- A Zodiac Sign Finder created in python with tkinter gui.
- In this script, the user will be able to enter his/her D.O.B. and will be able to see his/her Zodiac Sign to which they belong.
- Also not only they see the name of their Zodiac Sign, but also some Information about that zodiac sign.
- python 3
- tkinter module
- from tkinter messagebox module=
- PIL module
- User just need to download the file and run the zodiac_sign_finder.py on their local system.
- Now on the main window of the script the user is asked to enter his date of birth in terms of date, month and year(either leap or non leap).
- After choosing the D.O.B., when player click on the ZODIAC button, he will be redirected to new frame showing information about which zodiac sign the user belongs to.
- The user can read the information about his/her zodiac sign from that frame.
- Also in this the validity of D.O.B. is also implemented, means is user enter wrong D.O.B.(means D.O.B. that never happen eg. 30 feb, etc.), he/she will get eror showing message dialog box.
- Also there is a reset button, clicking on which user can reset the values he/she has entered.
- Also there is an exit button, clicking on which exit dialog box appears asking for the permission of the user for closing the window.
- This way user can get to know about which zodiac sign he/she belongs and also some interesting information about that sign.