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Retrieving survey answers

Jonas Enlund edited this page Aug 22, 2014 · 4 revisions
Endpoint Description
/question_answers?surveyInstanceId=<id> Retrieves a list of question answers

A question answer consists of the following data:

Field Description Type
question_answers.value The users answer Depends on type of answer
question_answers.type Answer type String
question_answers.oldValue The old value that was stored (if available) Depends on type of answer
question_answers.arbitratyNumber Integer
question_answers.surveyId The Id of the survey the answer belongs to Integer
question_answers.questionId The Id of the question the answer belongs to String
question_answers.questionText The question text String
question_answers.collectionDate Date the answer was collected Unix 13-digit timestamp
question_answers.surveyInstanceId The Id of the survey instance the answer belongs to Integer
question_answers.keyId Unique key for this specific answer Integer
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