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Synthetics command

Run Synthetics tests from your CI.



You need to have a Datadog API key (DATADOG_API_KEY) and application key(DATADOG_APP_KEY) available in your environment or pass them to the CLI.

# Environment setup

# Passing to CLI
yarn datadog-ci synthetics <command> --apiKey "<API KEY>" --appKey "<APPLICATION KEY>"

It is possible to configure the tool to use other Datadog sites by defining the DATADOG_SITE environment variable. By default the requests are sent to Datadog US1.

If the org uses a custom sub-domain to access Datadog app, it needs to be set in the DATADOG_SUBDOMAIN environment variable or in the global configuration file under the subdomain key to properly display the test results URL. As an example, if the URL used to access Datadog is then set the environment variable to myorg, ie:

export DATADOG_SUBDOMAIN="myorg"

You can use the DATADOG_SYNTHETICS_LOCATIONS to override the locations where your tests run. Locations should be separated with ;. Note that the configuration in test files takes precedence over others overrides.

export DATADOG_SYNTHETICS_LOCATIONS="aws:us-east-1;aws:us-east-2"


By default it runs at the root of the working directory and finds {,!(node_modules)/**/}*.synthetics.json files (every files ending with .synthetics.json except those in the node_modules folder).


Configuration is done via a json file, by default the tool load datadog-ci.json which can be overridden through the --config argument.

The configuration file structure is the following:

  "apiKey": "<DATADOG_API_KEY>",
  "datadogSite": "",
  "failOnCriticalErrors": true,
  "failOnMissingTests": true,
  "failOnTimeout": true,
  "files": "{,!(node_modules)/**/}*.synthetics.json",
  "global": {
    "allowInsecureCertificates": true,
    "basicAuth": {"username": "test", "password": "test"},
    "body": "{\"fakeContent\":true}",
    "bodyType": "application/json",
    "cookies": "name1=value1;name2=value2;",
    "defaultStepTimeout": 15,
    "deviceIds": ["chrome.laptop_large"],
    "executionRule": "skipped",
    "followRedirects": true,
    "headers": {"NEW_HEADER": "NEW VALUE"},
    "locations": ["aws:us-east-1"],
    "retry": {"count": 2, "interval": 300},
    "startUrl": "{{URL}}?static_hash={{STATIC_HASH}}",
    "startUrlSubstitutionRegex": "s/(https://www.)(.*)/$1extra-$2/",
    "variables": {"MY_VARIABLE": "new title"}
  "pollingTimeout": 120000,
  "proxy": {
    "auth": {
      "username": "login",
      "password": "pwd"
    "host": "",
    "port": 3128,
    "protocol": "http"
  "subdomain": "subdomainname"

Proxy configuration

It is possible to configure a proxy to be used for outgoing connections to Datadog using the proxy key of the global configuration file.

As the proxy-agent library is used to configure the proxy, protocols supported are http, https, socks, socks4, socks4a, socks5, socks5h, pac+data, pac+file, pac+ftp, pac+http, pac+https. The proxy key of the global configuration file is passed to a new proxy-agent instance, meaning same configuration than the library is supported.

Note: host and port keys are mandatory arguments and the protocol key defaults to http if not defined.


The available sub-command is:

  • run-tests: run the tests discovered in the folder according to the files configuration key

It accepts the --public-id (or shorthand -p) argument to trigger only the specified test. It can be set multiple times to run multiple tests:

yarn datadog-ci synthetics run-tests --public-id pub-lic-id1 --public-id pub-lic-id2

It is also possible to trigger tests corresponding to a search query by using the flag --search (or shorthand -s). With this option, the global configuration overrides applies to all tests discovered with the search query.

yarn datadog-ci synthetics run-tests -s 'tag:e2e-tests' --config global.config.json

You can use --files (shorthand -f) to override the global file selector. It's particularly useful when you want to run multiple suites in parallel with a single global configuration file.

yarn datadog-ci synthetics run-tests -f ./component-1/**/*.synthetics.json -f ./component-2/**/*.synthetics.json

Variables can also be passed as arguments using --variable KEY=VALUE.

yarn datadog-ci synthetics run-tests -f ./component-1/**/*.synthetics.json -v PASSWORD=$PASSWORD

Failure modes flags

  • --failOnTimeout (or --no-failOnTimeout) will make the CI fail (or pass) if one of the result exceed its test timeout.
  • --failOnCriticalErrors will make the CI fail if tests were not triggered or results could not be fetched.
  • --failOnMissingTests will make the CI fail if at least one test is missing.

Test files

Your test files must be named with a .synthetics.json suffix.

