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We present a computational evaluation of existing and novel approaches for the so-called Minimum Cost Linear Extension problem (MCLE). Given a partially ordered set $\mathbf P$ and a cost function that associates a non-negative real value with every (ordered) pair of incomparable elements of $\mathbf P$, the MCLE asks for some linear extension $\mathbf L$ of $\mathbf P$ that minimizes the total cost of adjacent elements in $\mathbf L$. We discuss an algorithm by Liu et al. for the general case of the MCLE, showing that it is not an approximation algorithm, as originally suggested. We also propose a fast and effective topological sorting-based heuristic, as well as an exact model based on constraint programming. Computational results suggest that the topological sorting heuristic is superior to the algorithm of Liu et al. for sparse instances, while the exact model shows that Liu et al.’s algorithm produces near-optimal solutions for small-sized instances.

Introduction {#Intro}

A partially ordered set (or simply, a poset) is a pair $\mathbf{P}=(E,\leq)$, where $E$ is a finite set and $\leq$ is a binary relation on $E$ that is transitive, reflexive and antisymmetric, i.e., $\leq$ is a binary relation satisfying:

  1. $x \leq y, ;; y \leq z ; \Rightarrow ; x \leq z, ;; \forall : x,y,z \in E$;

  2. $x \leq x, ;; \forall : x \in E$;

  3. $x \leq y, ;; y \leq x ; \Rightarrow ; x=y, ;; \forall : x,y \in E$.

In a partial order $\mathbf{P}=(E,\leq)$ there might exist pairs of elements $x,y \in E$, with $x \neq y$, such that we have neither $x \leq y$ nor $y \leq x$ in $\mathbf P$. Two elements $x,y$ of a poset $\mathbf P$ are said to be comparable if $x \leq y$ or $y \leq x$ in $\mathbf{P}$; otherwise, they are said to be incomparable, which is denoted by $x \sim y$. We say that $y$ covers $x$ in $\mathbf P$ if $x < y$ and if there is no element $z$ in $\mathbf P$ satisfying $x < z < y$. We denote the fact that $y$ covers $x$ by $x <\hspace{-5pt}\cdot ; y$. For any element $x$ in ${\mathbf P}$, we define $x^\downarrow$ as the subset of $E$ given by $$x^\downarrow = \left{z \in E: z \leq x\right}.$$

The Hasse diagram of a finite poset $\mathbf{P}$ is a directed graph whose vertices are the elements of $\mathbf{P}$ and the arcs are the coverage relations in $\mathbf{P}$. A chain in $\mathbf{P}$ is a subset $C \subseteq E$ such that any two elements of $C$ are comparable in $\mathbf P$. A linear order is an ordered set $\mathbf{L}=(E, \leq_{\mathbf L})$ satisfying $x \leq_{\mathbf L} y$ or $y \leq_{\mathbf L}x$ for every pair of elements $x, y \in E$. A linear order $\mathbf{L}$ is a linear extension of a poset $\textbf{P}$ if $x \leq_{\mathbf L} y;$ whenever $x \leq y$ em $\mathbf P$.

Is is a well-known fact that every poset admits at least one linear extension. Consider a linear extension $\mathbf{L}$ of poset $\mathbf{P}$. We will write $${\mathbf L}={ x_{1} <{\mathbf L} x{2} <{\mathbf L} \ldots <{\mathbf L} x_{n}},$$

where $x_i \in E ;(i=1,\ldots,n)$ and $n=|E|$. Since it is possible for a poset to admit more than one linear extension, it is natural to consider an optimization problem that asks for the best linear extension of a poset $\mathbf P$, according to some criterion.

The Minimum Cost Linear Extension Problem

Let $c: E \times E \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_+$ be a cost function that associates a non-negative real value with every pair $x,y \in \mathbf{P}$, while satisfying the following conditions:

$$\left{ \begin{array}{lll} c(x,y)=0, & \mbox{if} & x \leq y;\\ 0< c(x,y)< +\infty, & \mbox{if} & x\sim y;\\ c(x,y)=+\infty, & \mbox{if} & x>y. \end{array} \label{func} \right.$$

