* A computer program that records every keystroke made by a computer user, especially in order to gain fraudulent access to passwords and other confidential information.
* Keyloggers are activity-monitoring software programs that give hackers access to your personal data. The passwords and credit card numbers you type, the webpages you visit – all by logging your keyboard strokes. The software is installed on your computer, and records everything you type.
The keylogger that I've made is a basic keylogger with not much functionality.
It captures your keystrokes and saves them in a file "keylogger.txt".
It then sends the contents of the file(i.e. the keystrokes) to your email id.
SYNTAX : python3 keylogger.py
[NOTE: You need to press esc key to exit out the keylogger.]
You need to have pynput , smtplib and ssl installed.
While python comes with the library smtplib and ssl preinstalled.
You can install pynput with : pip install pynput