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Designing scalable system to estimate the Livability Score using readings from multiple sensors

This is the coding part of the IoT project "Designing scalable system to estimate the Livability Score using readings from multiple sensors"

The CoLab with EDA can be found here:

The archived data from tables sensor_data.sensor_thermo_beacon and sensor_data.weather_data can be downloaded from GCS bucket gs://livability-score-archive-data (available to view via URL

For convenience and as an example, the data for the week 2024/12/01 - 2024/12/07 is duplicated in current repository (folder data), mirroring the folder structure in GCS bucket.



Our goal is to create a highly scalable system to calculate and publish the livability score - a metric designed to estimate the quality of life in a specific house, in a specific region/city, which should be standardized and included in a house price tag along with the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) and other metrics.

In our PoC we are considering two data sources - one is the thermometer/hygrometer to be installed in room and the other one is the data from publicly available API at

In our colab we have developed the statistical model of the livability score which is calculated taking into account the data collected from various sources.


We aim to collect data from the thermometer/hygrometer sensor which potentially could have the generic schema with or without timestamps, other technical fields, etc. We are building our system on the basis of the following guidelines:

  • loosely coupled event-based architecture
  • embracing FinOps from day one
  • data access easiness for the Data Scientists, Analytics and Developer teams

The first principle means each part of the system should communicate with another one via interfaces and APIs. In our system such interface will be the schema of intermediate tables to store the sensor data.

Each class of sensor will have its own table schema, independent of data actually generated by sensor. This will decouple the analytics from data collection.

For example, for thermometer/hygrometer sensor the schema will contain two data fields - temperature and humidity, and the collection script will be responsible to correctly query sensor and prepare the data points to store in a correct format. The actual sensor data points may contain more technical fields, but we are going to ignore them since they do not have much of business value.

The second principle emphasise the importance of optimal resource utilization and the culture of of cost-consciousness, what could become the prime factor when scaling the design.

The third principle becomes important during phases of development of new score or running large-scale analytics, when Data Science teams need the data for specific period of time.

The next figures depict the schema of two tables

Thermometer/Hygrometer schema

Figure 1: Thermometer/Hygrometer schema.

Weather data schema

Figure 2: Weather data schema.

Data collecting and processing

The next picture shows the design on high level for the first part - data collection and aggregation in Big Query tables. We are using GCP as a main cloud platform to conduct all data collection and processing.

High level architecture

Figure 3: High level architecture.

We consider two types of scripts:

  1. Scripts to collect data from local sensors via BLE. Such scripts should be designed to run in the infinite loop periodically querying sensor. The example of such script is '' (can be found in the root folder on this repository). The question of where exactly such software should be installed is open-ended. It could be some small, single-board computers (e.g. Raspberry Pi). To analyse in detail such questions is out of scope of this work.
  2. Scripts to collect data points from publicly available APIs on the web. The example of such API which we are going to use is The example of script which is designed to collect such type of data can be found in file

In our implementation both scripts are configurable through properties file and respectively. The script requires some basic metadata about sensor, such as mac_address, the GPS coordinates of sensor and the UUIDs of read and write characteristics. We implemented a generic case, so the script could be adopted for any sensor. In production version the process of configuring should be automated (the autoconfiguration design pattern).

On the other hand, requires only the latitude and longitude of geography point on Earth to get the weather information.

Both scripts are designed around schemas and meet the requirements of loosely coupled architecture we mentioned earlier. Both scripts are designed to publish collected data to the PubSub topic sensor_data in batches, which then are forwarded to appropriate BigQuery tables.

Cloud Architecture in Details

The next picture shows the design with details

High level architecture

Figure 4: System architecture.