By slightly abusing notation, we will write the total cost of a linear extension ${\mathbf L}={ x_{1} <{\mathbf L} x{2} <{\mathbf L} \ldots <{\mathbf L} x_{n}}$ as

$$\label{custo} \displaystyle c({\mathbf L})=\sum_{i=i}^{n-1}c(x_{i}, x_{i+1})$$

Given a poset $\mathbf P$ and a cost function $c$ as described above, the Minimum Cost Linear Extension problem (thereby referred to as MCLE) asks for a linear extension $L$ of $\mathbf P$ which minimizes $(\ref{custo})$. In other words, we are interested in finding $\mathbf{L}^$ satisfying $$\mathbf{L}^ = \operatorname*{arg,min}{c(\mathbf{L}) : \mathbf{L} \mbox{ is a linear extension of } {\mathbf P} }.$$

The MCLE was originally defined in @Liu and further studied in @Wu. In @Liu the authors showed that the MCLE generalizes the so-called bump number and jump number problems on posets. Specifically, if we define $c(x,y)=1$, for $x \sim y$, the problem becomes equivalent to the jump number problem. Since the jump number problem is known to be NP-hard (see @Bouchitte), the MCLE is also NP-hard. In this work, however, we concentrate on the general version of the problem, in which $\mathbf P$ is an arbitrary poset and $c$ is an arbitrary non-negative real-valued cost function satisfying conditions ([func]).

While discussing the algorithms described in this work, we shall assume that the computational representation of a poset $\mathbf P=(E,\leq)$ is that of a directed graph, in which vertices correspond to elements of $E$ and arcs are associated with a superset of the coverage relations in $\mathbf P$. Formally, this representation is a directed graph $G=(V,A)$, with $V=E$ and $A={(x,y) : x, y \in E, x &lt; y}$. We do not insist that only arcs corresponding to coverage relations are included in this representation, since this does not have an impact on the worst-case time complexity of the algorithms discussed here. We shall make use of the notation $\delta^+(v)$ to denote the outward neighborhood of vertex $v$, i.e., the set of vertices directly reachable from $v$. Similarly, $\delta^-(v)$ will be utilized to denote the inward neighborhood of vertex $v$: the set of all vertices $w$ for which there exists an arc $(w,v) \in A$. We shall refer to $|\delta^+(v)|$ as the out-degree of vertex $v$, while $|\delta^-(v)|$ shall be referred to as the in-degree of $v$.

Algorithm 2 of Liu et al. {#Algo2}

In what folows we describe the greedy algorithm proposed by Liu et al. in @Liu, referred to as “Algorithm 2” in their paper. Here we provide a somewhat different description than the one given in the original paper. The reason for that is that we believe our description focus more closely on the conceptual steps, rather than on implementation choices.

For the sake of simplifying the presentation of algorithm Liu2, we shall define the operation of injecting an element into a partial linear extension of a poset $\mathbf{P}$. We define a partial linear extension of a poset $\mathbf{P}=(E,\leq)$ as a linear order $\mathbf{L}=(X,\leq_{\mathbf L})$ involving a subset $X$ of $E$ and satisfying $x \leq_{\mathbf L} y$, whenever $x \leq y$ in $\mathbf P$. Let $\mathbf{L}$ be a partial linear order of $\mathbf{P}$ and $x \in E \setminus \mathbf{L}$. The operation of injecting $x$ into $\mathbf{L}$ corresponds to augmenting the linear order $\mathbf{L}$ by adding $x$ to it, while satisfying the following conditions:

  1. The resulting linear order $\mathbf{L'}$ is consistent with ${\mathbf P}$ (i.e., $x \leq_{\mathbf{L'}} y$ whenever $x \leq y$ in $\mathbf{P}$);

  2. $c(\mathbf{L'})$ is minimum.

In other words, we want to add $x$ into $\mathbf{L}$ while preserving the relative order of the elements in $\mathbf{L}$ and minimizing the resulting total cost of $\mathbf{L'}$. Let $(y_1, \ldots, y_{|{\mathbf L}|})$ be the elements of $\mathbf{L}$, where $y_i <{\mathbf{L}} y{i+1}, ;i=1,\ldots,|\mathbf{L}|-1$. Then, the choices for positioning $x$ when injecting it into $\mathbf{L}$ are the following:

$$\begin{aligned} && {x, y_1, \ldots, y_{|\mathbf{L}|}}, \\ && {y_1, \ldots, y_{|\mathbf{L}|}, x}, \mbox{ or} \\ && {y_1, \ldots, y_i, x, y_{i+1}, \ldots, y_{|\mathbf{L}|}}, ; i=1,\ldots,|{\mathbf L|}-1.\end{aligned}$$

Obviously, some of these positions might be invalid, as they might not be consistent with the order relations in $\mathbf{P}$. We present in Figure [Liu2Pseudocode] the pseudocode for algorithm Liu2.

