦏
- hippopotamus: 🦛
- mouseface: 🐭
- mouse: 🐁
- rat: 🐀
- hamster: 🐹
- rabbitface: 🐰
- rabbit: 🐇
- chipmunk: 🐿️
- beaver: 🦫
- hedgehog: 🦔
- bat: 🦇
- bear: 🐻
- polarbear: 🐻❄️
- koala: 🐨
- panda: 🐼
- sloth: 🦥
- otter: 🦦
- skunk: 🦨
- kangaroo: 🦘
- badger: 🦡
- pawprints: 🐾
- turkey: 🦃
- chicken: 🐔
- rooster: 🐓
- hatchingchick: 🐣
- babychick: 🐤
- frontfacingbabychick: 🐥
- bird: 🐦
- penguin: 🐧
- dove: 🕊️
- eagle: 🦅
- duck: 🦆
- swan: 🦢
- owl: 🦉
- dodo: 🦤
- feather: 🪶
- flamingo: 🦩
- peacock: 🦚
- parrot: 🦜
- frog: 🐸
- crocodile: 🐊
- turtle: 🐢
- lizard: 🦎
- snake: 🐍
- dragonface: 🐲
- dragon: 🐉
- sauropod: 🦕
- trex: 🦖
- spoutingwhale: 🐳
- whale: 🐋
- dolphin: 🐬
- seal: 🦭
- fish: 🐟
- tropicalfish: 🐠
- blowfish: 🐡
- shark: 🦈
- octopus: 🐙
- spiralshell: 🐚
- snail: 🐌
- butterfly: 🦋
- bug: 🐛
- ant: 🐜
- honeybee: 🐝
- beetle: 🪲
- ladybeetle: 🐞
- cricket: 🦗
- cockroach: 🪳
- spider: 🕷️
- spiderweb: 🕸️
- scorpion: 🦂
- mosquito: 🦟
- fly: 🪰
- worm: 🪱
- microbe: 🦠
- bouquet: 💐
- cherryblossom: 🌸
- whiteflower: 💮
- rosette: 🏵️
- rose: 🌹
- wiltedflower: 🥀
- hibiscus: 🌺
- sunflower: 🌻
- blossom: 🌼
- tulip: 🌷
- seedling: 🌱
- pottedplant: 🪴
- evergreentree: 🌲
- deciduoustree: 🌳
- palmtree: 🌴
- cactus: 🌵
- sheafofrice: 🌾
- herb: 🌿
- shamrock: ☘️
- fourleafclover: 🍀
- mapleleaf: 🍁
- fallenleaf: 🍂
- leafflutteringinwind: 🍃
- grapes: 🍇
- melon: 🍈
- watermelon: 🍉
- tangerine: 🍊
- lemon: 🍋
- banana: 🍌
- pineapple: 🍍
- mango: 🥭
- redapple: 🍎
- greenapple: 🍏
- pear: 🍐
- peach: 🍑
- cherries: 🍒
- strawberry: 🍓
- blueberries: 🫐
- kiwifruit: 🥝
- tomato: 🍅
- olive: 🫒
- coconut: 🥥
- avocado: 🥑
- eggplant: 🍆
- potato: 🥔
- carrot: 🥕
- earofcorn: 🌽
- hotpepper: 🌶️
- bellpepper: 🫑
- cucumber: 🥒
- leafygreen: 🥬
- broccoli: 🥦
- garlic: 🧄
- onion: 🧅
- mushroom: 🍄
- peanuts: 🥜
- chestnut: 🌰
- bread: 🍞
- croissant: 🥐
- baguettebread: 🥖
- flatbread: 🫓
- pretzel: 🥨
- bagel: 🥯
- pancakes: 🥞
- waffle: 🧇
- cheesewedge: 🧀
- meatonbone: 🍖
- poultryleg: 🍗
- cutofmeat: 🥩
- bacon: 🥓
- hamburger: 🍔
- frenchfries: 🍟
- pizza: 🍕
- hotdog: 🌭
- sandwich: 🥪
- taco: 🌮
- burrito: 🌯
- tamale: 🫔
- stuffedflatbread: 🥙
- falafel: 🧆
- egg: 🥚
- cooking: 🍳
- shallowpanoffood: 🥘
- potoffood: 🍲
- fondue: 🫕
- bowlwithspoon: 🥣
- greensalad: 🥗
- popcorn: 🍿
- butter: 🧈
- salt: 🧂
- cannedfood: 🥫
