Main Repo:
- ShadCN: a UI component library for building accessible, customizable, and reusable components in React applications e.g buttons, dropdown menus etc, designed to improve development efficiency and user experience. Almost like BootStrap
- Middleware: a function or a set of functions that intercept and process requests and responses in an application before they reach their intended destination or are sent back to the client. It acts as a "middle layer" between the incoming HTTP request and the final application logic.
- Neon HTTP adapter: used to enable seamless integration between Drizzle ORM and Neon’s serverless database, providing a lightweight and efficient way to interact with the database over HTTP.
- Public/images
- src/app --> global.css, favicon.ico, layout.tsx (root layout, favicon defined here, themeProvider and footer are called here), page.tsx (first page?)
- src/app/(salon) --> layout.tsx, template.tsx
- src/app/(salon)/booking --> page.tsx
- src/app/(salon)/booking/form --> page.tsx
- src/app/(salon)/users --> page.tsx
- src/app/(salon)/tickets --> page.tsx (protected route)
- src/app/(salon)/tickets/form --> page.tsx, customerForm.tsx
- src/app/api/auth/[KindeAuth] --> route.tsx
- src/components --> Header.tsx (logo and icons are called here), Header2.tsx, Footer.tsx, theme-provider.tsx, NavButton.tsx, ModeToggle.tsx
- src/components/ui --> button.tsx (created by shadcn), dropdown-menu.tsx (created by shadcn), form.tsx, label.tsx, checkbox.tsx, textarea.tsx, etc
- src/components/inputs --> inputWithLabel.tsx
- src/constants --> statesArray.tsx
- src/lib/queries --> getCustomer.ts, getTicket.ts
- src/lib --> utlis.ts (created by shadcn)
- src --> middleware.ts (handles authentication)
- src/db --> index.ts, schema.ts, migrate.ts
- src/zod-schemas --> customers.ts, tickets.ts
- salon-app (main folder) --> drizzle.config.ts, .env.local, package.json
- salon-app/ data --> customers.sql (contains sql statement to insert some data), tickets.sql
Completion rate = 11/21 = 52.4%
- Replace current note book system
- Add a public facing page with basic contact info ✅
- Add a passwordless employee login to the app ✅
- Show a real-time open tickets page after login
- Provide easy navigation & search for customers & tickets
- Provide a logout option ✅
- Require users to login at least once per week (did that by changng SSO session inactivity timeout on Kinde to 604800 second)✅
- Provide a way to remove employee access asap if needed (Users can be deleted/ suspended in Kinde) ✅
- Customers have an ID, full address, phone, email & notes ✅
- Tickets have an ID, title, notes, created & updated dates ✅
- Tickets are either OPEN or COMPLETED ✅
- Tickets are assigned to specific employees ✅
- Users can have Employee, Manager, or Admin permissions
- All users can create and view tickets ✅
- All users can create, edit and view customers ✅
- Employees can only edit their assigned tickets
- Managers and Admins can view, edit, and delete all tickets
- Desktop mode is most important but the app should be usable on tablet and phone devices as well (make app completely mobile responsive)
- Light / Dark mode option requested by employees (make it work on all pages)
- 'Lock' necessary pages
- Put headers on all pages except the homepage
- npm i drizzle-orm @neondatabase/serverless
- npm i -D drizzle-kit tsx dotenv
- paths in vite-react.js are defined in index.jsx. However, paths in next.js are defined under app by creating a () folder under it, which have other folders that have a page.tsx page in them. There's no index.jsx file in next.js
- app title and favicon are defined in index.html in a vite-react.js project. However, in next.js, the app titles are different in page.tsx of the router folders, and favicons are defined in the root layout.tsx file (so is the footer).
- helps with passwordless auth
- create account --> type in business details (has kinde domain) --> use existing code base (next.js project) --> do the npm stuff --> update .env.local (found in same place as package.json, modify redirect Urls) --> create API endpoint to handle kinde Auth endpoints in the next.js app (src/app/api/auth/[KindeAuth]/route.ts) --> add login button to the users page --> rename application (under details) --> make sure to change the logout redirect url to match that of the .env.local file (under details) --> modify authentication experience (under details) --> email + code enabled (under authrntication) --> modify SSO session inactivity timeout (under tokens) --> go back to home --> go to users and add users e.g me (one can delete/suspend users here) --> go back to home and to settings --> set time zone and add a valid email for the business (i.e my email) --> go to permissions (still under settings) --> add admin and key (i.e admin), do the same for manager and user (they will have authorization to use certain features of the application) --> go to policies (still under settings) --> deactivate 'allow self-sign up' --> go to multi-factor authentication and make it not required --> add a logout link to the header
- Home --> user --- three dots ---> view profile --> permissions --> Add permissions --> make me admin and manager --> save -->
- Add one more user: homepage --> User --> add user
- add application called ManagementAPI --> choose M2M --> update .env.local file with credentials
- Select APIs on the menu on the left --> authorize application
- set up scope --> turn on read:users -->
- "db:generate": "drizzle-kit generate --config drizzle.config.ts",
- "db:migrate": "tsx ./src/db/migrate.ts" (needs connection string from neon)
- UPDATE Tickets SET request = ''
- UPDATE Tickets SET request = '' where id = 4;
- npm i @kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs @kinde/management-api-js