URLPing is a simple Java utility to ping a URL. The ping returns back the status as either OKAY, ERROR or TIMEOUT. The utility uses the Apache Jakarta Commons HttpClient component.
The following describes the requirements and usage of URLPing.
- Java SE - URLPing is designed to run on Java SE 5.0 and later.
- Commons HttpClient (http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/httpclient)
- Commons Logging (http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/logging)
- Commons Codec (http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/codec)
URLPing is the main class. This class provides two methods ping(String url) and ping(String url, int timeout). The first method accepts a URL to ping and defaults to a timeout of 30 seconds. The second method accepts a timeout interval in seconds in addition to the URL to ping.
URLPing urlPing = new URLPing();
PingResponse pingResponse = urlPing.ping("http://www.google.com");
assertEquals(pingResponse.getResponseStatus(), ResponseStatus.OKAY);
The response to the ping method is a PingReponse object. This contains a ResponseStatus enum with values of either OKAY, ERROR or TIMEOUT depending on the outcome of the ping. It also contains a responseCode property which contains the response code of the HTTP request.