V-rep and ROS used to create a teleoperation system with Baxter to learn from demonstrations. Here is a small video clip as an example.
- ROS Kinetic
- V-REP RosInterface
Guide to install and setup these are given here
- Clone this project in the same catkin workspace as used for the RosInterface.
- Open meta/messages.txt of vrep_ros_interface package and add
- In CMakeLists.txt of vrep_ros_interface package add 'vrep_teleop' to the list of package names in catkin_package().
- Open package.xml, and add these two lines:
<build_depend>vrep_teleop</build_depend> <run_depend>vrep_teleop</run_depend>
- Rebuild your catkin workspace using
$ catkin build
- Copy the library file libv_repExtRosInterface.so in devel/lib folder to your V-REP installation folder.
$ cp -iv devel/lib/libv_repExtRosInterface.so "$VREP_ROOT/"
- Copy the matrix.lau file in vrep/lua to the lua folder of your V-REP installation folder.
$ cp -iv src/vrep_teleop/vrep/lua/matrix.lua "$VREP_ROOT/lua/"
- Start baxter and from your Baxter Workspace run
- Enable the baxter:
rosrun baxter_tools enable_robot.py -e rosrun baxter_tools tuck_arms.py -u
- Open another terminal repeat step 1. Then start V-REP and open vrep/scenes/baxterTeleopRecording.ttt
- Open another terminal repeat step 1. Then run the python script script/teleop_data_logging.py if you wish to record the data
- Some sample data are given in vrep/SampleData/.
- Scripts for using the saved data are there in script/ folder.
- Read the instruction at the beginning of the scripts.