We define the five distinct points in our design:

  1. This is a loosely coupled architecture, where all communication between different stages and services is implemented through using tables with stable schema in Big Query.
  2. High level of throughput, robustness and scalability are provided by scalable services at GCP. For example, messages from millions of devices are queued in PubSub and processed to appropriate tables in BiqQuery by elastic cluster of Cloud Functions
  3. To calculate the score the 1-2 weeks worth of data is needed. The score is calculated on scheduled basis and the result is stored as a vector to specific path at GCS. The data from BigQuery tables then is archived to GCS in COLDLINE class
  4. The system is easily extensible via adding support for additional type of Event Processors, which can process output from sensors of various nature.
  5. The system is designed with FinOps in mind (see the section below for cost estimation of our solution)

The p.3 currently is implemented as a PoC, through the notebook at Colab; pp. 4 and 5 are design recommendations and implemented at the architecture level (the demo for that wasn't included in our PoC)

Security considerations

To send a message to PubSub topic, the script uses a specific Service Account (SA) with the minimum necessary permissions. Since in such situation many devices are using the same SA, this potentially can be viewed as an issue from a security perspective due to increased attack surface.

To mitigate this problem, we can propose to use the groups of SAs, partitioned geographically or by other criteria. Scripts which use SAs should be implemented with option to download a new SA key if the old one got revoked (key rotation design principle)

Getting started

For local tests create the venv first:

python3 -m venv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Signup at and get the api key, and set it as a permanent env variable with name OPENWEATHER_API_KEY on your machine (f.e. running the command export OPENWEATHER_API_KEY=<key>). Integrate other environment variables:

source scripts/

Run to get the weather data points for locations specified in file:


Cloud deployment

Required pre-requisites: the latest version of gcloud installed.

Create a new project at GCP and modify the scripts/ script with your value of PROJECT_ID.

gcloud --version
bq version
source scripts/ 
gcloud projects create "$PROJECT_ID"
gcloud config set project "$PROJECT_ID"
gcloud config get-value project

After creation enable billing (could take up to 5 min for GCP to move it from the sandbox mode)

Create necessary infrastructure (SAs, PubSub topics, BigQuery tables, etc)

gcloud services enable``
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable

gcloud pubsub topics create sensor_data
gcloud pubsub topics create meteo_data

Create SA with role roles/pubsub.publisher to send messages to PubSub topic:

gcloud iam service-accounts create dev-sensor-sa --display-name="Sensor SA"
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "$PROJECT_ID" \
  --member="serviceAccount:dev-sensor-sa@$" \
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create dev-sensor-sa-key.json \
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
    --member=serviceAccount:$  \

Note the name of secret key dev-sensor-sa-key.json - it has to be used on each machine which will run python scripts to collect sensor data to publish messages to PubSub topic.

Create secret with name OPENWEATHER_API_KEY and value for the secret key to access

gcloud secrets create OPENWEATHER_API_KEY \
  --replication-policy="automatic" \
  --data-file=- < <(echo -n "$OPENWEATHER_API_KEY")

Create bucket in COLDLINE class to store weekly amount of sensor data and make it public:

gcloud storage buckets create gs://livability-score-archive-data \
  --project=$PROJECT_ID \
  --default-storage-class=COLDLINE \
  --location=us-east1  \
gsutil iam ch allUsers:roles/storage.objectViewer gs://livability-score-archive-data

Testing Cloud Functions locally:

functions-framework --target=event_processor --port=8888
gcloud alpha functions deploy local cf_test \
    --entry-point=event_processor \
    --port=8888 \

This is the example of sample message:

[{\"day\": \"2024-11-29\", \"timestamp\": \"2024-11-29T14:33:35.855Z\", \"data\": {\"mac\":123,\"temperature\": 22.938,\"humidity\": 43.312}}]
curl localhost:8888 \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "ce-id: 123451234512345" \
  -H "ce-specversion: 1.0" \
  -H "ce-time: 2020-01-02T12:34:56.789Z" \
  -H "ce-type:" \
  -H "ce-source: //" \
  -d '{"message": {"data": "W3siZGF5IjogIjIwMjQtMTEtMjkiLCAidGltZXN0YW1wIjogIjIwMjQtMTEtMjlUMTQ6MzM6MzUuODU1WiIsICJkYXRhIjogeyJtYWMiOjEyMywidGVtcGVyYXR1cmUiOiAyMi45MzgsImh1bWlkaXR5IjogNDMuMzEyfX1dCg==", 
  "attributes": {"dataset_id":"sensor_data", "table_id":"sensor_thermo_beacon"}}, 
  "subscription": "projects/MY-PROJECT/subscriptions/MY-SUB"}'

or, for testing in the cloud console:

