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Inspired by the Laravel Cache implementation, this package provides a store agnostic caching system via an expressive and unified interface that allows for an abstraction layer between different data store drivers and your application. This enables for each store to be used interchangeably without any code changes other than the programmatic configuration of the desired store(s).

Table Of Contents


To start using this package in your application simply run:go get -u


This package supports 3 backends out of the box: Redis, Memcached and Local (via go-cache). Each store has a specific configuration whose parameters can be easily referenced in the following GoDoc sections:


Obtaining A Cache Instance

In order to new up a cache implementation simply call gocache.New with the desired configuration and encoder:

// Redis
cache, err := gocache.New(&gocache.RedisConfig{
    Prefix: "gocache:",
    Addr:   "localhost:6379",
}, encoder.JSON{})
// handle err

// Memcache
cache, err := gocache.New(&gocache.MemcacheConfig{
    Prefix:  "gocache:",
    Servers: []string{""},
}, encoder.Msgpack{})
// handle err

// Local
cache, err := gocache.New(&gocache.LocalConfig{
    Prefix:          "gocache:",
    DefaultInterval: time.Second,
}, encoder.JSON{})
// handle err

Retrieving Items From The Cache

All methods including the prefix Get are used to retrieve items from the cache. If an item does not exist in the cache for the given key an error of type gocache.ErrNotFound will be raised. Please see the following examples:

v, err := cache.GetFloat32("temperature")
// handle err

v, err := cache.GetFloat64("height")
// handle err

v, err := cache.GetInt("score")
// handle err

v, err := cache.GetInt64("counter")
// handle err

v, err := cache.GetString("username")
// handle err

v, err := cache.GetUint64("id")
// handle err

// GetBool will return false in the event of the cache entry being
// the string 'false', empty string, boolean false, string '0' or
// the number 0. The value v will be true otherwise.
v, err := cache.GetBool("active")
// handle err

// Get any type e.g. Movie{Name string, Views int64}
var m Movie
err := cache.Get("e.t.", &m)
// handle err

// Handle missed entry for key
v, err := cache.GetString("entry-not-found-key")
if errors.Is(gocache.ErrNotFound, err) {
    // handle err

The method Many is also exposed in order to retrieve multiple cache records with one call. The results of the Many invocation will be returned in a map of gocache.Item instances keyed by the retrieved cached entries keys. Please see the example below:

items, err := cache.Many("string", "uint64", "int", "int64", "float64", "float32", "any", "bool")
// handle err

for key, item := range items {
    switch key:
    case "string":
        v, err := item.String()
        // handle err
    case "uint64":
        v, err := item.Uint64()
        // handle err
    case "int":
        v, err := item.Int()
        // handle err
    case "int64":
        v, err := item.Int64()
        // handle err
    case "float64":
        v, err := item.Float64()
        // handle err
    case "float32":
        v, err := item.Float32()
        // handle err
    case "any":
        var m Movie
        err := item.Unmarshal(&m)
        // handle err
    case "bool":
        // Bool will return false in the event of the cache entry being
        // the string 'false', empty string, boolean false, string '0' 
        // or the number 0. The value v will be true otherwise.
        v, err := item.Bool()
        // handle err

Storing Items In The Cache

You can use the Put method to store items in the cache with a specified time to live:

err := cache.Put("key", "value", 10 * time.Second)
// handle err

// You can store any value
err := cache.Put("most_watched_movie", &Movie{
    Name:  "Avatar",
    Views: 100,
}, 60 * time.Minute)
// handle err

To atomically add an entry to the cache if the key for the given entry does not exist you can use Add:

added, err := cache.Add("key", 2, time.Minute)
// handle err
if !added {
    // do something

To store a value indefinitely (without expiration) simply use the method Forever:

err := cache.Forever("key", "value")
// handle err

To store many values at once you can use PutMany:

var entries = []gocache.Entry{
        Key:   "string",
        Value: "whatever",
        Duration: time.Minute,
        Key:   "any",
        Value: Movie{
          Name:  "Star Wars",
          Views: 10,
        Duration: time.Minute,
err := cache.PutMany(entries...)
// handle err

To increment and decrement values (for now you can only increment & decrement using int64 values) simply use Increment & Decrement. Please note that if there is no entry for the key being incremented the initial value will be 0 plus whatever value was passed in and the entry will be set to not expire:

val, err := cache.Increment("a", 1) // a = 1
// handle err

val, err := cache.Increment("a", 10) // a = 11
// handle err

val, err := cache.Decrement("a", 2) // a = 9
// handle err

val, err := cache.Decrement("b", 5) // b = -5
// handle err

Removing Items From The Cache

You may remove items from the cache using the Forget or ForgetMany methods:

// Note that res will be true if the cache entry was removed and false 
// if no entry was for the given key
res, err := cache.Forget("key") 
// handle err

// If no error is returned you can assume all keys where deleted. Not present keys will be
// ignored
err := cache.ForgetMany("key1", "key2", "key3")
// handle err

