In this project, my goal is to create an interactive dashboard that allows the user to explore belly button biodiversity dataset samples.json
that contains variety of information from human navels such as type of bacteria.
The user will be able to navigate through the app and visualize each person's demographic information, top 10 bacteria cultures ,the bacteria cultures per sample and washing frequency of navel.
In this part of our app, the users are able to switch between samples and observe visualization for each sample.
This horizontal bar chart demonstrates how many bacteria presents from each type out of top 10 bacteria cultures. Each bar will change color once it exceeds increment of 50 .
Bubble Chart will visualize Sample Values, OtuId and Otu Labels also will change the bubble size according to sample values.
Our gauge meter chart will show how frequently an individual from our data wash their bell button per week .
Click Here to Discover our App! : Belly Button Biodiversity
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