Releases: akvo/akvo-flow
Releases · akvo/akvo-flow
Akvo Flow Dashboard v1.9.44 - Quintessential Quandong
Date: 20-03-2019
New and noteworthy
- Development environment - Move away from using backends which has been deprecated [#2694]. Refactored code on
Resolved issues
- Survey design - Fixed endless copying of question groups [#2802]
- Code cleanup - Removed unused code (permissions [#3005], file-upload library [#3002])
- Data - Resolved issue causing duplication of data point IDs [#2944]
- Development environment - Fixed broken docker build [#3017]. Upgraded spring framework libraries to resolve security vulnerabilities in current versions [#2896]
Akvo Flow Dashboard v1.9.43 - Patient Poppy
Date: 01-03-2019
New and noteworthy
- Surveys - Make it easier to reorder options when editing questions [#2891]. Order forms alphabetically in the surveys tab but always have the registration form first for monitoring surveys [#2917]
- Development environment - Upgrade spring framework libraries to fix security vulnerabilities on the repository [#2896]
Resolved issues
Akvo Flow Dashboard v1.9.42 - Outstanding Orange
Date: 06-02-2019
New and noteworthy
- User experience - Cascading selection of caddisfly tests in survey design [#2842]
- Devices - Cleanup idle devices from the device list after a year [#2939]
- Surveys - Save an archive copy of each published version of a form to the S3 bucket [#2844]
Resolved issues
- Bug fixes - Truncate long error messages causing causing cascade publishing to fail silently [#2961]. Disable saving caddisfly question when no test type is selected [#1808]. Handle end point error responses [#2948]. Fix issue causing signature responses not to display on map [#2937]
- Development environment - Update openssl requirements [#2956]. Data script to print the tree-structure of an instance [#2958]
- Code cleanup - Remove unused SMS classes [#2949]
Akvo Flow Dashboard v1.9.41.1 - Nebulous Nemesia (Hotfix 1)
Date: 03-01-2019
Resolved issues
- Reports - Fix issue causing filters under reports export to not display [#2938]
- User Interface - Update copyright year
Akvo Flow Dashboard v1.9.41 - Nebulous Nemesia
Akvo Flow Dashboard v1.9.40 - Melodious Melon
Date: 14th November 2018
New and noteworthy
- Maps - Filter data points on maps tab by form [#2770]
- Survey design - Disable ability to save optionless option type questions [#2118]. Order forms on survey tab by date created instead of alphabetically [#2917]
- Exports - Show codes by default if they exist when exporting data analysis and comprehensive reports [#2742]
- Backend optimisation - Shorten the time we keep asking for device files from two years to one year[#2913]
Resolved issues
Akvo Flow Dashboard v1.9.39 - Laid-back Lagerstroemia
Date: 25th October 2018
New and noteworthy
- Project folders - Enable editing folder name when created [#2875]
Resolved issues
- Surveys - Require selecting at least one type before allowing saving geoshape questions [#2877]
- Maps - Properly render all caddisfly responses on maps[#1750]. If a point has been previously selected, hide details panel when filtering [#2881]. Properly render geoshape responses on maps tab [#2884]
- UI improvement - Remove table header arrows where unneeded [#2389]. Fix how and where survey path is displayed on dashboard [#2507]
- UX improvement - Indicate form must be selected to perform actions on data cleaning tab [#2456]. Remove delay between fetching retching form submissions on inspect data tab and displaying when fetch completes [#2827]
- Code cleanup - Remove CartoDB code [#2867]
# Akvo Flow Dashboard v1.9.38 - Key Kalmia
Date: 9th October 2018
New and noteworthy
- Reports export - Highlight folder/survey/form selection when user tries to export a report without selecting a form [#2380]. Highlight question selection when user tries to export a geojson report without selecting a geoshape type question [#2479]
- Question answers - Display images [#2557] and videos [#2561] directly on dashboard instead of a link opening on different tab
Resolved Issues
- Bug fix - Load question answers for non-monitoring survey on Mapbox maps [#2680]
Akvo Flow Dashboard v1.9.37.1 - Jovial Jojoba (Hotfix 1)
Akvo Flow Dashboard v1.9.37 - Jovial Jojoba
Date: 12th September 2018
New and noteworthy
- UI improvement - Highlight the folder/survey filters when a user tries to perform an action without having selected a form under the inspect data and monitoring tabs [#2455]
Resolved issues
- Bug fixes - Catch browser error thrown when a user filters down to form level then selects an ancestor's "Choose folder or survey" option [#2848]. Remove delay after the loading icon disappears when fetching data under inspect data and monitoring data tabs to the data till the submissions actually showing [#2827]
- Performance improvement - Remove unnecessary fetch for survey instance counts causing delay when calling the surveys endpoint[#2823]