- bentobox: 🍱
- ricecracker: 🍘
- riceball: 🍙
- cookedrice: 🍚
- curryrice: 🍛
- steamingbowl: 🍜
- spaghetti: 🍝
- roastedsweetpotato: 🍠
- oden: 🍢
- sushi: 🍣
- friedshrimp: 🍤
- fishcakewithswirl: 🍥
- mooncake: 🥮
- dango: 🍡
- dumpling: 🥟
- fortunecookie: 🥠
- takeoutbox: 🥡
- crab: 🦀
- lobster: 🦞
- shrimp: 🦐
- squid: 🦑
- oyster: 🦪
- softicecream: 🍦
- shavedice: 🍧
- icecream: 🍨
- doughnut: 🍩
- cookie: 🍪
- birthdaycake: 🎂
- shortcake: 🍰
- cupcake: 🧁
- pie: 🥧
- chocolatebar: 🍫
- candy: 🍬
- lollipop: 🍭
- custard: 🍮
- honeypot: 🍯
- babybottle: 🍼
- glassofmilk: 🥛
- hotbeverage: ☕
- teapot: 🫖
- teacupwithouthandle: 🍵
- sake: 🍶
- bottlewithpoppingcork: 🍾
- wineglass: 🍷
- cocktailglass: 🍸
- tropicaldrink: 🍹
- beermug: 🍺
- clinkingbeermugs: 🍻
- clinkingglasses: 🥂
- tumblerglass: 🥃
- cupwithstraw: 🥤
- bubbletea: 🧋
- beveragebox: 🧃
- mate: 🧉
- ice: 🧊
- chopsticks: 🥢
- forkandknifewithplate: 🍽️
- forkandknife: 🍴
- spoon: 🥄
- kitchenknife: 🔪
- amphora: 🏺
- globeshowingeuropeafrica: 🌍
- globeshowingamericas: 🌎
- globeshowingasiaaustralia: 🌏
- globewithmeridians: 🌐
- worldmap: 🗺️
- mapofjapan: 🗾
- compass: 🧭
- snowcappedmountain: 🏔️
- mountain: ⛰️
- volcano: 🌋
- mountfuji: 🗻
- camping: 🏕️
- beachwithumbrella: 🏖️
- desert: 🏜️
- desertisland: 🏝️
- nationalpark: 🏞️
- stadium: 🏟️
- classicalbuilding: 🏛️
- buildingconstruction: 🏗️
- brick: 🧱
- rock: 🪨
- wood: 🪵
- hut: 🛖
- houses: 🏘️
- derelicthouse: 🏚️
- house: 🏠
- housewithgarden: 🏡
- officebuilding: 🏢
- japanesepostoffice: 🏣
- postoffice: 🏤
- hospital: 🏥
- bank: 🏦
- hotel: 🏨
- lovehotel: 🏩
- conveniencestore: 🏪
- school: 🏫
- departmentstore: 🏬
- factory: 🏭
- japanesecastle: 🏯
- castle: 🏰
- wedding: 💒
- tokyotower: 🗼
- statueofliberty: 🗽
- church: ⛪
- mosque: 🕌
- hindutemple: 🛕
- synagogue: 🕍
- shintoshrine: ⛩️
- kaaba: 🕋
- fountain: ⛲
- tent: ⛺
- foggy: 🌁
- nightwithstars: 🌃
- cityscape: 🏙️
- sunriseovermountains: 🌄
- sunrise: 🌅
- cityscapeatdusk: 🌆
- sunset: 🌇
- bridgeatnight: 🌉
- hotsprings: ♨️
- carouselhorse: 🎠
- ferriswheel: 🎡
- rollercoaster: 🎢
- barberpole: 💈
- circustent: 🎪
- locomotive: 🚂
- railwaycar: 🚃
- highspeedtrain: 🚄
- bullettrain: 🚅
- train: 🚆
- metro: 🚇
- lightrail: 🚈
- station: 🚉
- tram: 🚊
- monorail: 🚝
- mountainrailway: 🚞
- tramcar: 🚋
- bus: 🚌
- oncomingbus: 🚍
- trolleybus: 🚎