// myTest.synthetics.json
  "tests": [
      "id": "<TEST_PUBLIC_ID>",
      "config": {
        "allowInsecureCertificates": true,
        "basicAuth": {"username": "test", "password": "test"},
        "body": "{\"fakeContent\":true}",
        "bodyType": "application/json",
        "cookies": "name1=value1;name2=value2;",
        "defaultStepTimeout": 15,
        "deviceIds": ["chrome.laptop_large"],
        "executionRule": "skipped",
        "followRedirects": true,
        "headers": {"NEW_HEADER": "NEW VALUE"},
        "locations": ["aws:us-east-1"],
        "pollingTimeout": 30000,
        "retry": {"count": 2, "interval": 300},
        "startUrl": "{{URL}}?static_hash={{STATIC_HASH}}",
        "startUrlSubstitutionRegex": "s/(https://www.)(.*)/$1extra-$2/",
        "variables": {"MY_VARIABLE": "new title"}

The <TEST_PUBLIC_ID> can be either the identifier of the test found in the URL of a test details page (eg. for it would be abc-def-ghi) or the full URL to the details page (ie. directly

All options under the config key are optional and allow overriding the configuration of the test as stored in Datadog.

  • allowInsecureCertificates: (boolean) disable certificate checks in API tests.
  • basicAuth: (object) credentials to provide in case a basic authentication is encountered.
    • username: (string) username to use in basic authentication.
    • password: (string) password to use in basic authentication.
  • body: (string) data to send in a synthetics API test.
  • bodyType: (string) type of the data sent in a synthetics API test.
  • cookies: (string or object) use provided string as Cookie header in API or Browser test, in addition or in replacement.
    • if a string, it will be used to replace the original cookies.
    • if an object, its format must be {append?: boolean, value: string} and depending on the value of append, it will be appended or will replace the original cookies.
  • defaultStepTimeout: (number) maximum duration of steps in seconds for Browser tests, does not override individually set step timeouts.
  • deviceIds: (array) list of devices on which to run the Browser test.
  • executionRule: (string) execution rule of the test: it defines the behavior of the CLI in case of a failing test, it can be either:
    • blocking: the CLI returns an error if the test fails.
    • non_blocking: the CLI only prints a warning if the test fails.
    • skipped: the test is not executed at all.
  • followRedirects: (boolean) indicates whether to follow or not HTTP redirections in API tests.
  • headers: (object) headers to replace in the test. This object should contain as keys the name of the header to replace and as values the new value of the header.
  • locations: (array) list of locations from which the test should be run.
  • pollingTimeout: (integer) maximum duration in milliseconds of a test, if execution exceeds this value it is considered failed.
  • retry: (object) retry policy for the test.
    • count: (integer) number of attempts to perform in case of test failure.
    • interval: (integer) interval between the attempts (in milliseconds).
  • startUrl: (string) new start URL to provide to the test. Variables specified in brackets ({{ EXAMPLE }}) found in environment variables are replaced.
  • startUrlSubstitutionRegex: (string) regex to modify the starting URL of the test (browser and HTTP tests only), whether it was given by the original test or by the configuration override startUrl. If the URL contains variables, this regex will be applied after the interpolation of the variables. The format is s/your_regex/your_substitution/modifiers and follow Javascript regex syntax, for instance s/(https://www.)(.*)/$1extra-$2/ to transform into
  • variables: (object) variables to replace in the test. This object should contain as keys the name of the variable to replace and as values the new value of the variable.

Testing tunnel

You can run tests within your development environment by combining variable overrides with the Testing Tunnel. This allows you to run end-to-end encryption at every stage of your software development lifecycle, from pre-production environments through to your production system.

End-to-end testing process

To verify this command works as expected, you can trigger a test run and verify it returns 0:

export DATADOG_API_KEY='<API key>'
export DATADOG_APP_KEY='<application key>'

yarn datadog-ci synthetics run-tests --public-id abc-def-ghi

Successful output should look like this:

[abc-def-ghi] Trigger test "Check on"
[abc-def-ghi] Waiting results for "Check on"

=== REPORT ===
Took 11546ms

✓ [abc-def-ghi] | Check on
  ✓ location: Frankfurt (AWS)
    ⎋  total duration: 28.9 ms - result url:
    ✓ GET -


Two reporters are supported out-of-the-box:

  1. stdout
  2. JUnit

To enable the JUnit report, pass the --jUnitReport (-j shorthand) in your command, specifying a filename for your JUnit XML report.

yarn datadog-ci synthetics run-tests -s 'tag:e2e-tests' --config global.config.json --jUnitReport e2e-test-junit

Reporters can hook themselves into the MainReporter of the command.

Available hooks

Hook name Parameters Description
log (log: string) called for logging.
error (error: string) called whenever an error occurs.
initErrors (errors: string[]) called whenever an error occurs during the tests parsing phase.
reportStart (timings: {startTime: number}) called at the start of the report.
resultEnd (result: Result, baseUrl: string) called for each result at the end of all results.
resultReceived (result: Result) called when a result is received.
testTrigger (test: Test, testId: string, executionRule: ExecutionRule, config: UserConfigOverride) called when a test is triggered.
testWait (test: Test) called when a test is waiting to receive its results.
testsWait (tests: Test[]) called when all tests are waiting to receive their results.
runEnd (summary: Summary, baseUrl: string) called at the end of the run.