If you want to clear all entries from the cache you can use the Flush method:

err := cache.Flush()
// handle err

Cache Tags

Storing Cache Tagged Items

Cache tags allow you to tag related items in the cache and then flush all cached values that have been assigned a given tag. You may access a tagged cache by passing in an ordered sliced of tag names. For example, let's access a tagged cache and put a value into the cache:

err := cache.Tags("person", "artist").Put("John", "Doe", time.Minute)
// handle err

err := cache.Tags("person", "accountant").Put("Jane", "Doe", time.Minute)
// handle err

Accessing Cache Tagged Items

To retrieve a tagged cache item, pass the same ordered list of tags to the Tags method and then call the any of the methods shown in the Retrieving Items From The Cache section above:

v, err := cache.Tags("person", "artist").GetString("John")
// handle err

v, err := cache.Tags("person", "accountant").GetString("Jane")
// handle err

Removing Tagged Cache Items

You may flush all items that are assigned a tag or list of tags. For example, this statement would remove all caches tagged with either person, accountant, or both. So, both Jane and John would be removed from the cache:

err := cache.Tags("person", "accountant").Flush()
// handle err

In contrast, this statement would remove only cached values tagged with accountant, so Jane would be removed, but not John:

err := cache.Tags("accountant").Flush()
// handle err

In addition you can also call Forget:

res, err := cache.Tags("person", "accountant").Forget("Jane")
// handle err

Important Note: with the exception of the Redis driver, when calling Flush with tags, the underlying entries won't be deleted so please make sure to set expiration values when using tags and flushing.

Accessing Tags

In order to interact with tags directly you can call TagSet on a tagged cache:

// Obtain the underlying tagged cache TagSet instance
ts := cache.Tags("person", "accountant").TagSet()

// Hard deletes cache entries used to hold tag set tags
err := ts.Flush()
// handle err

// Returns the tag ids associated with the provided tag set tags 
ids, err := ts.TagIds()
// handle err

// Resets all the tag set tags
err := ts.Reset()

Atomic Locks

Atomic locks allow for the manipulation of distributed locks without worrying about race conditions. An example of this would be that you only want one process to work on one object at a time, such as the same file should only be uploaded one at a time (we do not want the same file to be uploaded more than once at any given time). You may create and manage locks via the Lock method:

var (
    lock          = cache.Lock("merchant_1", "pid_1", 30 * time.Second)
    acquired, err = lock.Acquire()
if err != nil {
    // handle err
if acquired {
    defer func() {
        // released will be true if the lock was released before expiration
        released, err := lock.Release()
        // handle err
    // do something here

The lock Get method accepts a closure. After the closure is executed, the lock will automatically be released:

acquired, err := cache.Lock("merchant_1", "pid_1", 30 * time.Second).Get(func() error {
    // do something cool here
// handle err
if !acquired {
    // do something

If the lock is not available at the moment you request it, you may instruct the lock to wait for a given duration using a specified wait interval y using the Block method. If the lock cannot be acquired within the specified time limit, a gocache.ErrBlockWaitTimeout will be raised:

var (
    lock          = cache.Lock("merchant_1", "pid_1", time.Minute)
    acquired, err = lock.Block(time.Second, 30 * time.Second, func() error {
        // do something cool here
// handle err
if !acquired {
    // do something

Rate Limiter

This package includes a simple to use rate limiter implementation which, in conjunction with a gocache.Cache instance, provides an easy way to limit any set of operations for a predetermined window of time.

The underlying logic of the Rate Limiter implementation allows for a max number of hits x for a given duration y. If x is exceeded during the y timeframe the Rate Limiter will limit further actions until duration y expires. Once duration y is expired the number of hits x will reset back to 0.


The most basic usage of the Rate Limiter is to throttle a given action. To do so you can call the Throttle method on a Rate Limiter instance as such:

    var (
        // new a RateLimiter instance
        rateLimiter = gocache.NewRateLimiter(cache) // where cache is a gocache.Cache instance
        maxAttempts = 100
        window      = 2 * time.Second
        res, err    = rateLimiter.Throttle("some-key", maxAttempts, window, func() error {
            // Do something here
    // handle err
    // check if request is throttled
    if !res.IsThrottled() {
        // check for remaining attempts
        remaining := res.RemainingAttempts()
        // ...
    } else {
        // check how much you need to wait
        wait := res.RetryAfter()
        // ...

For more flexible functionality you can call the following methods individually:

    // new a RateLimiter instance
    rateLimiter := gocache.NewRateLimiter(cache) // where cache is a gocache.Cache instance

    // increment the number of hits for a given key for a given time decay
    hits, err := rateLimiter.Hit("some-key", time.Minute)
    // handle err
    // get the number of hits for a given key
    hits, err = rateLimiter.Attempts("some-key")
    // handle err
    // get the number of hits left
    remaining, err := rateLimiter.AttemptsLeft("some-key")
    // handle err
    // check if number of hits has been exceeded
    exceeded, err := rateLimiter.TooManyAttempts("some-key", maxAttempts) // maxAttempts = 100
    // handle err
    // reset the number of attempts for a given key
    err = rateLimiter.Clear("some-key")
    // handle err


Find an area you can help with and do it. Open source is about collaboration and open participation. Try to make your code look like what already exists or hopefully better and submit a pull request. Also, if you have any ideas on how to make the code better or on improving its scope and functionality please raise an issue and I will do my best to address it in a timely manner.
