- A Unscramble Word Game created in python with tkinter gui.
- In this game, the user will get upto 20 unscrambled words, and he need to enter the correct word for each unscrambled word in just single chance.
- for the list of alphabets, used the big_words.csv dataset and read the data from there and used as the questions.
- python 3
- tkinter module
- from tkinter messagebox module
- PIL module
- random
- User just need to download the file and run the unscramble_word.py on their local system.
- Now on the main window of the game the user given an unscrambled word, and given a space to enter the correct word for that unscrambled word.
- After entering the word, and user click on check button, he will get the message whether ans is correct or not.
- If ans is correct the score increases by 1 points, else wrong answer count increases by 1.
- If the player skips the current unscrambled word in then his skipped answer count increases by 1.
- There is also 20 Lives for player, and when the 20 lives are over the game will over.
- Also there is a clear button, clicking on which user can clears the word player has entered.
- Also there is an exit button, clicking on which exit dialog box appears asking for the permission of the user for closing the window.
- Also there is a skip button, clicking on which player can skip that particular question.
- Also there is a see status button, clicking on which player can any time see that he had how many correct , wrong and skipped answers.
- At last when game overs, we are able to see the score in the new frame.