- minibus: 🚐
- ambulance: 🚑
- fireengine: 🚒
- policecar: 🚓
- oncomingpolicecar: 🚔
- taxi: 🚕
- oncomingtaxi: 🚖
- automobile: 🚗
- oncomingautomobile: 🚘
- sportutilityvehicle: 🚙
- pickuptruck: 🛻
- deliverytruck: 🚚
- articulatedlorry: 🚛
- tractor: 🚜
- racingcar: 🏎️
- motorcycle: 🏍️
- motorscooter: 🛵
- manualwheelchair: 🦽
- motorizedwheelchair: 🦼
- autorickshaw: 🛺
- bicycle: 🚲
- kickscooter: 🛴
- skateboard: 🛹
- rollerskate: 🛼
- busstop: 🚏
- motorway: 🛣️
- railwaytrack: 🛤️
- oildrum: 🛢️
- fuelpump: ⛽
- policecarlight: 🚨
- horizontaltrafficlight: 🚥
- verticaltrafficlight: 🚦
- stopsign: 🛑
- construction: 🚧
- anchor: ⚓
- sailboat: ⛵
- canoe: 🛶
- speedboat: 🚤
- passengership: 🛳️
- ferry: ⛴️
- motorboat: 🛥️
- ship: 🚢
- airplane:
✈️ - smallairplane: 🛩️
- airplanedeparture: 🛫
- airplanearrival: 🛬
- parachute: 🪂
- seat: 💺
- helicopter: 🚁
- suspensionrailway: 🚟
- mountaincableway: 🚠
- aerialtramway: 🚡
- satellite: 🛰️
- rocket: 🚀
- flyingsaucer: 🛸
- bellhopbell: 🛎️
- luggage: 🧳
- hourglassdone: ⌛
- hourglassnotdone: ⏳
- watch: ⌚
- alarmclock: ⏰
- stopwatch: ⏱️
- timerclock: ⏲️
- mantelpiececlock: 🕰️
- twelveoclock: 🕛
- twelvethirty: 🕧
- oneoclock: 🕐
- onethirty: 🕜
- twooclock: 🕑
- twothirty: 🕝
- threeoclock: 🕒
- threethirty: 🕞
- fouroclock: 🕓
- fourthirty: 🕟
- fiveoclock: 🕔
- fivethirty: 🕠
- sixoclock: 🕕
- sixthirty: 🕡
- sevenoclock: 🕖
- seventhirty: 🕢
- eightoclock: 🕗
- eightthirty: 🕣
- nineoclock: 🕘
- ninethirty: 🕤
- tenoclock: 🕙
- tenthirty: 🕥
- elevenoclock: 🕚
- eleventhirty: 🕦
- newmoon: 🌑
- waxingcrescentmoon: 🌒
- firstquartermoon: 🌓
- waxinggibbousmoon: 🌔
- fullmoon: 🌕
- waninggibbousmoon: 🌖
- lastquartermoon: 🌗
- waningcrescentmoon: 🌘
- crescentmoon: 🌙
- newmoonface: 🌚
- firstquartermoonface: 🌛
- lastquartermoonface: 🌜
- thermometer: 🌡️
- sun: ☀️
- fullmoonface: 🌝
- sunwithface: 🌞
- ringedplanet: 🪐
- star: ⭐
- glowingstar: 🌟
- shootingstar: 🌠
- milkyway: 🌌
- cloud: ☁️
- sunbehindcloud: ⛅
- cloudwithlightningandrain: ⛈️
- sunbehindsmallcloud: 🌤️
- sunbehindlargecloud: 🌥️
- sunbehindraincloud: 🌦️
- cloudwithrain: 🌧️
- cloudwithsnow: 🌨️
- cloudwithlightning: 🌩️
- tornado: 🌪️
- fog: 🌫️
- windface: 🌬️
- cyclone: 🌀
- rainbow: 🌈
- closedumbrella: 🌂
- umbrella: ☂️
- umbrellawithraindrops: ☔
- umbrellaonground: ⛱️
- highvoltage: ⚡
