A note export API written in Scala based on the Evernote SDK. Compiles to both the JVM and JS (via Scala.js) backends. Currently supports both 2.11.x and 2.12.x.
In your build.sbt
resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Snapshots" at "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots"
libraryDependencies += "me.assil" %% "everexport" % "0.3-SNAPSHOT"
npm install everexport
On the JVM (Scala):
import me.assil.everexport.{EverExport, Note, Notebook}
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.Try
// Global EC for executing Futures
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
object QuickStart extends App {
// https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/dev_tokens.php
val token: String = ???
val exporter = new EverExport(token, sandbox = true)
// Get all notebooks in user's account
val notebooksFuture: Future[Vector[Notebook]] = exporter.listNotebooks
// Return all note titles for the *first* notebook
val noteTitlesFuture: Future[Vector[String]] =
for (
notebooks <- notebooksFuture;
titles <- exporter.getNoteTitles(notebooks(0).guid)
) yield titles
// Export all notes from *second* notebook (assuming it exists!)
val notesFuture: Future[Vector[Try[Note]]] =
for (
notebooks <- notebooksFuture;
notes <- exporter.exportNotebook(notebooks(1).guid)
) yield notes
// Wait 5 seconds for last Future to complete
val notes = Await.result(notesFuture, 5.seconds)
// Display notes exported from second notebook
In JS:
const everexport = require('everexport')
const token = process.env.EVERNOTE_TOKEN // Same token as above
const exporter = new everexport.EverExport(token, true)
// Fetch all notebooks in user's account
// Then fetch all notes in *first* notebook
.then(notebooks => {
const n = notebooks[0]
return exporter.exportNotebook(n.guid)
// Then display each note's title and creation time
.then(notes => {
notes.forEach(note => {
console.log('Title: ' + note.title + ', Created on: ' + note.created)
First, make sure you have sbt
1.x installed.
Run sbt everexportJVM/package
. JAR in jvm/target/scala-2.12
Run sbt everexportJS/fullOptJS
. Optimized JS in js/target/scala-2.12/scalajs-bundler/main