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Setup your development environment on Windows OS

Maseline edited this page Nov 6, 2017 · 1 revision

This is a step by step guide on how to set up the development environment needed to start working on Akvo Flow locally. These steps have been tested with Windows 10 only.

Install Ruby

Click the link to download an installer for Ruby, version 2.4.1. Make sure the option to add Ruby to your path is checked when you run the installer. RubyInstaller After Ruby is installed, a terminal will open to allow you install MYSYS. MYSYS is the development kit for Ruby versions greater than 2.3. Make sure all three steps in this installation complete successfully to avoid errors in the future. MYSYS is used to compile native gems that usually written in C or C++(non-ruby gems). If it is missing, you will have trouble installing native gems such as win32console.

Install Bundler

Open your command prompt and run the following command to install bundler: gem install bundler

Install Java 8

You can download the Java SE Development Kit from here:InstallJDK

Install Apache Ant

Follow this guide to download and set-up Apache Ant:InstallANT

Download the App Engine SDK for Java

Follow through steps 1 and 2a at this link:AppEngineForJava

Fork the repository:

Fork the akvo-flow repository and clone it.

Change sdk.dir

Open your project folder in an IDE or text editor. In the akvo-flow-develop/GAE/ directory,copy and paste the file. Rename the copied file to Open the file and change the value of sdk.dir to the path of the App engine SDK on your machine

Run bundle install

Open your command prompt and cd to Dashboard directory in your project folder i.e akvo-flow-develop/Dashboard Run the following command: bundle install

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