- snowflake: ❄️
- snowman: ☃️
- snowmanwithoutsnow: ⛄
- comet: ☄️
- fire: 🔥
- droplet: 💧
- waterwave: 🌊
- jackolantern: 🎃
- christmastree: 🎄
- fireworks: 🎆
- sparkler: 🎇
- firecracker: 🧨
- sparkles: ✨
- balloon: 🎈
- partypopper: 🎉
- confettiball: 🎊
- tanabatatree: 🎋
- pinedecoration: 🎍
- japanesedolls: 🎎
- carpstreamer: 🎏
- windchime: 🎐
- moonviewingceremony: 🎑
- redenvelope: 🧧
- ribbon: 🎀
- wrappedgift: 🎁
- reminderribbon: 🎗️
- admissiontickets: 🎟️
- ticket: 🎫
- militarymedal: 🎖️
- trophy: 🏆
- sportsmedal: 🏅
- firstplacemedal: 🥇
- secondplacemedal: 🥈
- thirdplacemedal: 🥉
- soccerball: ⚽
- baseball: ⚾
- softball: 🥎
- basketball: 🏀
- volleyball: 🏐
- americanfootball: 🏈
- rugbyfootball: 🏉
- tennis: 🎾
- flyingdisc: 🥏
- bowling: 🎳
- cricketgame: 🏏
- fieldhockey: 🏑
- icehockey: 🏒
- lacrosse: 🥍
- pingpong: 🏓
- badminton: 🏸
- boxingglove: 🥊
- martialartsuniform: 🥋
- goalnet: 🥅
- flaginhole: ⛳
- iceskate: ⛸️
- fishingpole: 🎣
- divingmask: 🤿
- runningshirt: 🎽
- skis: 🎿
- sled: 🛷
- curlingstone: 🥌
- bullseye: 🎯
- yoyo: 🪀
- kite: 🪁
- pool8ball: 🎱
- crystalball: 🔮
- magicwand: 🪄
- nazaramulet: 🧿
- videogame: 🎮
- joystick: 🕹️
- slotmachine: 🎰
- gamedie: 🎲
- puzzlepiece: 🧩
- teddybear: 🧸
- piñata: 🪅
- nestingdolls: 🪆
- spadesuit:
♠️ - heartsuit:
♥️ - diamondsuit:
♦️ - clubsuit:
♣️ - chesspawn: ♟️
- joker: 🃏
- mahjongreddragon: 🀄
- flowerplayingcards: 🎴
- performingarts: 🎭
- framedpicture: 🖼️
- artistpalette: 🎨
- thread: 🧵
- sewingneedle: 🪡
- yarn: 🧶
- knot: 🪢
- glasses: 👓
- sunglasses: 🕶️
- goggles: 🥽
- labcoat: 🥼
- safetyvest: 🦺
- necktie: 👔
- tshirt: 👕
- jeans: 👖
- scarf: 🧣
- gloves: 🧤
- coat: 🧥
- socks: 🧦
- dress: 👗
- kimono: 👘
- sari: 🥻
- onepieceswimsuit: 🩱
- briefs: 🩲
- shorts: 🩳
- bikini: 👙
- womansclothes: 👚
- purse: 👛
- handbag: 👜
- clutchbag: 👝
- shoppingbags: 🛍️
- backpack: 🎒
- thongsandal: 🩴
- mansshoe: 👞
- runningshoe: 👟
- hikingboot: 🥾
- flatshoe: 🥿
- highheeledshoe: 👠
- womanssandal: 👡
- balletshoes: 🩰
- womansboot: 👢
- crown: 👑
- womanshat: 👒
- tophat: 🎩
- graduationcap: 🎓
- billedcap: 🧢
- militaryhelmet: 🪖
- rescueworkershelmet: ⛑️
- prayerbeads: 📿
- lipstick: 💄
- ring: 💍
- gemstone: 💎
- mutedspeaker: 🔇
- speakerlowvolume: 🔈
- speakermediumvolume: 🔉
- speakerhighvolume: 🔊
- loudspeaker: 📢
- megaphone: 📣
- postalhorn: 📯