**Input: & Cover graph $G$ of a poset ${\mathbf P}=(E,\leq)$ of height $T$.
**Output: & Linear extension $\mathbf L$ of $\mathbf P$.
& ****

**1. & Let $C$ be a maximum-size chain of $\textbf{P}$
**2. & Let ${\mathbf L} := C$, $R := E \setminus C$
**3. & while $R \neq \emptyset$ do
**4. & ********

Select $r \in R$, $R := R \setminus {r}$
**5. & **

Inject $r$ into $\mathbf{L}$
**6. & end


It is interesting to note that the Liu2 algorithm was presented in @Liu as a “greedy approximation algorithm.” We believe that the authors meant by it that the algorithm is a greedy procedure that produces solutions whose objective function values are typically (but not provably) close to the optimal value, what is a departure from the standard concept of an approximation algorithm. Indeed, as we argue below, it is possible to devise examples for which the solution produced by the algorithm is arbitrarily large (in terms of objective function value), as compared to the actual minimum.

The Liu2 algorithm does not have a fixed approximation rate.

Consider the poset $\mathbf{P}$ consisting of a 4-element ground set $E={a,b,c,d}$ and the single relation $b&lt;a$. Let the costs between the incomparable elements in $\mathbf P$ be as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} c(a,c)=M,; c(a,d)=M,; \\ c(b,c)=1,; c(b,d)=1,; \\ c(c,a)=2,; c(c,b)=M,; c(c,d)=M,; \\ c(d,a)=M,; c(d,b)=M,; c(d,c)=M,\end{aligned}$$

where $M$ is a positive constant strictly greater than $1$.

p4.7cmp4.7cmp4cm & &
(a) Solution produced by algorithm Liu2; cost = $1+M$. & (b) Solution produced by algorithm Liu2; cost = $1+M$. & (c) Optimal solution; cost = $3$.


The application of algorithm Liu2 to $\mathbf{P}$ yields a linear extension with total cost $1+M$. Figure figLiu2 and figLiu2 show two such linear extensions. Yet another alternative solution with the same cost would be $a \rightarrow b \rightarrow d \rightarrow c$. Which solution is to be reported by the algorithm depends only on implementation choices concerning how to break ties. The optimal solution, however, has an objective function value of 3, as shown in Figure figLiu2. Therefore, by appropriately changing the value of $M$, one can make the approximation ratio between the objective function value of the solution produced by algorithm Liu2 and the optimal value arbitrarily large. <1.5em -1.5em plus0em minus0.5em height0.75em width0.5em depth0.25em

Greedy Topological Sorting

A topological sort of a directed acyclic graph $G=(V,A)$ is a linear ordering of the elements of $V$ such that $A$ contains no arc $(u,v)$ with $u$ appearing before $v$ in the ordering (i.e., the ordering is consistent with the arcs of $G$). Let us define $n=|V|$ and $m=|A|$. A topological sort can also be seen as a mapping $\sigma: V \rightarrow {1,\dots,n}$ such that $(u,v) \in A \Rightarrow \sigma(u)&lt;\sigma(v)$. Since the cover graph of a poset $\mathbf{P}$ is a directed acyclic graph, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the set of topological sorts of the cover graph of $\mathbf{P}$ and the set of linear extensions of $\mathbf{P}$.

It is, therefore, natural to consider an algorithm for the MCLE which is based on a topological sorting algorithm. One of the standard algorithms for topologically sorting the vertices of a directed acyclic graph is essentially a graph traversal procedure and can be implemented to run in $\Theta(n+m)$ time. The algorithm can de described as the process of augmenting a partial linear extension (i.e., a topological sort involving a proper subset of the elements of $\mathbf{P}$) by including into it a vertex with out-degree equal to zero (ties can be broken arbitrarily). The algorithm starts with the empty partial linear extension (PLE). Every time a vertex $v$ is added to the PLE the vertices in $\delta^-(v)$ have their out-degree values decreased by 1. Note that, by construction, the vertices in $\delta^-(v)$ have not yet been added to the PLE. Moreover, the operation of updating their out-degrees amounts to removing the set of arcs ${(u,v) : u \in \delta^-(v)}$ from $A$.

