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Advanced Customisation (User Code)

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos edited this page May 26, 2023 · 3 revisions

You can customise Akeeba Panopticon with your own executable PHP code without modifying the core application itself. Modifying the core application is a discouraged practice colloquially referred to as “core hacking”.

All of your code must be placed in the user_code folder, under the main directory of Akeeba Panopticon.

The bootstrap.php file

The file bootstrap.php in the user_code folder will be loaded at the end of the regular application bootstrap code found in includes/bootstrap.php. The variable $config will be defined in it, an instance of the AConfig configuration class (in other words, your Panopticon installation's config.php).

❗️IMPORTANT: The bootstrap.php file in this folder will only be included if you have finished configuring Akeeba Panopticon, i.e. there is a config.php file at the root folder of your installation.

❗️IMPORTANT: The bootstrap.php file is loaded in all execution contexts: web and CLI. Do not assume that you have a STDOUT / STDERR as these may not be available in the web context. Do not assume you can grab an HTML document and modify it as this will not work in the CLI context.

What you can do with user_code/bootstrap.php

Load your own Composer dependencies

Create your own composer.json in the user_code folder. You can then load your custom Composer dependencies by adding the following code to your bootstrap.php file:

require_once APATH_USER_CODE . '/vendor/autoload.php';

Override the container

Define the following function:

function user_get_container(): \Akeeba\Panopticon\Container

You can either configure the regular \Akeeba\Panopticon\Container object by passing it configuration variables, or return an instance of a class extending from \Akeeba\Panopticon\Container.

⚠️ WARNING: If you subclass, or completely replace, \Akeeba\Panopticon\Container make sure to check your code in each minor version (when the y component of the version number x.y.z changes) to ensure that you are not breaking expected behaviour.

Override the application

Define the following function:

function user_get_application(): \Akeeba\Panopticon\Application

You can either configure the regular \Akeeba\Panopticon\Application object, or return an instance of a class extending from \Akeeba\Panopticon\Application.

⚠️ WARNING: If you subclass, or completely replace, \Akeeba\Panopticon\Application make sure to check your code on every new version to ensure that you are not breaking expected behaviour.

Decorate (or provide alternative handles for) tasks

You can modify the handling of a task type, or register your own custom task types, by declaring the function user_decorate_task with the following signature:

function user_decorate_task(
    ?string $taskType,
    ?\Akeeba\Panopticon\Library\Task\CallbackInterface $callback
): \Akeeba\Panopticon\Library\Task\CallbackInterface

The $taskType parameter is a string, communicating the task type stored in the #__tasks table in the database. The $callback parameters contains the currently registered callback (typically, an instance of a callable class) for this task type.

You can either modify the existing callback, or replace it with a custom one.

⚠️ WARNING: If you subclass, or completely replace, an existing task handler make sure to check your code on every new version to ensure that you are not breaking expected behaviour.

Extend the loggers

Akeeba Panopticon uses Monolog for logging. The logger instances are created by a logger factory service object which is accessible through the Container object.

The logger factory service object allows you to define callbacks which can be used to (re)configure the logger objects.

For example, you can add this to your bootstrap.php to send all log messages to the system log (syslog) and stop logging anything to files:

        function (\Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger) {
            if (!$logger instanceof \Monolog\Logger) {
                new \Monolog\Handler\SyslogHandler(
                    'panopticon_' . $logger->getName(),

A web agency with hundreds of sites can use this kind of customisation to push Akeeba Panopticon's log messages to a log aggregator service. This could be used, for example, to raise alerts if there are a bunch of sites running Joomla versions with critical vulnerabilities so that you can prioritise them for upgrades — without even having to visit Panopticon's web interface.

Replace the loggers

We already discussed how Akeeba Panopticon uses Monolog for logging. Well, this is the default implementation but not the only possibility. The logger factor service returns objects adhering to the PSR-3 specification's \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface interface and Panopticon's code only expects that logger objects adhere to the \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface of version 3 of the PSR-3 specification. Therefore, you can of course replace Monolog with any logging interface you want.

For example, let's say you want to use Analog, another popular logging framework, with its PDO driver to log into a SQLite database — which, by the way, is not recommended due to the volume of log entries produced in debug mode. But, hey, this is an example!

