このレジスタに書き込むと、ROMまたはRAMから OAMへのDMA転送が開始されます。
0-7 転送元アドレス上位バイト (0x00..DF)
転送元: 0xXX00..XX9F
転送先: 0xFE00..FE9F
転送にかかる時間は160Mサイクルで、通常速モードでは640ドット(1.4ライン), 倍速モードでは320ドット(0.7ライン)です。
An interrupt writes a return address to the stack and fetches the interrupt handler’s instructions from ROM. Thus, it’s critical to prevent interrupts during OAM DMA, especially in a program that uses timer, serial, or joypad interrupts, since they are not synchronized to the LCD. This can be done by executing DMA within the VBlank interrupt handler or through the di instruction.
While an OAM DMA is in progress, the PPU cannot read OAM properly either. Thus, most programs execute DMA during Mode 1, inside or immediately after their VBlank handler. But it is also possible to execute it during display redraw (Modes 2 and 3), allowing to display more than 40 objects on the screen (that is, for example 40 objects in the top half, and other 40 objects in the bottom half of the screen), at the cost of a couple lines that lack objects. If the transfer is started during Mode 3, graphical glitches may happen.
The details:
- If OAM DMA is active during OAM scan (mode 2), most PPU revisions read each object as being off-screen and thus hidden on that line.
- If OAM DMA is active during rendering (mode 3), the PPU reads whatever 16-bit word the DMA unit is writing to OAM when the object is fetched. This causes an incorrect tile number and attributes for objects already determined to be in range.
ld a, HIGH(start address)
ldh [$FF46], a ; start DMA transfer (starts right after instruction)
ld a, 40 ; delay for a total of 4×40 = 160 M-cycles
dec a ; 1 M-cycle
jr nz, .wait ; 3 M-cycles
run_dma: ; This part must be in ROM.
ld a, HIGH(start address)
ld bc, $2846 ; B: wait time; C: LOW($FF46)
jp run_dma_tail
run_dma_tail: ; This part must be in HRAM.
ldh [c], a
dec b
jr nz, .wait
ret z ; Conditional `ret` is 1 M-cycle slower, which avoids
; reading from the stack on the last M-cycle of DMA.
If starting a mid-frame transfer, wait for Mode 0 first so that the transfer cleanly overlaps Mode 2 on the next two lines, making objects invisible on those lines.