Since the MCLE accounts for possibly different costs associated with pairs of incomparable adjacent elements in the ordering, the standard algorithm for topological sorting must be modified in order to reflect that cost structure. A straightforward variant of the algorithm can be obtained by applying a greedy criterion to break ties whenever there are two or more elements with zero out-degree. At the first iteration, the algorithm arbitrarily selects a vertex with zero out-degree. From the second iteration and on, let $L$ be the current PLE and $w$ be the vertex which was most recently added to $L$. The algorithm selects a vertex $v^$ with the minimum cost $c(w,v^)$ to be added to $L$: $$\displaystyle v^* = \operatorname*{arg,min}_{\substack{v ; \notin ; L \ ; |\delta^+(v)|=0}} c(v,w).$$

We are now ready to present the pseudocode for the greedy topological sorting algorithm (see Figure [GTSAlgo]).

**Input: & Cover graph $G$ of a poset ${\mathbf P}$, cost function $c:V \times V \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$.
**Output: & Linear extension $L$ of $\mathbf P$.
& ****

**1. & $L := \emptyset, ;;S := {v \in V : |\delta^+(v)|=0}$, iter $:=1$
**2. & while $(|S|&gt;0)$ do
**3. & ******

$(\mbox{iter} = 1)$ then
**4. & **

Arbitrarily select $v^* \in S$

$\triangleright$ First vertex in the ordering
**5. & **

**6. & **

$v^* := \operatorname*{arg,min}_{v ; \in ; S} c(w,v)$

$\triangleright$ Vertex of minimum cost w.r.t last element
**7. & **

$L := \left[L, v^*\right]$
**8. & **

Update out-degrees of vertices in $\delta^-(v^*)$, Update $S$
**9. & **

$w:= v^*$, iter := iter + 1
**10. & end


The topological sorting heuristic GreedyTopSort runs in ${\cal O}(n^2)$ time.

Note that the set $S$ must be updated at the end of each iteration, since the updating of the out-degrees of vertices in $\delta^-(v^*)$ might decrease the out-degree of other vertices to zero. Furthermore, the main loop is guaranteed to run exactly $n$ times. Step 8 requires a total of ${\cal O}(m)$ time over all iterations, since it inspects each arc exactly once. Step 6 requires ${\cal O}(n)$ time per iteration, assuming that the value of $c(u,v)$ can be computed, or looked-up, in constant time. All other internal steps in the loop demand constant time. Therefore, the algorithm demands a total time of ${\cal O}(n^2+m)={\cal O}(n^2)$. <1.5em -1.5em plus0em minus0.5em height0.75em width0.5em depth0.25em

More sophisticated greedy schemes can definitely be devised. In particular, criteria that incorporate look-ahead features might prove to be a better compromise between running time and solution quality. We chose to test this simpler version due to its relatively modest time complexity and as a way of initially assessing the quality of a topological sorting-based heuristic, as compared to the greedy algorithm of @Liu.

An Exact Model Based on Constraint Programming

The basic components of a constraint programming model are a set of decision variables, their specific domains, and a set of constraints on those variables. A search engine is responsible for systematically assigning values to decision variables and performing a process of propagation, by means of which the data from the model’s constraints is used to further restrict the domains of unassigned variables. These steps are repeated up to the point when the domain of every variable has been restricted to a single value. At that moment, a feasible solution has been produced. Below we decribe a constraint programming model for the MCLE problem, along with the strategy applied by the constraint solver we utilized, in order to obtain an optimal solution – rather than enumerating all possible feasible assignments.

We modeled the MCLE problem by defining decision variables associated to the vertices of the directed graph $G=(V,A)$ described in Section [Intro]. Each such decision variable corresponds to the position of its associated vertex in the linear extension. We shall refer to each such variable as pos[$i$], $i=1,\ldots,n$. The domain of pos[$i$] is, therefore, ${1,\ldots,n}$. Thus, a natural constraint on those variable is $$\mbox{\tt distinct( pos[1], pos[2], ..., pos[n] )},$$ which ensures that each vertex occupies a distinct position in the resulting linear extension.

The arcs in graph $G$ induce constraints in the model, as well. For each arc $(x,y) \in A$, a constraint of the “relational” type is added to ensure that the position of vertex $x$ will be less than that of vertex $y$: pos[$x$] < pos[$y$].