First, create a composer.json inside your user_code directory with the following contents:

	"name": "johndoe/panopticon_user_code",
	"type": "project",
	"require": {
		"php": ">=8.1",
        "analog/analog": "^1.10"

Install the dependencies by running composer install from inside your user_code folder.

Create a bootstrap.php file with the following contents:

defined('AKEEBA') || die;

require_once APATH_USER_CODE . '/vendor/autoload.php';

        function (\Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger) {
            $pdo = new PDO ('sqlite:' . APATH_USER_CODE . '/logs.sqlite', '', '', [
            $table = 'logs';

            Analog\Handler\PDO::createTable($pdo, $table);
            $logger = new Analog\Logger();
            $logger->handler(Analog\Handler\PDO::init($pdo, $table));

As you can see, we overwrote the $logger variable passed to our callback with a new logger. This will still work fine with Akeeba Panopticon because all of its log consumers expect a PSR-3 object, not a Monolog object.

Overriding the output

The output of the application is generated similarly to Joomla! itself: using view templates. Unlike Joomla, the view templates are not plain .php file. They use a template language called Blade. These files are “compiled” into regular .php files, therefore you can add normal PHP code as well.

The original files can be found in the ViewTemplates folder. Each subfolder in there corresponds to the view=... part of a URL.

You can create your won ViewTemplates folder inside the user_code folder to override the view templates shipped with Panopticon. For example, you can copy ViewTemplates/main/default.blade.php into user_code/ViewTemplates/main/default.blade.php to customise Panopticon's main page.

Tip: If you do not see your changes taking effect immediately, delete the contents of the tmp/compiled_templates folder.

Overriding core code (NOT RECOMMENDED — DANGER)

The user_code folder acts as a secondary root for the Akeeba\Panopticon namespace, the primary location being the src folder. If you need to modify the core code in Panopticon you can copy the respective file from its location under the src folder into the same location under the user_code folder and modify your copy.

For example, let's say you want to modify the \Akeeba\Panopticon\Application\Configuration class to use DotEnv to load configuration overrides from a .env file. To do so, copy the file src/Application/Configuration.php into user_code/Application/Configuration.php. You can now edit your user_code/Application/Configuration.php file to accomplish your goal.


The real purpose of this feature is to allow you to create your own, new MVC views to add bespoke features to Panopticon.

In the vast majority of use cases where you need to make small modifications you don't really want to override core classes. You just need to hook into plugin events.

Mind the license!

Akeeba Panopticon is released under the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 of the license or, at your option, any later version of the license published by the Free Software Foundation.

Unlike the plain old GNU General Public License (GPL), the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) requires you to publish any and all code making use of AGPL software —including modifications to the software itself— under the AGPL license, for free, to anyone using your software. That's spelled out in article 13 of the license. In other words, if you try to create a custom site monitoring service using Panopticon you will need to provide the full source code of your service free of charge to anyone interacting with your service. Do remember that even the act of logging in is an interaction. Anything else violates the software license, and constitutes copyright infringement.

Plugin events

Panopticon's container (which you can get by calling \Akeeba\Panopticon\Factory::getContainer()) has an event dispatcher object: $dispatcher = \Akeeba\Panopticon\Factory::getContainer()->eventDispatcher;.

The event dispatcher is an object instance of the \Awf\Event\Dispatcher class. This is used throughout Panopticon and the framework it's using (Akeeba Web Framework, a.k.a. AWF — the very same framework we are using for Akeeba Solo and Akeeba Backup for WordPress since 2013). The various MVC classes raise events which can be handled by observers known to the event dispatcher. This is the same as Joomla plugins, really. An “observer” is, essentially, a plugin.

The observer object must be a class extending from the \Awf\Event\Observer superclass. All public methods of the class are event handlers.

You can define and register observers (plugins) like so:

class MyPlugin extends \Awf\Event\Observer
    public onControllerBeforeBrowse(string $controllerName, Controller $controller): bool
        if ($controllerName !== 'sites') {
            return true;
        $controller->getView()->fooBar = 'Hello from the plugin event';

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