The filename should be the same as the function name followed by .m
. Use
lowercase with words separated by underscores: e.g. adjacency_matrix.m
File I/O functions should be readEXT
and writeEXT
where EXT is replaced with the file extension. If the extension is ambiguous then it should be
writeEXT_program, where
program` is replaced by the
short name of the program that generated that file.
Each file contains a single exposed function and should contain a standard
header containing description of the function, the function prototype and
description of inputs/outputs. For example in centroid.m
function [C,vol] = centroid(V,F,varargin)
% CENTROID Compute the centroid of a closed polyhedron bounded by (V,F)
% C = centroid(V,F)
% [C,vol] = centroid(V,F,'ParameterName',ParameterValue, ...)
% Inputs:
% V #V by 3 list of mesh vertex positions
% F #F by 3 list of triangle mesh indices
% Optional:
% 'Robust' followed by whether to use more robust but costlier method
% for nearly closed input. {false}
% Outputs:
% C 3-vector of centroid location
% vol total volume of polyhedron
... % contents of function