My name is Alberto, and I'm a Computer Scientist from the University of Havana. I have a huge passion for solving problems in the areas of Computer Science and Software Engineering.
- 🔭 I’m currently working as a Software Developer at Volvo Cars.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning about Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning.
- 💬 You can ask me about Python, Data Structures, Algorithms, and some aspects of Software Development such as REST APIs, Automated Testing, and CI/CD.
I love teaching and writing. That's why I combine those two passions creating educational content online.
In order to spread knowledge I:
- ✍️ Write the Algorithmically Speaking newsletter.
- 🏕️ Collaborate sharing knowledge with freeCodeCamp.
- 🚗 Collaborate with the Volvo Cars Engineering blog.
- I participated in two ICPC World Finals as a competitor.