- bell: 🔔
- bellwithslash: 🔕
- musicalscore: 🎼
- musicalnote: 🎵
- musicalnotes: 🎶
- studiomicrophone: 🎙️
- levelslider: 🎚️
- controlknobs: 🎛️
- microphone: 🎤
- headphone: 🎧
- radio: 📻
- saxophone: 🎷
- accordion: 🪗
- guitar: 🎸
- musicalkeyboard: 🎹
- trumpet: 🎺
- violin: 🎻
- banjo: 🪕
- drum: 🥁
- longdrum: 🪘
- mobilephone: 📱
- mobilephonewitharrow: 📲
- telephone: ☎️
- telephonereceiver: 📞
- pager: 📟
- faxmachine: 📠
- battery: 🔋
- electricplug: 🔌
- laptop: 💻
- desktopcomputer: 🖥️
- printer: 🖨️
- keyboard: ⌨️
- computermouse: 🖱️
- trackball: 🖲️
- computerdisk: 💽
- floppydisk: 💾
- opticaldisk: 💿
- dvd: 📀
- abacus: 🧮
- moviecamera: 🎥
- filmframes: 🎞️
- filmprojector: 📽️
- clapperboard: 🎬
- television: 📺
- camera: 📷
- camerawithflash: 📸
- videocamera: 📹
- videocassette: 📼
- magnifyingglasstiltedleft: 🔍
- magnifyingglasstiltedright: 🔎
- candle: 🕯️
- lightbulb: 💡
- flashlight: 🔦
- redpaperlantern: 🏮
- diyalamp: 🪔
- notebookwithdecorativecover: 📔
- closedbook: 📕
- openbook: 📖
- greenbook: 📗
- bluebook: 📘
- orangebook: 📙
- books: 📚
- notebook: 📓
- ledger: 📒
- pagewithcurl: 📃
- scroll: 📜
- pagefacingup: 📄
- newspaper: 📰
- rolledupnewspaper: 🗞️
- bookmarktabs: 📑
- bookmark: 🔖
- label: 🏷️
- moneybag: 💰
- coin: 🪙
- yenbanknote: 💴
- dollarbanknote: 💵
- eurobanknote: 💶
- poundbanknote: 💷
- moneywithwings: 💸
- creditcard: 💳
- receipt: 🧾
- chartincreasingwithyen: 💹
- envelope: ✉️
- email: 📧
- incomingenvelope: 📨
- envelopewitharrow: 📩
- outboxtray: 📤
- inboxtray: 📥
- package: 📦
- closedmailboxwithraisedflag: 📫
- closedmailboxwithloweredflag: 📪
- openmailboxwithraisedflag: 📬
- openmailboxwithloweredflag: 📭
- postbox: 📮
- ballotboxwithballot: 🗳️
- pencil: ✏️
- blacknib: ✒️
- fountainpen: 🖋️
- pen: 🖊️
- paintbrush: 🖌️
- crayon: 🖍️
- memo: 📝
- briefcase: 💼
- filefolder: 📁
- openfilefolder: 📂
- cardindexdividers: 🗂️
- calendar: 📅
- tearoffcalendar: 📆
- spiralnotepad: 🗒️
- spiralcalendar: 🗓️
- cardindex: 📇
- chartincreasing: 📈
- chartdecreasing: 📉
- barchart: 📊
- clipboard: 📋
- pushpin: 📌
- roundpushpin: 📍
- paperclip: 📎
- linkedpaperclips: 🖇️
- straightruler: 📏
- triangularruler: 📐
- scissors: ✂️
- cardfilebox: 🗃️
- filecabinet: 🗄️
- wastebasket: 🗑️
- locked: 🔒
- unlocked: 🔓
- lockedwithpen: 🔏
- lockedwithkey: 🔐
- key: 🔑
- oldkey: 🗝️
