Test server:
- Spotify generate Discover Weekly playlist like this with unique tracks for each user.
- But once playlist is regenerated all old track that you like in DW playlist will disappear
- You can save them manually if you don't forget
- OR use this service
- Press Save DW button to login with you Spotify account
- Now site listening you playback
- If current playlist is not a DW playlist this panel will be yellow But don't worry it just an indicator
- Now if you don't have Spotify Premium (that means site can't control user playback) you can quickly play all songs in playlist to add them to new playlist
- When playlist start repeating itself a little dot will appear to indicate that you didn't lost any tracks
- That's it! Just press Save button and playlist will be automatically created
Need python 3.10+, poetry 1.5+, caddy
git clone ...
poetry shell
poetry install
cp .env.example .env
setup .env values
copy/create test db
start python and caddy server\
python src/ sudo caddy run --config .\caddy\dev\Caddyfile
Instsall caddy, pnpm and task
npm install -g pnpm
npm install -g @go-task/cli
run task dw
or task debug-web
it will automatically spin up vite dev server at https://test-dwman.localhost/ and use test server as backend
npx openapi-typescript-codegen --input http://localhost:8000/openapi.json --output ./src/frontend/src/api/client --client fetch && pre-commit run --all-files
DWMan is free and open-source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.