This is an application that allows users to search and save books. It is built using the Google Books API, MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React and Node), Bulma framework and It is deployed on Heroku and uses MongoDB Atlas.
- Link to the app on Heroku:
- Link to the Github repository:
Here is the demo of the application.
On the homepage, the user can search for a book. The Google Books API will provide a list of books that is shown to the user who can then choose to view the details in Google Books or can save it in their saved list. In the saved page, all the books that have been saved will be shown and the user can choose to remove the book from the list as well as view it on Google. When the application is either retrieving data from the Google Books API or from MongoDB Atlas database, there is a progress bar that will appear.
There is the addition on use to show notifications when a book has been added or removed from the saved list. The notifcation will appear for a short duration to all open pages of the website application.
Here is the demo showing the notifications appearing on two browser pages at the same time.
- Photo by Clem Onojeghuo from Pexels
- Bulma
- Bulma Navbar Toogle with React Hooks
- How To Setup Bulma CSS Frameowrk with React Under 5 Minutes
- Sockets with express router
- Font Awesome
- License badge link
Copyright (c) [2021] [Annie Kwan]