Visualization of travelers flying to European countries using data from a simulated dataset created with a synthetic data generation tool, closely resembling real-world data. The visualization includes a choropleth map where each country is colored based on the number of travelers arriving each month.
To the right of the map, a bar chart provides detailed information on how many travelers arrived on time, faced delays, or experienced cancellations.
This visualization was created using the D3 library. For more details, visit D3's website. Additionally, HTML and CSS were used.
At the top, a slider allows selection of the month to visualize, updating the map data automatically. Text under the slider indicates the displayed month.
Hovering over a country shows a tooltip with the country name and the number of incoming travelers. Clicking on a country displays detailed data in the bar chart for that country. Changing the month resets the chart to avoid confusion. A hint at the bottom of the bar chart indicates the functionality for selecting a country.
When displaying a country’s data in the bar chart, the selected country name appears below.
Alejandra Gavino-Dias González (