A simple REST Microservice abstracting the consumption of a generative model for images of a recipe. This provides stylistic representations of the recipe prompt and implements some prod-ready features.
This is still a work in progress but currently supports simple recipe and ingredient management.
The main goal of this project is providing an easy to deploy, maintain, and consumable model. The model aims to provide consistently styled results, so that they are themed. These are also stylistic, and not a pure representation of the real recipe.
- Safe: Filtered prompts and tailoured outputs to avoid extranous uses...
- Documentation: OpenAPI standard and code-first design.
- Fast: uses FastAPI for a fast development + build + deploy time.
To run the app in development mode,
source ./bin/activate
uvicorn app.main:app --reload
Then checkout the OpenAPI docs, [].
To build the service using Docker compose run,
docker compose up
or to build without compose,
docker build -t testImage .
docker run -d --name testContainer -p 80:80 testImage
test it by visiting the ping-pong test URL