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ARTIZAN Ecommerce website.

ARTIZAN is an E-commerce website which is dealing with sells a wide variety of products including Clothing, Shoes, Home and Kitchen, Ectronics, Apparel, and Home Improvement.

Technologies used :

❖ Python
❖ Django
❖ Express js
❖ Mysql
❖ Javascript
❖ Jquery
❖ Ajax
❖ Bootstrap

Features involved:

❖Guest user(cart,wishlist)
❖ OTP Login and Registration(Twilio)
❖ Advanced Payment Options(RazorPay,Paypal)
❖ Cash on Delivery
❖ Category wise products
❖ Responsive Pages
❖ User Profile
❖ High-Resolution Photos
❖ Invoice
❖ Add To Cart
❖ Product Variation
❖ Search
❖ Product Filter
❖ Address Management
❖Product offer and category offer
❖ ordered products

Admin Side

☆ Dashboard
☆ Responsive Pages
☆ Category Offer, Product Offer, Coupon
☆ Sales Report(pdf,excel)
☆ Charts,Graphs(Chart.js)
☆ Product Management
☆ Category Management
☆ Coupon Management
☆Varaition Management
☆ User Management(block and unblock)
☆ Order Management

About The Project

Zanshop is an eCommerce application built with Python Django Framework. Some of the features of this project includes custom user model, categories and products, Carts, Incrementing, Decrementing and removing car items, Unlimited Product image gallery, Orders, Payments, after-order functionalities such as reduce the quantify of sold products, send the order received email, clearing the cart, Order completion page as well as generating an invoice for the order. Also we have a Review and Rating system with the interactive rating stars that even allows you to rate a half-star rating. My account functionalities for the customer who can easily edit his profile, profile pictures, change his account password, and also manage his orders and much more. Finally hosted this application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Setup Instructions

git clone

  1. Navigrate to the working directory cd project folder

  2. Open the project from the code editor code . or atom .

  3. Create virtual environment python -m venv env

  4. Activate the virtual environment source env/Scripts/activate

  5. Install required packages to run the project pip install -r requirements.txt

  6. Rename .env-sample to .env

  7. Fill up the environment variables: Generate your own Secret key using this tool, copy and paste the secret key in the SECRET_KEY field.

    Your configuration should look something like this:


    Note: If you are using gmail account, make sure to use app password

  8. Create database tables

    python migrate
  9. Create a super user

    python createsuperuser

    GitBash users may have to run this to create a super user - winpty python createsuperuser

  10. Run server

    python runserver
  11. Login to admin panel - (

  12. Add categories, products, add variations, register user, login, place orders and EXPLORE SO MANY FEATURES