In order to model the objective function we need to account for the cost associated with each pair of incomparable elements which happen to be adjacent in the linear extension, i.e., the cost $c(x,y), ; x \sim y \mbox{ in } \mathbf P$, with pos[$x$] = pos[$y$]-1. This is accomplished with the use of four auxiliary decision variables for each pair of incomparable elements $x \sim y$: D${x,y}$, e${x,y}$, D${y,x}$ and e${y,x}$. The following constraints make sure that e${x,y}$ is equal to $1$, if element $x$ is immediately followed by element $y$ in the linear extension, and e${x,y}$ is equal to $0$, otherwise:

D$_{x,y}$ = pos[$y$] - pos[$x$],\

, e$_{x,y} \in {0,1}$,

where count($A$, value) simply counts the number of times when the decision variables in set $A$ are equal to value. Therefore, the expression count(${$D${x,y}}$, 1) is equal to 1 or 0, depending on whether D${x,y}$ is equal 1 or not, respectively. Similarly, we must add the corresponding constraints for D${y,x}$ and e${y,x}$.

Now, defining the objective function is a matter of adding up the costs for those incomparable pairs $x,y, \in \mathbf P$ for which e${x,y}=1$ or e${y,x}=1$: $${\tt ObjFcn := } ; \sum_{\substack{x,y :\in: E: \ x \sim y }} \left[c(x,y) : {\tt e}{x,y} + c(y,x) : {\tt e}{y,x} \right];.$$

We implemented the model in C++ with the use of Gecode @Gecode, a state-of-the-art constraint solver, which, in addition to the standard constraint satisfaction search engine, is equipped with a branch-and-bound module, allowing for an automatic search for optimal solutions satisfying the underlying model.

An optimal solution to the problem is obtained with the definition of the objective function ObjFcn and a special method, called constrain. Whenever an incumbent solution $\widehat{x}=(\widehat{\tt pos},\widehat{\tt D},\widehat{\tt e})$ is found, the constrain method is invoked and a new constraint is added to the model requiring that ObjFcn $&lt; v(\widehat{x})$, where $v(\widehat x)$ is the objective function value of solution $\hat{x}$. Thus, as the search resumes, the branch-and-bound search engine will restrict the decision variables domains accordingly, ensuring that any subsequently found solution will have an objective function value strictly less than that of the current incumbent solution. At termination, the last incumbent solution $x^=({\tt pos}^,{\tt D}^,{\tt e}^)$ will naturally be an optimal solution to the problem, with the vector pos$^*$ specifying the absolute position of each element in the resulting linear extension.

Computational Results

We evaluated the two heuristic algorithms GreedyTopSort and Liu2 on a number of randomly generated instances of the MCLE problem. For a small subset of the instances, we were also able to run the exact constraint-based model (instances with more than 20 vertices demanded an excessive running time and were, therefore, excluded from the experiments). The results of the exact model are particularly important, as they provide information on how close to being optimal the heuristic solutions are (with respect to objective function value).

Instances were created with a special-purpose generator implemented in C++. The generator makes use of the standard procedure for generating random graphs: given a positive integer $n$ (specifying the number of vertices of the graph) and a real value $p \in (0,1]$, we create the arc from vertex $x$ to vertex $y$ if a randomly generated value in $(0,1]$ is greater than $p$ (e.g., see @Bianco). Since we are interested in generating acyclic graphs, we only consider the creation of arc $(x,y)$ if $x&lt;y$. Each graph created in this manner is considered as the representation of a poset, possibly including some arcs that correspond to transitive (and, therefore, redundant) relations. Finally, for each pair $x,y \in \mathbf P$ of incomparable elements, we randomly select two integers in the range $\left[0,n^2\right]$ as the costs $c(x,y)$ and $c(y,x)$.

Table [TableSmall] presents the solution values and running times of the two heuristics on a set of “small” instances, consisting of posets with a number $n$ of elements ranging from 10 to 80. The parameter $p$ takes on four different values: 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8. For each combination of $n$ and $p$, we generated three different posets, by varying the random seed used to initialize the random generator. Table [TableSmall] also includes results for the exact model on instances with up to 20 vertices.

