This are a set of scripts to simplify the deployment of virtual machines in the VMWare vSphere infrastructure from python script.
pip3 install pyVim pyVmomi requests argcomplete paramiko python_terraform requests
For autocomplete in bash
pip install argcomplete
echo 'eval "$(register-python-argcomplete YouScriptDir(ex. ./ )"' >> ~/.bashrc
sourse ~/.bashrc
For this stack need PhpIPAM system:
Add $api_allow_unsafe = true;
in config.php in your phpipam system
Example for create Only new IP in PHPIpam system run:
./ \
--vmname=test-vm01 \
--desc="Test IP"
--net= \
Before use create credential file
cat ><<EOF!
user_api = '__you_user_name__' # IPAM user
pass_api = '__pwd__' # IPAM user password
vc_user = '__you_user_name__' # vCenter administrator user name
vc_pass = '__pwd__' # vCenter administrator user password
sd_user = '__you_user_name__' # ServiceDesk User
sd_pass = '__pwd__' # ServiceDesk password
cat ><<EOF!
vc_list = [
template_linux = [
template_wind = [
template_list = template_linux + template_wind
For Help USAGE:
./ --help