- hammer: 🔨
- axe: 🪓
- pick: ⛏️
- hammerandpick: ⚒️
- hammerandwrench: 🛠️
- dagger: 🗡️
- crossedswords: ⚔️
- waterpistol: 🔫
- boomerang: 🪃
- bowandarrow: 🏹
- shield: 🛡️
- carpentrysaw: 🪚
- wrench: 🔧
- screwdriver: 🪛
- nutandbolt: 🔩
- gear: ⚙️
- clamp: 🗜️
- balancescale: ⚖️
- whitecane: 🦯
- link: 🔗
- chains: ⛓️
- hook: 🪝
- toolbox: 🧰
- magnet: 🧲
- ladder: 🪜
- alembic: ⚗️
- testtube: 🧪
- petridish: 🧫
- dna: 🧬
- microscope: 🔬
- telescope: 🔭
- satelliteantenna: 📡
- syringe: 💉
- dropofblood: 🩸
- pill: 💊
- adhesivebandage: 🩹
- stethoscope: 🩺
- door: 🚪
- elevator: 🛗
- mirror: 🪞
- window: 🪟
- bed: 🛏️
- couchandlamp: 🛋️
- chair: 🪑
- toilet: 🚽
- plunger: 🪠
- shower: 🚿
- bathtub: 🛁
- mousetrap: 🪤
- razor: 🪒
- lotionbottle: 🧴
- safetypin: 🧷
- broom: 🧹
- basket: 🧺
- rollofpaper: 🧻
- bucket: 🪣
- soap: 🧼
- toothbrush: 🪥
- sponge: 🧽
- fireextinguisher: 🧯
- shoppingcart: 🛒
- cigarette: 🚬
- coffin: ⚰️
- headstone: 🪦
- funeralurn: ⚱️
- moai: 🗿
- placard: 🪧
- atmsign: 🏧
- litterinbinsign: 🚮
- potablewater: 🚰
- wheelchairsymbol: ♿
- mensroom: 🚹
- womensroom: 🚺
- restroom: 🚻
- babysymbol: 🚼
- watercloset: 🚾
- passportcontrol: 🛂
- customs: 🛃
- baggageclaim: 🛄
- leftluggage: 🛅
- warning:
⚠️ - childrencrossing: 🚸
- noentry: ⛔
- prohibited: 🚫
- nobicycles: 🚳
- nosmoking: 🚭
- nolittering: 🚯
- nonpotablewater: 🚱
- nopedestrians: 🚷
- nomobilephones: 📵
- nooneundereighteen: 🔞
- radioactive: ☢️
- biohazard: ☣️
- uparrow: ⬆️
- uprightarrow:
↗️ - rightarrow: ➡️
- downrightarrow:
↘️ - downarrow: ⬇️
- downleftarrow:
↙️ - leftarrow: ⬅️
- upleftarrow:
↖️ - updownarrow:
↕️ - leftrightarrow:
↔️ - rightarrowcurvingleft: ↩️
- leftarrowcurvingright: ↪️
- rightarrowcurvingup:
⤴️ - rightarrowcurvingdown:
⤵️ - clockwiseverticalarrows: 🔃
- counterclockwisearrowsbutton: 🔄
- backarrow: 🔙
- endarrow: 🔚
- onarrow: 🔛
- soonarrow: 🔜
- toparrow: 🔝
- placeofworship: 🛐
- atomsymbol: ⚛️
- om: 🕉️
- starofdavid: ✡️
- wheelofdharma: ☸️
- yinyang: ☯️
- latincross: ✝️
- orthodoxcross: ☦️
- starandcrescent: ☪️
- peacesymbol: ☮️
- menorah: 🕎
- dottedsixpointedstar: 🔯
- aries: ♈
- taurus: ♉
- gemini: ♊
- cancer: ♋
- leo: ♌
- virgo: ♍
- libra: ♎
- scorpio: ♏
- sagittarius: ♐
- capricorn: ♑
- aquarius: ♒
- pisces: ♓
- ophiuchus: ⛎
- shuffletracksbutton: 🔀
- repeatbutton: 🔁
- repeatsinglebutton: 🔂