The heuristics are referred to in the table as GTS (short for GreedyTopSort), Liu2 and CP (short for “constraint programming model”). Columns 3-5 correspond to the average running times of each algorithm on the three instances with the corresponding values of $n$ and $p$. Columns 6-7 inform the average value of the solutions produced by GTS and Liu2, as percentages of the optimum value found by CP (as mentioned before, that information is only available for $n \leq 20$, as instances with larger values of $n$ demanded a prohibitive amount of time to solve to optimality). Column 8 provides a direct comparison between the objective function values of the solutions produced by GTS as percentages of the values of the solutions produced by Liu2. As before, each value in that column is the average over three instances with the corresponding values of $n$ and $p$.


cc|rrr|rr|r & & &
$n$ & $p$ & GTS & Liu2 & CPM & GTS & Liu2 & GTS/Liu2 (%)
10 & 0.2 & <0.01 & <0.01 & <0.01 & 191.7 & 100.0 & 191.7
20 & 0.2 & <0.01 & 0.03 & 0.02 & 138.4 & 100.0 & 138.4
30 & 0.2 & 0.01 & 0.09 & — & — & — & 184.0
40 & 0.2 & 0.01 & 0.21 & — & — & — & 157.7
50 & 0.2 & 0.02 & 0.40 & — & — & — & 43.5
60 & 0.2 & 0.03 & 0.69 & — & — & — & 137.8
70 & 0.2 & 0.04 & 1.13 & — & — & — & 155.4
80 & 0.2 & 0.05 & 1.69 & — & — & — & 158.2
& **158.4

& & &
$n$ & $p$ & GTS & Liu2 & CPM & GTS & Liu2 & GTS/Liu2 (%)
10 & 0.4 & <0.01 & <0.01 & 0.02 & 179.9 & 154.6 & 122.4
20 & 0.4 & <0.01 & 0.02 & 0.44 & 165.4 & 136.1 & 115.1
30 & 0.4 & 0.01 & 0.07 & — & — & — & 169.3
40 & 0.4 & 0.01 & 0.16 & — & — & — & 148.6
50 & 0.4 & 0.02 & 0.32 & — & — & — & 126.4
60 & 0.4 & 0.02 & 0.53 & — & — & — & 119.2
70 & 0.4 & 0.03 & 0.89 & — & — & — & 119.2
80 & 0.4 & 0.04 & 1.33 & — & — & — & 127.6
& **131.0

& & &
$n$ & $p$ & GTS & Liu2 & CPM & GTS & Liu2 & GTS/Liu2 (%)
10 & 0.4 & <0.01 & <0.01 & 0.05 & 164.6 & 199.0 & 84.6
20 & 0.4 & <0.01 & 0.02 & 186.22 & 198.6 & 209.2 & 105.4
30 & 0.4 & 0.01 & 0.05 & — & — & — & 126.3
40 & 0.4 & 0.01 & 0.13 & — & — & — & 92.3
50 & 0.4 & 0.01 & 0.21 & — & — & — & 123.1
60 & 0.4 & 0.02 & 0.37 & — & — & — & 110.8
70 & 0.4 & 0.02 & 0.53 & — & — & — & 112.0
80 & 0.4 & 0.03 & 0.83 & — & — & — & 107.2
& **107.7

& & &
$n$ & $p$ & GTS & Liu2 & CPM & GTS & Liu2 & GTS/Liu2 (%)
10 & 0.8 & <0.01 & <0.01 & 0.50 & 225.1 & 216.6 & 107.9
20 & 0.8 & <0.01 & 0.01 & 31,464.60 & 312.1 & 264.0 & 117.7
30 & 0.8 & <0.01 & 0.03 & — & — & — & 85.2
40 & 0.8 & 0.01 & 0.06 & — & — & — & 84.1
50 & 0.8 & 0.01 & 0.11 & — & — & — & 85.3
60 & 0.8 & 0.01 & 0.18 & — & — & — & 69.7
70 & 0.8 & 0.02 & 0.28 & — & — & — & 111.2
80 & 0.8 & 0.02 & 0.41 & — & — & — & 83.1
& **93.0\


Table [TableLarge] presents similar data concerning solution values and running times of the two heuristics on “large” instances – those with a number of vertices varying from 100 to 1,000. Columns 3-4 are average running times over three instances, while column 5 has the same meaning as column 8 of Table [TableSmall].



cc|rr|r & &
& & Obj.Fcn.
$n$ & $p$ & GTS & Liu2 & GTS/Liu2 (%)
100 & 0.2 & 0.07 & 3.19 & 154.3
200 & 0.2 & 0.29 & 25.48 & 159.6
300 & 0.2 & 0.62 & 83.61 & 139.4
400 & 0.2 & 1.08 & 194.82 & 142.0
500 & 0.2 & 1.68 & 380.38 & 149.9
750 & 0.2 & 3.76 & 1,278.56 & 139.0
1,000 & 0.2 & 6.66 & 3,031.05 & 137.6
& **146.0