  "_comment": "data is base64 encoded string",
  "data": "W3siZGF5IjogIjIwMjQtMTEtMjkiLCAidGltZXN0YW1wIjogIjIwMjQtMTEtMjlUMTQ6MzM6MzUuODU1WiIsICJkYXRhIjogeyJtYWMiOjEyMywidGVtcGVyYXR1cmUiOiAyMi45MzgsImh1bWlkaXR5IjogNDMuMzEyfX1dCg==",
  "attributes": {"dataset_id":"sensor_data","table_id":"sensor_thermo_beacon"}

Deployment of cloud functions

gcloud functions deploy event_processor \
--region=us-central1 \
--runtime=python310 \
--source=. \
--entry-point=event_processor \
--trigger-topic=sensor_data \
--allow-unauthenticated \
--set-env-vars PROJECT_ID=$PROJECT_ID
gcloud functions deploy meteodata_event \
--region=us-central1 \
--runtime=python310 \
--source=. \
--entry-point=meteodata_event \
--trigger-topic=meteo_data \
--allow-unauthenticated \
--set-env-vars PROJECT_ID=$PROJECT_ID

Create a scheduler to invoke meteodata_event every 5 minutes

gcloud scheduler jobs create pubsub meteo_data_job  \
  --schedule="*/5 * * * *"  \
  --topic=meteo_data \
  --message-body="event" \

FinOps considerations

By adopting FinOps practices, one can effectively manage cloud costs, optimize resource utilization, and drive business value. For example, our system is designed to calculate some metric (livability score), and the cost of those calculations has to be set as low as possible.

Let's consider scenario when we have 1,000,000 homes in 100 locations, and as a result have to aggregate data from similar number of sensors.

Our PoC allows us to estimate the volume of data and computing resources based on statistics for one week.

This statistics is summarised in the table below.

Resource Usage
Data, average size of record:
sensor_data.weather_data 22.3 bytes
sensor_data.sensor_thermo_beacon 32.8 bytes
Cloud Run Functions, per invocation:
Cloud Run Functions (1st Gen) Memory 0.08944 gibibyte-seconds
Cloud Run Functions (1st Gen) CPU 0.14307 Ghz-seconds

The table below shows the projected monthly cost for the key cloud resources, for the scenario when each of 1,000,000 devices generates at least 1 record each 10 min, and we store all data in BigQuery table and query all columns at least once per month. The number of locations for the weather data is 100, and we are expecting to query these locations with frequency 1 request each 3 hours (to make use of free tier of 1,000 calls per day).

To use computing resources and the platform's API calls more efficiently, we will batch all uploads to 100 records/batch.

Resource Usage Cost, $ Total
BigQuery, storage 129 GB 2.58
BigQuery, querying 129 GB 0.81
Cloud Functions, Memory 3863829 gibibyte-seconds 9.65
Cloud Functions, CPU 6180855 Ghz-seconds 61.81

After 1 month the data is dumped to COLDLINE-class cloud storage with negligible cost.

We can see, that computing resources are responsible for the biggest part of spending, so it makes sense to optimise architecture against these elements of design. One can use a BigQuery Subscriptions technology - a powerful feature that streamlines the process of ingesting data from PubSub directly into BigQuery [5], so we can drop one frequently invoked CF.

Adjusted cost is presented in the table below:

Resource Usage Cost, $ Total
BigQuery, storage 129 GB 2.58
BigQuery, querying 129 GB 0.81
Cloud Functions, Memory 2146.56 gibibyte-seconds 0.005
Cloud Functions, CPU 3433.68 Ghz-seconds 0.03

As for pros, this eliminates the need for complex data pipelines and simplifies the ELT process. As for cons, the data has to be high-quality, meaning scripts have to prepare records for ingestion and drop invalid ones.







