Smart city Rating is a web application that allows you to view cities with a description and pictures. Once you login or signup, you can leave a review and rate different aspects of any city you choose. You can add your own city if it's not already listed, along with the city name, state name, image, and short description. Explore the beautiful smart world through our website
This project is deployed on Render with the help of MongoDB Atlas cloud database. click below link to see the live version
Live :-
Client Side: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript
Server Side: Node.js, Express
Database: MongoDB, Mongoose(ODM)
APIs: Cloudinary, Mapbox
- Fully responsive web application suitable for all screen size
- User signup and login authentication with username and password
- Passwords are saved safely encrypted with the help of hash function
- Create, view, edit and delete city and review through restful routing
- One cannot edit or delete existing city and review created by other users
- Flash messages responding to user's interaction with the app
- Cluster map