& &
& & Obj.Fcn.
$n$ & $p$ & GTS & Liu2 & GTS/Liu2 (%)
100 & 0.4 & 0.06 & 2.31 & 173.7
200 & 0.4 & 0.22 & 18.37 & 125.4
300 & 0.4 & 0.48 & 61.98 & 139.6
400 & 0.4 & 0.84 & 146.20 & 135.8
500 & 0.4 & 1.31 & 285.12 & 139.8
750 & 0.4 & 2.92 & 960.87 & 132.0
1,000 & 0.4 & 5.18 & 2,274.18 & 137.1
& **140.5\


cc|rr|r & &
& & Obj.Fcn.
$n$ & $p$ & GTS & Liu2 & GTS/Liu2 (%)
100 & 0.6 & 0.04 & 1.54 & 141.1
200 & 0.6 & 0.16 & 12.15 & 105.6
300 & 0.6 & 0.34 & 40.93 & 120.4
400 & 0.6 & 0.60 & 97.10 & 112.4
500 & 0.6 & 0.93 & 189.56 & 107.3
750 & 0.6 & 2.05 & 639.78 & 117.3
1,000 & 0.6 & 3.64 & 1,513.18 & 110.2
& **116.3

& &
& & Obj.Fcn.
$n$ & $p$ & GTS & Liu2 & GTS/Liu2 (%)
100 & 0.8 & 0.03 & 0.76 & 91.2
200 & 0.8 & 0.10 & 5.99 & 81.3
300 & 0.8 & 0.21 & 20.20 & 82.3
400 & 0.8 & 0.36 & 48.00 & 98.0
500 & 0.8 & 0.54 & 93.86 & 91.1
750 & 0.8 & 1.18 & 316.72 & 92.0
1,000 & 0.8 & 2.10 & 751.06 & 90.4
& **89.5\


It can seen from Table [TableSmall] that GTS outperforms Liu2 substantially when it comes to running time. On the other hand, Liu2 performs better, with respect to objective function value, than GTS in most cases. In fact, this is true for instances with $p \leq 60$. For instances with $p=0.80$, the tendency reverts: heuristic GTS produces solutions that are, in average, slightly less costly than those produced by Liu2.

In Table [TableLarge], the running time of GTS remains very low. Indeed, it is sometimes several orders of magnitude lower than that of Liu2. Here it is important to highlight the fact that the algorithms’ implementations are homogenized, in the sense that the two programs share as much code and data structures as possible. Regarding the objective function of the heuristic solutions, we can see a similar trend to the one present in the Table [TableSmall]: algorithm Liu2 obtains better objective function values for instances with $p \leq 0.6$, at the expense of higher running times. For $p=0.8$, GTS outperforms Liu2, producing solutions whose objective function values are 89.5% of those of the solutions produced by Liu2, in average. This behavior seems to be related to the scenario described in Section [Algo2], where algorithm Liu2 can produce solutions that are far from being optimal. Indeed, the lower the density of the graphs (resulting from high values of $p$), the more likely it is that the scenario described in Section [Algo2] will happen.

Concluding Remarks

In this paper, we presented two novel solution approaches for the so-called Minimum Cost Linear Extension problem (MLCE): a topological sorting-based heuristic and a constraint programming model. We revisited an existing greedy algorithm for the MCLE, due to Liu et al. @Liu, and showed that their algorithm is not an approximation one, as originally suggested in their paper.

We also carried out a number of computational experiments on randonly generated posets and reported on the relative performance of the three procedures, which shows a clear trend as we vary the density of the posets. The constraint programming approach was unable to compute provably optimal solutions for posets with more than 20 elements ($n&gt;20$), but it has proven instrumental in determining empirically that the algorithm of Liu et al. obtains near-optimal solutions for small-sized instances. In addition to that, the Liu et al. algorithm clearly outperforms the topological sorting heuristic for posets with high density (values of the parameter $p \leq 0.4$). For $p=0.6$, the scenario is no longer entirely clear, but their algorithm was still slightly superior. For $p=0.8$ (lower densities), the topological sorting heuristic provided better solutions than Liu et al.’s algorithm. A remarkable feature of the topological sorting heuristic is its consistently low running time, which was, at times, several orders of magnitude smaller than that of the algorithm of Liu et al.


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