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A common use case for prompto is to evaluate the performance of different models on a given task where we first need to obtain a large number of responses. In prompto, we provide functionality to automate the querying of different models and endpoints to obtain responses to a set of prompts and then evaluate these responses.

Automatic evaluation using an LLM-as-judge

To perform an LLM-as-judge evaluation, we essentially treat this as just another prompto experiment where we have a set of prompts (which are now some judge evaluation template including the response from a model) and we query another model to obtain a judge evaluation response.

Therefore, given a completed experiment file (i.e., a jsonl file where each line is a json object containing the prompt and response from a model), we can create another experiment file where the prompts are generated using some judge evaluation template and the completed response file. We must specify the model that we want to use as the judge. We call this a judge experiment file and we can use prompto again to run this experiment and obtain the judge evaluation responses.

Also see the Running LLM-as-judge experiment notebook for a more detailed walkthrough the library for creating and running judge evaluations.

Judge folder

To run an LLM-as-judge evaluation, you must first create a judge folder consisting of:

└── judge_folder
    └── settings.json: a dictionary where keys are judge identifiers
        and the values are also dictionaries containing the "api",
        "model_name", and "parameters" to specify the LLM to use as a judge.
    └── template .txt files: several template files that specify how to
        generate the prompts for the judge evaluation

Judge settings file

For instance, the settings.json file could look like this:

    "gemini-1.0-pro": {
        "api": "gemini",
        "model_name": "gemini-1.0-pro",
        "parameters": {"temperature": 0.5}
    "gpt-4": {
        "api": "openai",
        "model_name": "gpt-4",
        "parameters": {"temperature": 0.5}

We will see later that the commands for creating or running a judge evaluation will require the judge argument where we specify the judge identifier given by the keys of the settings.json file (e.g., gemini-1.0-pro or gpt-4 in this case).

Template files

For creating a judge experiment, you must provide a prompt template which will be used to generate the prompts for the judge evaluation. This template should contain the response from the model that you want to evaluate. For instance, a basic template might look something like:

Given the following input and output of a model, please rate the quality of the response:

We allow for specifying multiple templates (for different evaluation prompts), so you might have several .txt files in the judge folder, so you might have a folder looking like:

└── judge_folder
    └── settings.json
    └── template.txt
    └── template2.txt

We will see later that the commands for creating or running a judge evaluation has a templates argument where you can specify a comma-separated list of template files (e.g., template.txt,template2.txt). By default, this is template.txt if not specified.

Using prompto for LLM-as-judge evaluation

prompto also allows you to run a LLM-as-judge evaluation when running the experiment the first time (using prompto_run_experiment) by doing this in a two step process:

  1. Run the original prompto experiment with the models you want to evaluate and save the responses to a file
  2. Create a judge experiment file using the responses from the first experiment and run the judge experiment

We will first show how to create a judge experiment file (given an already completed experiment), and then show the how to run the judge experiment directly when using prompto_run_experiment.

Creating a judge experiment file from a completed experiment

Given a completed experiment file, we can create a judge experiment file using the prompto_create_judge_file command. To see all arguments of this command, run prompto_create_judge_file --help.

To create a judge experiment file for a particular experiment file with a judge-folder as ./judge, we can use the following command:

prompto_create_judge_file \
    --experiment-file path/to/experiment.jsonl \
    --judge-folder judge \
    --templates template.txt \
    --judge gemini-1.0-pro

This would generate a new experiment file with prompts generated using the template in judge/template.txt and the responses from the completed experiment file. The --judge argument specifies the judge identifier to use from the judge/settings.json file in the judge folder, so in this case, it would use the gemini-1.0-pro model as the judge - this specifies the api, model_name, and parameters to use for the judge LLM.

