This project focuses on applying classical NLP and Machine Learning models for emotion analysis on twitter data, specifically, Predicting Depression from Twitter Tweets. The project was done in several steps as follows:
- In this part I have focused on conducting initial analysis of the data using visualization and descriptive statistics.
- Visualizations including wordcloud were used to better understand the most frequent words.
- The target variable was encoded, preparing it for further steps.
Text Preprocessing and Vectorization
- After exploration, text preprocessing was conducted to refine the text and prepare it for vectorization.
- Unnecessary stopwords, characters, punctautions and unneeded spaces were removed from the data since they do not add any semantic meaning to our text.
- Post text preprocessing steps, the text was converted to vectors to prepare it for model fitting.
- For vectorisation, I decided to use a classical vectorization algorithm, TF-IDF, instead of using anything more complex, since the dataset required use of simpler models, and complex models were overfitting the data.
Model Fitting and Evaluations:
- After text vectorization, I fit 3 different statistical models to predict depression from tweets, specifically - Decision Trees, Logisitic Regression and Random Forests.
- Complex models were found to overfit the data and the classical models achieved an accuracy of 98%.
- Accuracy score, f1 score and recall were among the metrics used to evaluate the models.