- In the command line after changing directory to the folder of your preference run: "git clone https://github.com/akatsay/Authentication-base.git"
- Create mongodb data cluster
- In the root folder create file and name it .env and fill it according to the template below
- Run script: "npm i"
- Run script: "npm run client:install"
- Run script: "npm run dev" in the command line
- Enjoy! :)
DEV_PORT="5000" // whatever port you prefer to use to run apps on your local machine
JWT_SECRET="Whatever" // it can be any text you want it to be
MONGO_URL="..." - /* after creating mongodb cluster:
click connect -> drivers -> choose node.js 4.1 or later -> below you will see a link, copy and paste it in this
env field, make sure to fill <password> placeholder in this link with your mongodb password