As noted above, it's possible to use multiple templates and multiple judges by specifying a comma-separated list of template files and judge identifiers, for instance:

prompto_create_judge_file \
    --experiment-file path/to/experiment.jsonl \
    --judge-folder judge \
    --templates template.txt,template2.txt \
    --judge gemini-1.0-pro,gpt-4

Here, for each prompt dictionary in the completed experiment file, there would be 4 prompts generated (from the 2 templates and 2 judges). The full number of prompts generated would be num_templates * num_judges * num_prompts_in_experiment_file.

This will create a new experiment file

Running a LLM-as-judge evaluation automatically using prompto_run_experiment

It is also possible to run a LLM-as-judge evaluation directly when running the experiment the first time using the prompto_run_experiment command. To do this, you just use the same arguments as described above. For instance, to run an experiment file with automatic evaluation using a judge, you can use the following command:

prompto_run_experiment \
    --file path/to/experiment.jsonl \
    --data-folder data \
    --judge-folder judge \
    --templates template.txt,template2.txt \
    --judge gemini-1.0-pro

This command would first run the experiment file to obtain responses for each prompt, then create a new judge experiment file using the completed responses and the templates in judge/template.txt and judge/template2.txt, and lastly run the judge experiment using the gemini-1.0-pro model specified in the judge/settings.json file.

Automatic evaluation using a scoring function

prompto supports automatic evaluation using a scoring function. A scoring function is typically something which is lightweight such as performing string matching or regex computation. For prompto a scoring function is defined as any function that takes in a completed prompt dictionary and returns a dictionary with new keys that define some score for the prompt.

For example, we have some built-in scoring functions in src/prompto/

  • match(): takes in a completed prompt dictionary prompt_dict as an argument and sets a new key "match" which is True if prompt_dict["response"]==prompt_dict["expected_response"] and False otherwise.
  • includes(): takes in a completed prompt dictionary prompt_dict as an argument and sets a new key "includes" which is True if prompt_dict["response"] includes prompt_dict["expected_response"] and False otherwise.

It is possible to define your own scoring functions by creating a new function in a Python file. The only restriction is that it must take in a completed prompt dictionary as an argument and return a dictionary with new keys that define some score for the prompt, i.e. it has the following structure:

def my_scorer(prompt_dict: dict) -> dict:
    # some computation to score the response
    prompt_dict["my_score"] = <something>
    return prompt_dict

Also see the Running experiments with custom evaluations for a more detailed walkthrough the library for using custom scoring functions.

Using a scorer in prompto

In Python, to use a scorer, when processing an experiment, you can pass in a list of scoring functions to the Experiment.process() method. For instance, you can use the match and includes scorers as follows:

from prompto.scorers import match, includes
from prompto.settings import Settings
from prompto.experiment import Experiment

settings = Settings(data_folder="data")
experiment = Experiment(file_name="experiment.jsonl", settings=settings)
experiment.process(evaluation_funcs=[match, includes])

Here, you could also include any other custom functions in the list passed for evaluation_funcs.

Running a scorer evaluation automatically using prompto_run_experiment

In the command line, you can use the --scorers argument to specify a list of scoring functions to use. To do so, you must first add the scoring function to the SCORING_FUNCTIONS dictionary in src/prompto/ (this is at the bottom of the file). You can then pass in the key corresponding to the scoring function to the --scorers argument as a comma-separated list. For instance, to run an experiment file with automatic evaluation using the match and includes scorers, you can use the following command:

prompto_run_experiment \
    --file path/to/experiment.jsonl \
    --data-folder data \
    --scorers match,includes

This will run the experiment file and for each prompt dictionary, the match and includes scoring functions will be applied to the completed prompt dictionary (and the new "match" and "includes" keys will be added to the prompt dictionary).

For custom scoring functions, you must do the following:

  1. Implement the scoring function in either a Python file or in the src/prompto/ file (if it's in another file, you'll just need to import it in the src/prompto/ file)
  2. Add it to the SCORING_FUNCTIONS dictionary in the src/prompto/ file
  3. Pass in the key corresponding to the scoring function to the --scorers argument