Akif Islam
Department of CSE, University of Rajshahi
Write a Java program to demonstrate the implementation of a proxy pattern for an online retail store with global distribution and warehousing.
This is a demonstration of Proxy Pattern.
When a client orders a product, first it will be searched on the local/district/proxy warehouse.
If the product exists there, it will be served from proxy warehouse.
Otherwise, the product will be delivered from global warehouse.
Besides, 2 new copy of the same product will be delivered to proxy warehouse for further use.
$javac ProxyPatternDemo.java
$java ProxyPatternDemo
DistrictProxyWarehouse districtwarehouse = new DistrictProxyWarehouse();
// 1st Order of Macbook Air - Delivered from Global Warehouse
// 2 copy of Macbook Air sent to Proxy Warehouse considering that people may buy it in future again.
districtwarehouse.deliverProduct("Macbook Air");
// 2nd Order of Macbook Air - Delivered from Proxy Warehouse
districtwarehouse.deliverProduct("Macbook Air");
// 3rd Order of Macbook Air - Delivered from Proxy Warehouse.
// No more Macbook Air available on Proxy Warehouse.
districtwarehouse.deliverProduct("Macbook Air");
// 4th Order of Macbook Air - Delivered from Global Warehouse.
// 2 copy of Macbook Air sent to Proxy Warehouse considering that people may buy it in future again.
districtwarehouse.deliverProduct("Macbook Air");
// 5th Order of Macbook Air - Delivered from Proxy Warehouse
districtwarehouse.deliverProduct("Macbook Air");