- playbutton:
▶️ - fastforwardbutton: ⏩
- nexttrackbutton: ⏭️
- playorpausebutton: ⏯️
- reversebutton:
◀️ - fastreversebutton: ⏪
- lasttrackbutton: ⏮️
- upwardsbutton: 🔼
- fastupbutton: ⏫
- downwardsbutton: 🔽
- fastdownbutton: ⏬
- pausebutton: ⏸️
- stopbutton: ⏹️
- recordbutton: ⏺️
- ejectbutton:
⏏️ - cinema: 🎦
- dimbutton: 🔅
- brightbutton: 🔆
- antennabars: 📶
- vibrationmode: 📳
- mobilephoneoff: 📴
- femalesign: ♀️
- malesign: ♂️
- transgendersymbol: ⚧️
- multiply: ✖️
- plus: ➕
- minus: ➖
- divide: ➗
- infinity: ♾️
- doubleexclamationmark:
‼️ - exclamationquestionmark:
⁉️ - redquestionmark: ❓
- whitequestionmark: ❔
- whiteexclamationmark: ❕
- redexclamationmark: ❗
- wavydash: 〰️
- currencyexchange: 💱
- heavydollarsign: 💲
- medicalsymbol: ⚕️
- recyclingsymbol: ♻️
- fleurdelis: ⚜️
- tridentemblem: 🔱
- namebadge: 📛
- japanesesymbolforbeginner: 🔰
- hollowredcircle: ⭕
- checkmarkbutton: ✅
- checkboxwithcheck: ☑️
- checkmark: ✔️
- crossmark: ❌
- crossmarkbutton: ❎
- curlyloop: ➰
- doublecurlyloop: ➿
- partalternationmark: 〽️
- eightspokedasterisk: ✳️
- eightpointedstar: ✴️
- sparkle: ❇️
- copyright: ©️
- registered: ®️
- trademark: ™️
- keycaphastag: #️⃣
- keycapasterisk: *️⃣
- keycapzero: 0️⃣
- keycapone: 1️⃣
- keycaptwo: 2️⃣
- keycapthree: 3️⃣
- keycapfour: 4️⃣
- keycapfive: 5️⃣
- keycapsix: 6️⃣
- keycapseven: 7️⃣
- keycapeight: 8️⃣
- keycapnine: 9️⃣
- keycapten: 🔟
- inputlatinuppercase: 🔠
- inputlatinlowercase: 🔡
- inputnumbers: 🔢
- inputsymbols: 🔣
- inputlatinletters: 🔤
- abuttonbloodtype:
🅰️ - abbuttonbloodtype: 🆎
- bbuttonbloodtype:
🅱️ - clbutton: 🆑
- coolbutton: 🆒
- freebutton: 🆓
- information: ℹ️
- idbutton: 🆔
- circledm:
Ⓜ️ - newbutton: 🆕
- ngbutton: 🆖
- obuttonbloodtype:
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- flagjersey: 🇯🇪
- flagjamaica: 🇯🇲
- flagjordan: 🇯🇴
- flagjapan: 🇯🇵
- flagkenya: 🇰🇪
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- flagcambodia: 🇰🇭
- flagkiribati: 🇰🇮
- flagcomoros: 🇰🇲
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- flagsouthkorea: 🇰🇷
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- flagcaymanislands: 🇰🇾
- flagkazakhstan: 🇰🇿
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- flagliberia: 🇱🇷
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- flaglithuania: 🇱🇹
