Jumble Sale is a lightweight laravel webshop was specially designed as a flea market based on Mercy App Scaffold. It acts with offers and was primary made to provide a auction house or jumble sale / garage sale / flea market Theoretical every user can be a customer and/or trader.
Modules based on nwidart/laravel-modules
, Livewire based on mhmiton/laravel-modules-livewire
Documentation: https://laravelmodules.com/docs/v11/introduction
- Up to date in base dependencies: Laravel 11, PHP 8.2, Bootstrap 5, npm 10.7
- Module ACL ACL Permissions and User groups stored in DB
- Module DataTable Self-made datatables using Livewire, Alpine.js, Bootstrap 5
- Module Form Use easy configured forms
- Module DeployEnv Automatic Deployment/Terraforming with configured data like seeding
- Merging multiple composer.json files on different locations like /Modules/* and /Themes/*
- DB Config Settings
- User and Product Rating
By default, 7 modules will be installed for this shop system: SystemBase, DeployEnv, Acl, Form, DataTable, WebsiteBase, Market. The modules SystemBase and DeployEnv are required for every project.
Follow this steps to install JumbleSale:
Change into your new application directory and checkout the Jumble Sale Application:
git clone https://github.com/aklebe-laravel/jumble-sale.git . git checkout stable
Start Install:
Installation process can take several minutes and is working only once. The installation script will check
in your.env
and some specific files to decide whether the installation will start or not. -
Adjust your
config file. At least notice the following:APP_URL=xxx DB_DATABASE=xxx DB_USERNAME=xxx DB_PASSWORD=xxx MODULE_DEPLOYENV_MAKE_MODULE_AUTHOR_NAME="John Doe" MODULE_DEPLOYENV_MAKE_MODULE_AUTHOR_EMAIL="john.doe@localhost.test" MODULE_DEPLOYENV_MAKE_MODULE_COMPOSER_VENDOR_NAME="john-doe-laravel" MODULE_DEPLOYENV_REQUIRE_MODULES_GIT="https://github.com/${{module_vendor_name}}/${{module_snake_name_git}}.git" MODULE_DEPLOYENV_REQUIRE_MODULES_DEFAULT_VENDOR="aklebe-laravel"
The following menu provides shorthand update (via git) of your installed and/or configured modules and themes based on the config
. While run this (implicit with --no-interaction), you do not need to care aboutcomposer update
,php artisan migrate
andphp artisan deploy-env:terraform-modules
. So execute the following script and choose[u]
for system update:./ui.sh
runsphp artisan deploy-env:update-bash
at very first to updatesystem.sh
based on.env
. If you have errors from artisan butsystem.sh
was properly generated before, you can run./ui.sh -n
to avoid the update-bash. But don't do it by default.
If you have trouble with autoloader by installed/created new modules, it's recommended
to run type ./ui.sh
and press choose [e]
in menu to update/find all existing modules
and calling composer dump-autoload. After that, the update/build below should work fine.
To run all-in-one update type ./ui.sh
and press choose [u]
in menu.
What it does for you:
- update/require all modules
- update/require all themes
- do system update wich runs composer update
- cache clearing, rebuild frontend etc.
To build frontend via vite, refresh caches etc., type ./ui.sh
and press choose [b]
in menu.
If you have modules Form
and DataTable
installed, you can easy create the needed files by the following
php artisan deploy-env:former MyModule --classes=country,some-thing,AnyThing,nothing
This will create the datatable class, the form files and the eloquent model. If one the files already exists, they will not be changed. The result should look like this:
If you run it without --classes
, then for every eloquent model found, datatables and form will be created.
php artisan deploy-env:former MyModule
Note: more files could be created by 3rd party modules using the event DeployEnvFormer
Try to keep all stuff in modules and/or themes, and keep the app files clean.
Folder /Modules
for modules with their own git repo
Enable/disable your installed modules in modules_statuses.json
Folder /Themes
for themes with their own git repo
To back up a db, you could run the following:
mysqldump -u homestead -p --databases jumble_sale_01 > db_jumble_sale_01.sql --add-drop-database
mysqldump -u homestead -p --databases jumble_sale_testing > db_jumble_sale_testing.sql --add-drop-database
To import a sql script you could use DeployEnv
php artisan deploy-env:db-import db_jumble_sale_testing.sql
... or import a script by mysql
mysql -u root -p < db_jumble_sale_testing.sql
mysql -u root -p < db_jumble_sale_dusk.sql
Ensure you have adjusted your .env.testing
. Especially the database part.
php artisan test
php artisan test --parallel --processes=4
Note: p
is an alias for vendor/bin/phpunit "$@"
with parameter -f : vendor/bin/pest "$@"
p ./tests/Feature/CoreConfig.php
Note: pf
is an alias for vendor/bin/phpunit --filter "$@"
with parameter
-f : vendor/bin/pest --filter "$@"
pf CoreConfig
See: https://laravel.com/docs/11.x/dusk
Important: You should run dusk on a separate system created for the dusk tests. If you don't do it, notice the following:
When running tests, Dusk will back up your .env file and rename your Dusk environment to .env. Once the tests have completed, your .env file will be restored. That's why you should not run other processes on the same system.
wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
Dusk can be called with phpunit parameters. So if you want to call a specific class, use this format:
php artisan dusk --filter ProductDetailViewTest
to run whole dusk tests enter
php artisan dusk
Test with designer permissions
Check what's going on in redis cache
redis-cli monitor
For all in one ide-helper stuff just run ./ui.sh
and press [i]
Otherwise, here is a quick overview:
Clearing bootstrap/compiled.php
first by:
php artisan clear-compiled
Generate the facades:
php artisan clear-compiled
php artisan ide-helper:generate
Using the --write-mixin (-M) option will only add a mixin tag to your Model file, writing the rest
in (_ide_helper_models.php
). The class name will be different from the model, avoiding the IDE duplicate
php artisan ide-helper:models -M
Meta means resolve containers like app('events')->fire();
php artisan ide-helper:meta
Generate a password hash. This command will ask you for a secret. Optionally you can also enter a user id by --user=xxx to update the password in db.