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Crossdata Sandbox

Crossdata provides a sandbox that allows to test its functionality. This sandbox includes Crossdata 0.3.0, Stratio Cassandra, and Cassandra and Stratio Deep Connectors.


Oracle Virtual Box


If you are using Windows system you will need: Git Console or CGYWin

How to get the Crossdata sandbox (Vagrant)

Start with Crossdata is very easy. Just follow this steps:

> mkdir CrossdataSandbox
> cd CrossdataSandbox
> vagrant init stratio/crossdata

At this point we have the vagrant file with the Crossdata configuration ready to start.:

> vagrant up

Now, the sandbox is ready to run.:

> vagrant ssh

Done! You can test Crossdata as you want.

When you finish your tests, you can stop it.:

> vagrant halt

and you can remove the vagrant instance.:

> vagrant destroy

How to get the Crossdata sandbox (OVA)

You can get the OVA file with the Sandbox from this [link]( Once it has been downloaded, just import in your Virtual Box.

First Steps with Crossdata Sandbox

Once you have started the sandbox you can follow this steps:

> sudo su -

Start crossdata:

> cd /etc/init.d
> service crossdata start

Start Connectors:

> service connector_cassandra start
> service connector_deep start

At this point, we have all that we need so now we start crossdata shell:

> cd /opt/sds/crossdata/bin
> ./crossdata-sh

Now you can play with the shell with this example of crossdata use:

The first steps are to attach the connectors...:

xdsh> ADD DATASTORE /etc/sds/connectors/cassandra/CassandraDataStore.xml;
xdsh> ATTACH CLUSTER cassandra_prod ON DATASTORE Cassandra WITH OPTIONS {'Hosts': '[]', 'Port': 9042};
xdsh> ADD CONNECTOR /etc/sds/connectors/cassandra/CassandraConnector.xml;
xdsh> ADD CONNECTOR /etc/sds/connectors/deep/DeepConnector.xml;
xdsh> ATTACH CONNECTOR CassandraConnector TO cassandra_prod WITH OPTIONS {'DefaultLimit': '1000'};
xdsh> ATTACH CONNECTOR DeepConnector TO cassandra_prod WITH OPTIONS {};

Now we can operate as usual...:

xdsh> CREATE CATALOG catalogTest;
xdsh> USE catalogTest;
xdsh> CREATE TABLE tableTest ON CLUSTER cassandra_prod (id int PRIMARY KEY, serial int, name text, rating double, email text);
xdsh> CREATE TABLE tableTest2 ON CLUSTER cassandra_prod (id int PRIMARY KEY, lastname text, age int, company text);

You can insert a few rows by executing:

xdsh> INSERT INTO catalogTest.tableTest(id, serial, name, rating, email) VALUES (999, 54000, 'Peter', 8.9,'');
xdsh> INSERT INTO catalogTest.tableTest(id, serial, name, rating, email) VALUES (1000, 71098, 'Charles', 2.7,'');
xdsh> INSERT INTO catalogTest.tableTest(id, serial, name, rating, email) VALUES (1001, 34539, 'John', 9.3,'');

xdsh> INSERT INTO catalogTest.tableTest2(id, lastname, age, company) VALUES (999, 'Miller', 23, 'Best Company');
xdsh> INSERT INTO catalogTest.tableTest2(id, lastname, age, company) VALUES (1000, 'Fernandez', 35, 'Stratio');
xdsh> INSERT INTO catalogTest.tableTest2(id, lastname, age, company) VALUES (1001, 'Yorke', 42, 'Big Data Company');

You can also insert 900 rows in every table by typing the next command in a system shell:

xdsh> exit

> cd /etc/sds/crossdata/
> java -jar CrossdataClientExample.jar

Now, we can come back to the crossdata shell and see some results:

> cd /opt/sds/crossdata/bin
> ./crossdata-sh

xdsh> USE catalogTest;
xdsh> SELECT * FROM catalogTest.tableTest;
xdsh> SELECT id, age FROM catalogTest.tableTest2;

xdsh> SELECT name, age FROM catalogtest.tabletest INNER JOIN catalogtest.tabletest2 ON;

Let's create a full text index:

xdsh> CREATE FULL_TEXT INDEX myIndex ON tableTest(email);
xdsh> SELECT * FROM tabletest WHERE email MATCH '*yahoo*';

F.A.Q about the sandbox

##### I am in the same directory that I copy the Vagrant file but I have this error::

A Vagrant environment or target machine is required to run this
command. Run vagrant init to create a new Vagrant environment. Or,
get an ID of a target machine from vagrant global-status to run
this command on. A final option is to change to a directory with a
Vagrantfile and to try again.

Make sure your file name is Vagrantfile instead of Vagrantfile.txt or VagrantFile.

##### When I execute vagrant ssh I have this error:

ssh executable not found in any directories in the %PATH% variable. Is an
SSH client installed? Try installing Cygwin, MinGW or Git, all of which
contain an SSH client. Or use your favorite SSH client with the following
authentication information shown below:

We need to install Cygwin or Git for Windows.

For more information please visit