- flagluxembourg: 🇱🇺
- flaglatvia: 🇱🇻
- flaglibya: 🇱🇾
- flagmorocco: 🇲🇦
- flagmonaco: 🇲🇨
- flagmoldova: 🇲🇩
- flagmontenegro: 🇲🇪
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- flagmexico: 🇲🇽
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- flagnauru: 🇳🇷
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- flagnewzealand: 🇳🇿
- flagoman: 🇴🇲
- flagpanama: 🇵🇦
- flagperu: 🇵🇪
- flagfrenchpolynesia: 🇵🇫
- flagpapuanewguinea: 🇵🇬
- flagphilippines: 🇵🇭
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- flagpoland: 🇵🇱
- flagsaintpierreandmiquelon: 🇵🇲
- flagpitcairnislands: 🇵🇳
- flagpuertorico: 🇵🇷
- flagpalestinianterritories: 🇵🇸
- flagportugal: 🇵🇹
- flagpalau: 🇵🇼
- flagparaguay: 🇵🇾
- flagqatar: 🇶🇦
- flagreunion: 🇷🇪
- flagromania: 🇷🇴
- flagserbia: 🇷🇸
- flagrussia: 🇷🇺
- flagrwanda: 🇷🇼
- flagsaudiarabia: 🇸🇦
- flagsolomonislands: 🇸🇧
- flagseychelles: 🇸🇨
- flagsudan: 🇸🇩
- flagsweden: 🇸🇪
- flagsingapore: 🇸🇬
- flagsainthelena: 🇸🇭
- flagslovenia: 🇸🇮
- flagsvalbardandjanmayen: 🇸🇯
- flagslovakia: 🇸🇰
- flagsierraleone: 🇸🇱
- flagsanmarino: 🇸🇲
- flagsenegal: 🇸🇳
- flagsomalia: 🇸🇴
- flagsuriname: 🇸🇷
- flagsouthsudan: 🇸🇸
- flagsaotomeandprincipe: 🇸🇹
- flagelsalvador: 🇸🇻
- flagsintmaarten: 🇸🇽
- flagsyria: 🇸🇾
- flageswatini: 🇸🇿
- flagtristandacunha: 🇹🇦
- flagturksandcaicosislands: 🇹🇨
- flagchad: 🇹🇩
- flagfrenchsouthernterritories: 🇹🇫
- flagtogo: 🇹🇬
- flagthailand: 🇹🇭
- flagtajikistan: 🇹🇯
- flagtokelau: 🇹🇰
- flagtimorleste: 🇹🇱
- flagturkmenistan: 🇹🇲
- flagtunisia: 🇹🇳
- flagtonga: 🇹🇴
- flagturkey: 🇹🇷
- flagtrinidadandtobago: 🇹🇹
- flagtuvalu: 🇹🇻
- flagtaiwan: 🇹🇼
- flagtanzania: 🇹🇿
- flagukraine: 🇺🇦
- flaguganda: 🇺🇬
- flagusoutlyingislands: 🇺🇲
- flagunitednations: 🇺🇳
- flagunitedstates: 🇺🇸
- flaguruguay: 🇺🇾
- flaguzbekistan: 🇺🇿
- flagvaticancity: 🇻🇦
- flagsaintvincentandgrenadines: 🇻🇨
- flagvenezuela: 🇻🇪
- flagbritishvirginislands: 🇻🇬
- flagusvirginislands: 🇻🇮
- flagvietnam: 🇻🇳
- flagvanuatu: 🇻🇺
- flagwallisandfutuna: 🇼🇫
- flagsamoa: 🇼🇸
- flagkosovo: 🇽🇰
- flagyemen: 🇾🇪
- flagmayotte: 🇾🇹
- flagsouthafrica: 🇿🇦
- flagzambia: 🇿🇲
- flagzimbabwe: 🇿🇼
- flagengland: 🏴
- flagscotland: 🏴
- flagwales: 🏴
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2022 Ajstorre
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.